Presents training principles for the multisport mountain athlete who regularly participates in a mix of distance running, ski mountaineering, and other endurance sports that require optimum fitness and customized strength
The importance of improving and maintaining employees’ psychological health is now widely recognized by occupational health researchers and practitioners, business leaders, human resource professionals, and policy makers alike. Indeed, a growing body of research has established that psychological well-being is one of the most important factors in job performance. The Mindful and Effective Employee offers an evidence-based workplace training program based on acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). The program is specifically designed to improve employees’ psychological health—as well as their effectiveness at work and in their personal lives—through a combination of mindfulness and values-guided behavioral skills. This book is designed for use by psychologists, coaches, occupational health practitioners, and human resource professionals who are interested in improving employee well-being, performance, and quality of life. The training program described in this book is designed to: • Promote employee self-awareness • Help employees find purpose, direction, and meaning • Offer new ways to improve work and life effectiveness • Help employees identify and pursue valued goals and actions
Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is among the most remarkable developments in contemporary psychotherapy. This second edition of the pioneering ACT skills-training manual for clinicians provides a comprehensive update—essential for both experienced practitioners and those new to using ACT and its applications. ACT is a proven-effective treatment for numerous mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, stress, addictions, eating disorders, schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, and more. With important revisions based on new developments in contextual behavioral science, Learning ACT, Second Edition includes up-to-date exercises and references, as well as material on traditional, evidence-based behavioral techniques for use within the ACT framework. In this fully revised and updated edition of Learning ACT, you’ll find workbook-format exercises to help you understand and take advantage of ACT’s unique six process model—both as a tool for diagnosis and case conceptualization, and as a basis for structuring treatments for clients. You’ll also find up-to-the-minute information on process coaching, new experiential exercises, an increased focus on functional analysis, and downloadable extras that include role-played examples of the core ACT processes in action. By practicing the exercises in this workbook, you’ll learn how this powerful modality can improve clients’ psychological flexibility and help them to live better lives. Whether you’re a clinician looking for in-depth training and better treatment outcomes for individual clients, a student seeking a better understanding of this powerful modality, or anyone interested in contextual behavioral science, this second edition provides a comprehensive revision to an important ACT resource.
What is a committed employee? Are such employees better or worse off than uncommitted employees? What are the organizational advantages and disadvantages of having a committed workforce? This book overviews academic and popular perspectives on commitment in employees. It examines the multiple faces of commitment and the links that have been established between the various forms of commitment and organizational behaviour. In addition, questions concerning individual differences, organizational characteristics, job characteristics and work experiences associated with commitment are explored. The volume concludes with a discussion of what organizations can do to manage commitment effectively, including under difficult circumst
Your organization's survival depends on employee training - to brush off the importance of upgrading the skills of your employees is a dangerous strategic mistake. Based upon the STEM model, this book will show organizational decision-makers and human resource practitioners how to make quality employee training an integral part of the strategic planning process - and ensure the competitiveness of the organization.
You'll never see leadership the same way again after reading this book. These fifteen commitments are a distillation of decades of work with CEOs and other leaders. They are radical or provocative for many. They have been game changers for us and for our clients. We trust that they will be for you too. Our experience is that unconscious leadership is not sustainable. It won't work for you, your team or your organization in the long term. Unconscious leadership can deliver short term results, but the costs of living and leading unconsciously are great. Fear drives most leaders to make choices that are at odds with healthy relationships, vitality and balance. This fear leaves a toxic residue that won't be as easily tolerated in an increasingly complex business environment. Conscious leadership offers the antidote to fear. These pages contain a comprehensive road map to guide you to shift from fear-based to trust-based leadership. Once you learn and start practicing conscious leadership you'll get results in the form of more energy, clarity, focus and healthier relationships. You'll do more and more of what you are passionate about, and less of what you do out of obligation. You'll have more fun, be happier, experience less drama and be more on purpose. Your team will get results as well. They'll be more collaborative, creative, energized and engaged. They'll solve issues faster, and once resolved the issues won't resurface. Drama and gossip will all but disappear, and the energy and resources that fueled them will be redirected towards innovation and creativity. Any one of these commitments will change your life. All of them together are revolutionary. Leaders who practice the 15 commitments: - End blame and criticism - Speak candidly, openly and honestly, in a way that invites others to do the same - Find their unique genius - Let go of taking everything-especially themselves and their problems-so seriously - Create win for all solutions - Experience a new relationship to time and money where there is always enough What do you need to bring to the table? Be curious. Sounds so simple, and yet in our experience it's a skill few have mastered. Most of us are far more interested in being right and proving it, than we are in learning, growing and shifting out of our old patterns. By default we gravitate towards the familiar. We're asking you to take a chance and explore the unfamiliar. You'll get scared and reactive. We all do. So what? Just stay curious and let us introduce you to a whole new world of leadership.
This new, third edition of the best-selling Coaching for Commitment is based on the groundbreaking coaching work of the late Dennis C. Kinlaw. In this thoroughly revised and updated edition the authors, Cindy Coe and Amy Zehnder clearly show that coaching is a proven strategy for improving performance in today’s environment of intense competitiveness for total customer satisfaction, continuous improvement, and the drive to deliver superior products and services. This book includes the most current coaching strategies and methodologies and provides information on the latest definitions of what coaching is and ways to succeed at coaching. The authors take Kinlaw’s concept of tying coaching and commitment one step further and make commitment to action part of a new coaching model. Coaching for Commitment offers a practical, how-to guide to coaching for anyone (no matter what their skill level) who wants to hone their coaching skills for a range of circumstances and using a variety of methods--face-to-face, with a virtual team, on the fly, by phone, or e-mail. Coaching for Commitment is filled with easy to use tools, illustrative examples, and sample coaching conversations that clearly show how to use the coaching process, understand the underlying model, and develop the needed skills.
The information in Organizational Performance in a Nutshell provides a comprehensive framework for understanding questions like why does one organization thrive while another struggles for survival even though both are operating in the same industry, or how can some of the largest global organizations such as GM, Ford, Chrysler, Home Depot, Sears, Kmart, Airbus, Citigroup, Gateway, and Dell perform so poorly after being such colossal leaders in their industry? A new way of thinking about organizational effectiveness will emerge from the information contained in this book. In sum, organizational performance in a nutshell will be revealed.
Using a courtroom trial as a metaphor, Training on Trial seeks to get to the truth about why training fails and puts the business partnership model to work for real. While upbeat lingo abounds about “complementing strategic objectives” and “driving productivity,” the fact is that most training does not make a significant enough impact on business results, and when it does, training professionals fail to make a convincing case about the value added to the bottom line. The vaunted “business partnership model” has yet to be realized?and in tough economic times, when the training budget is often the first to be cut, training is on trial for its very existence. Readers on both sides of the “courtroom” will learn how to: Build expertise and become genuinely involved in your company's or client's business Pledge to work together to positively impact a pressing business need or pivotal business opportunity Ask the jury their expectations and revise your own to be more realistic and mutually satisfying Develop a plan, targeting the key drivers of performance success after training has taken place Execute your initiative and deliver a stellar ROESM (Return on Expectations) A thought-provoking read for trainers and business unit leaders alike, Training on Trial provides a new application of the Kirkpatrick Four-Level Evaluation Model and a multitude of tips and techniques that allow lessons learned to be put into action now.