Shows, in detail and with examples, how educational theory and research can be translated into practice. This book provides descriptions of successful strategies that have been used to bridge the gap among theory, research, and practice.
This book is a collection of articles which highlight the fact that good translation theory is based on information gained from practice. At the same time, good practice is based on carefully worked-out theory. The two are interdependent. The authors who have contributed are persons who know the importance of both theory and practice and the tension between the two. They are not only translators but also have long experience in training others. The articles cover a wide variety of topics grouped in five sections. The first presents four graphic descriptions of what happens when one translates. The second looks at aspects of the application of theory from the backgrounds of European and Asian translation practices. The third has excellent articles which apply theory to the fields of poetry, opera, drama, and humor. The fourth section provides four ways of putting theory into practice. The fifth gives language specific examples and the last section deals with the application of theory and practice to teaching in an academic context.
This book argues that the subjective evaluation of the product must give way to a descriptive and objective attempt to reveal the workings of the process (ie translating). Without such a shift, translation theory will continue outside the mainstream of intellectual activity in human sciences and fail to take its rightful place as a major field in applied Linguistics.
Translation: Theory and Practice: A Historical Reader responds to the need for a collection of primary texts on translation, in the English tradition, from the earliest times to the present day. Based on an exhaustive survey of the wealth of available materials, the Reader demonstrates throughout the link between theory and practice, with excerpts not only of significant theoretical writings but of actual translations, as well as excerpts on translation from letters, interviews, autobiographies, and fiction. The collection is intended as a teaching tool, but also as an encyclopaedia for the use of translators and writers on translation. It presents the full panoply of approaches to translation, without necessarily judging between them, but showing clearly what is to be gained or lost in each case. Translations of key texts, such as the Bible and the Homeric epic, are traced through the ages, with the same passages excerpted, making it possible for readers to construct their own map of the evolution of translation and to evaluate, in their historical contexts, the variety of approaches. The passages in question are also accompanied by ad verbum versions, to facilitate comparison. The bibliographies are likewise comprehensive. The editors have drawn on the expertise of leading scholars in the field, including the late James S. Holmes, Louis Kelly, Jonathan Wilcox, Jane Stevenson, David Hopkins, and many others. In addition, significant non-English texts, such as Martin Luther's "Circular Letter on Translation," which may be said to have inaugurated the Reformation, are included, helping to set the English tradition in a wider context. Related items, such as the introductions to their work by Tudor and Jacobean translators or the work of women translators from the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries have been brought together in "collages," marking particularly important moments or developments in the history of translation. This comprehensive reader provides an invaluable and illuminating resource for scholars and students of translation and English literature, as well as poets, cultural historians, and professional translators.
This outstanding collection brings together eminent contributors (from Britain, the US, Brazil, India and Canada) to examine crucial interconnections between postcolonial theory and translation studies. Examining the relationships between language and power across cultural boundaries, this collection reveals the vital role of translation in redefining the meanings of culture and ethnic identity. The essay topics include: * links between centre and margins in intellectual transfer * shifts in translation practice from colonial to post-colonial societies. * translation and power relations in Indian languages * Brazilian cannibalistic theories in literary transfer.
Lawrence Venuti is one of the most important theorists in translation studies and his work has helped shape the development of this vibrant field. Translation Changes Everything brings together thirteen of his most significant articles.
Robinson reveals how to translate faster and more accurately, how to deal with problems and stress, and how the market works. This second edition has been revised throughout, and includes an exploration of new technologies used by translators.
Contextualizing Translation Theories: Aspects of Arabic–English Interlingual Communication provides critical readings of available strategies of translating, ranging from the familiar concept of equivalence, to strategies of modulation, domestication, foreignization and mores of translation. As such, this volume demonstrates to the reader the pros and cons of each of these strategies within a theoretical context that is augmented by translational tasks and examples, most derived from actual textual data.
Exploring Translation Theories presents a comprehensive analysis of the core contemporary paradigms of Western translation theory. The book covers theories of equivalence, purpose, description, uncertainty, localization, and cultural translation. This second edition adds coverage on new translation technologies, volunteer translators, non-lineal logic, mediation, Asian languages, and research on translators’ cognitive processes. Readers are encouraged to explore the various theories and consider their strengths, weaknesses, and implications for translation practice. The book concludes with a survey of the way translation is used as a model in postmodern cultural studies and sociologies, extending its scope beyond traditional Western notions. Features in each chapter include: An introduction outlining the main points, key concepts and illustrative examples. Examples drawn from a range of languages, although knowledge of no language other than English is assumed. Discussion points and suggested classroom activities. A chapter summary. This comprehensive and engaging book is ideal both for self-study and as a textbook for Translation theory courses within Translation Studies, Comparative Literature and Applied Linguistics.