By following this guide, readers who are unsatisfied with their current career paths will learn to recognize the 10 crucial warning signs, rate themselves on the complete job burnout scale, envision their ideal working conditions, and more.
Professional musicians who perform in hospitals, retirement homes and prisons, creatively stimulated by the residents; babies crawling over exercise mats, enjoying classical music together with their parents; concert-goers who take their seats between the musicians in order to experience music up close with all their senses - the opportunities to make and experience music are almost unlimited. Various actors in the field of classical music have taken this as a chance to develop a wide range of new artistic and educational practices over the last two decades, aiming to facilitate in-depth aesthetic experiences, to diversify and bond with audiences and to encourage active cultural participation. The contributors focus on the innovative potential of Musikvermittlung as a social bridge-builder for concert life, (higher) music education, research and social life.
Popular Science gives our readers the information and tools to improve their technology and their world. The core belief that Popular Science and our readers share: The future is going to be better, and science and technology are the driving forces that will help make it better.
Pain is an epidemic. It prevents you from performing at your best because it robs you of concentration, power, and peace of mind. But most pain is preventable and treatable, and healing is within your grasp. Hundreds of thousands of people around the globe have taken life “by the balls” and circumvented a dismal future of painkillers, surgeries, and hopelessness by using Jill Miller’s groundbreaking Roll Model Method. The Roll Model gives you the tools to change the course of your life in less than 5 minutes a day. You are a fully equipped self-healing organism, and this book will guide you through easy-to-perform self-massage techniques that will erase pain and improve your performance in whatever activities you pursue. The Roll Model teaches you how to improve the quality of your life no matter your size, shape, or condition. Within these pages you will find: • Inspiring stories of people just like you who have altered the course of their lives by using the Roll Model Method • Accessible explanations of how and why this system works based on the science of your body and the physiological effects of rolling • Step-by-step rolling techniques to help awaken your body’s resilience from head to toe so that you have more energy, less stress, and greater performance Whether you’re living with constant discomfort, seeking to improve your mobility, or trying to avoid medication and surgery, this book provides empowering and effective solutions for becoming your own best Roll Model.
"How To Tune-up Your Marriage For Life" was written out of concern for the thousands of marriages that have been broken down;failed to reach their potentials, or ended in divorce. The purpose of this book is to help married couples enjoy their marriage.Every day we are faced with crunch time schedules and high demands to succeed in our busineses and our careers.This leaves us with much time for anything,much less our marriage. In this book you will learn how to take time to assess your your own life and to see how to improve your it,your relationship, and your marriage.You can have the most wonderful marriage ever,but you must give it the regular tune-ups needed to keep it alive.
Popular Mechanics inspires, instructs and influences readers to help them master the modern world. Whether it’s practical DIY home-improvement tips, gadgets and digital technology, information on the newest cars or the latest breakthroughs in science -- PM is the ultimate guide to our high-tech lifestyle.
Popular Science gives our readers the information and tools to improve their technology and their world. The core belief that Popular Science and our readers share: The future is going to be better, and science and technology are the driving forces that will help make it better.
Hugh W. Connelly is the managing member of Independent Retirement Advisers, LLC (“IR Advisers”), a NJ-based investment adviser. Hugh became very frustrated with the performance in his own 401K plan. He founded IR Advisers to help people better manage their 401K retirement plans. Hugh is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). There are only about 100,000 CFAs in the world. He is also a Certified Fund Specialist (CFS). Hugh is an adjunct professor of fi nance at Strayer University in Philadelphia. Married with three children, Hugh is a British car enthusiast and an avid runner. He has completed over 24 marathons including the marathons in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Reykjavik, Dublin, Rome and the Athens Marathon in Greece.