Calico, a cat, always seems to get into trouble, from spilling her milk to crushing the flowers in the garden, but Mama reminds Calico what really matters.
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\f0\fs20 Come and say hello to Calico! She's a fluffy, furry, purry kitten who can't wait to discover the world around her! Toddlers will love to follow Calico as she jumps, climbs, and frolics her way through adventures every day!\cf0\f1\fs18 \par }
What if you could change your life and write your own story? What if you could make your dreams come true? To say Bones isn't thrilled with his dead-end job at the Venus Motel would be an understatement. But when you're fifteen with no family, expecting any prospects for your future feels pretty pointless. You just have to roll with the whims of the powers that be. And the motel owner, Calico Foster, can't keep herself afloat, much less rescue a lost kid. A job is all she can offer. Why Jimmy La Roux chooses the Venus to land at when he rolls out of the desert and into the parking lot is more than anyone knows. But with a rattle of Harley pipes and a cloud of dissipating dust, he roars in, fresh from blasting through the cosmos, ready to change all of their lives. Complete with jeans, boots, hair and muttonchops swept back from cosmic winds, and muscles like ropes, he looks like he could take on any sorrow and wrestle it into submission. And he's wielding a magic box that makes anything that goes into it disappear forever… Welcome to the Venus Motel, where a million stars dance above the neon and things are almost never what they seem. With a cast of characters including a blues-playing magician biker, a broken singer running away from her past, a couple of down-and-out crooks, a lovelorn cowboy, and a famous author drowning his demons in a bottle of rum, Venus Sings the Blues is vivid, quirky ride into the desert Southwest. Like all of Buck Storm's stories, it's full of humor and depth, and takes a lyrical look at God's love and his pursuit of man in a style reminiscent of an engaging blend of Jimmy Buffet and Gabriel García Márquez.
Meet Calico -- a fluffy, puffy, itty-bitty kitten who can't wait to discover the world around her. Follow Calico as she jumps, climbs, and frolics her way through a very adventurous day!
Talented graphic designer, Moira Sinclair, has a promising career and a life that she loves. One day her reclusive Great-uncle, Caleb, passes away and Moira is surprised to learn that she is named as his sole heir. In his will, she inherits everything. As Moira uncovers the realities of the inheritance, life changing and long-hidden secrets from the past are uncovered. She is forced to deal with several unusual - even shocking - situations. Moira - a name derived from the old Greek word, "Moirai", which means destiny or fate. It is a strong name chosen for her by her father. Will Moira discover what her destiny is to be?
"After a horse drags him through the countryside, Israel McKenna awakes bruised and battered in a field in Pancake Valley, Colorado. He can recall where he came from and where he was going, but the memory of how he came to be on the Pancake homestead eludes him. He's certain he did something wrong to deserve such a harsh punishment--and so is the beautiful woman who reluctantly comes to his aid"--Page 4 of cover.
It landed on our planet centuries ago with a mission of conquest. Since that time the Being has waited for the right moment and the right ally with which to begin. In unhappy young Billy Beaudet it has found the perfect partner. Billy thinks he has been given a divine gift which will solve his problems. But there are unintended consequences. People are being killed and injured, and homes are being robbed nightly by a criminal which seemingly cannot be caught. As the body count rises, it is up to a veteran police detective to get to the cause of the disruptive events in Garden Pines. Can he solve the mystery and prevent an imminent invasion of the earth?
This is the third book in Mottola Hudon's Buffettesque Romantic Suspense series. IF IT ALL BLOWS UP AND GOES TO HELL follows the life of a small town Midwestern girl and her Trop-rock husband as they battle both mother nature and human nature from Key West, to Illinois, to France. Will their past come back to haunt them or will it ultimately save their lives? Mottola Hudon's books are Parrothead favorites, voted Readers' Choice for Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville Book Club and holding a place of their own on Mr. Buffett's personal bookshelf.