Tectonics of Strike-slip Restraining and Releasing Bends

Tectonics of Strike-slip Restraining and Releasing Bends

Author: W. D. Cunningham

Publisher: Geological Society of London

Published: 2007

Total Pages: 496

ISBN-13: 9781862392380


This volume addresses the tectonic complexity and diversity of strike-slip restraining and releasing bends with 18 contributions divided into four thematic sections: a topical review of fault bends and their global distribution; bends, sedimentary basins and earthquake hazards; restraining bends, transpressional deformation and basement controls on development; releasing bends, transtensional deformation and fluid flow.

Control of Rupture Behavior by a Restraining Double-bend from Slip Rates on the Altyn Tagh Fault

Control of Rupture Behavior by a Restraining Double-bend from Slip Rates on the Altyn Tagh Fault

Author: Austin John Elliott


Published: 2014

Total Pages:

ISBN-13: 9781321608465


Geometric complexities such as bends and stepovers along strike-slip faults impact the propagation of earthquake ruptures and can control the ultimate sizes of earthquakes. The ability of a rupture to propagate through a geometric complexity constitutes a fundamental predictor of seismic hazard, as the resulting length of a seismic fault rupture dictates the extent, intensity, and duration of damaging ground motion. Simulations of individual ruptures along a simple fault system indicate that bends of sufficient length or angle halt earthquake ruptures, yet simulations of rupture over multiple seismic cycles reveal that specific local geometry and the history of prior ruptures further modulate this behavior. Thus, assessing the proportion of ruptures that terminate at versus propagate through a geometric complexity requires specific geologic observations of fault geometry and seismic history. To investigate to what extent geometry alone controls rupture length, and validate the predictions of numerical models with observational data, I investigate the geomorphic record of multiple Quaternary earthquake cycles at the Aksay restraining double-bend on the Altyn Tagh fault (ATF) in western China. At the Aksay bend two overlapping subparallel strike-slip faults (the northern--NATF--and southern--SATF--Altyn Tagh faults) permit testing of model predictions for different fault bend angles. First I document the size and extent of the most recent earthquake (MRE) along the SATF, mapping 95 km of continuous fresh rupture as well as 70 measurements of small offsets that represent average coseismic slip of 5.6 m. Importantly, I constrain the eastward extent of this MRE and several before it at the most highly misoriented reach of the Aksay bend. Through Beryllium-10 exposure age dating of an undeformed Pleistocene alluvial deposit covering the fault, I demonstrate that no other Quaternary ruptures of the SATF have propagated farther through the bend than the MRE. Together with 270 km of fresh rupture previously mapped to the west, this minimum rupture length of 95 km, and average slip of 5.6 m, indicate a large magnitude M(w)>7.8) for this event. I measure Quaternary slip-rates at four locations spanning the bend on each of the two faults, in order to assess, using accumulated slip, how frequently and where prior ruptures have terminated within the bend. I present a new geomorphic interpretation of the controversial Huermo Bulak He slip rate site on the eastern NATF, at which prior studies reported contradictory slip rates based on conflicting mapping. The rate I determine of 6.3 (+2.1)/(-1.6) mm/yr−1 is substantially lower than some earlier estimates at this site, but agrees with rates determined here from both geodetic modeling and older offset geomorphic markers. At this site and the others I employ optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) burial-age dating of surface-capping loess deposits to interpret abandonment ages of geomorphic surfaces. Using cross-cutting relationships to interpret geomorphic history of deposition and incision at these sites, I relate these surface ages to offset piercing lines to obtain time-averaged slip rates. The resulting distribution of slip rates on each fault define opposing gradients on the west side of the Aksay bend, ranging from 6.3 (+2.1)/(-1.6) mm/yr−1 in the east to 2.1 ± 0.7 mm/yr−1 in the west on the NATF over a 150 km length of fault, but declining abruptly within 50 km on the SATF from 4.1 ± 0.4 mm/yr−1 in the west to effectively zero in the middle of the bend, with only a fraction of the fault-zone slip rate accommodated locally in the east (0.8 ± 0.3 mm/yr−1). This distribution of slip rates indicates that ruptures repeatedly stop at the bend on the SATF, but propagate through on the NATF. These slip gradients reveal persistence of a geometric barrier along the SATF through multiple earthquake cycles, and suggest the absence of a barrier on the NATF. These observed slip rates agree well with the synthetic slip rate distributions derived from numerical models of multiple rupture cycles along the Aksay bend fault system, validating the physics-based behavior in the models. These models, developed by collaborators in parallel with this observational study, provide the extents and distributions of individual earthquake ruptures that sum to produce the long-term slip rates, presenting the ensemble of possible ruptures that geology alone cannot distinguish. Together, the observational results presented here and the corresponding model results indicate that the vast majority of large ruptures halt along the most highly misoriented reach of the SATF, but that the less misoriented NATF remains favorable for occasional rupture. These results demonstrate that numerical modeling, tuned by field observations, may offer probabilistic estimates of the proportion of ruptures that violate expected barriers to propagation and thus generate larger, more damaging earthquakes.

Strike-slip Deformation, Basin Formation, and Sedimentation

Strike-slip Deformation, Basin Formation, and Sedimentation

Author: Kevin T. Biddle

Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers

Published: 1985

Total Pages: 408



The volume is organized into three sections entitled Overview, Extensional Settings and Contractional Settings together with a glossary of terms having to do with strike-slip deformation, basin formation and sedimentation.

Deformational mechanisms along active strike-slip faults

Deformational mechanisms along active strike-slip faults

Author: Stacey Ann Tyburski


Published: 1992

Total Pages: 388



The northwest part of the North America-Caribbean plate boundary zone is characterized by active, left-lateral strike-slip faults that are well constrained seismically and are corroborated by on- and offshore geologic mapping. The onshore plate boundary zone comprises the Motogua and Polochic fault systems of southern Guatemala which join and continue offshore as the Swan Islands fault zone along the southern edge of the Cayman trough. At the Mid-Cayman spreading center in the central Caribbean Sea, the fault motion is transferred at a 100 km wide left-step in the fault system to the Oriente fault zone. A third system, the Walton fault zone, continues east from the Mid-Cayman Spreading center to define the Gonave microplate. Seafloor features produced by strike-slip faulting along the Swan Islands and Walton fault zones have been imaged and mapped using the SeaMARC II side-scan sonar and swath bathymetric mapping system, single-channel seismic data, multichannel seismic data and 3.5 kHz depth profiles. Structures mapped along the Swan Islands and Walton fault zones include: 1) twenty-six restraining bends and five releasing bends ranging in size from several kilometers in area to several hundred kilometers in area; 2)en echelon folds which occur only within the restraining bends; 3) straight, continuous fault segments of up to several tens of kilometers in length; 4) restraining and releasing bends forming in "paired" configurations; and 5) a fault-parallel fold belt fold and thrust belt adjacent to a major restraining bend. The features observed along the Swan Islands and Walton fault systems are compared to other features observed along other strike-slip fault systems, from which empirical models have previously been derived. Based on the features observed in these strike-slip systems, a rigid plate scenario is envisioned where the geometry of the fault and the direction of plate motion have controlled the types of deformation that have occurred. In a related study, microtectonic features in an area of Neogene extension within the northwestern Caribbean plate were investigated in order to provide insight on the nature of intraplate deformation related to the motion along the plate boundary. Microtectonic features were measured in the Sula-Yojoa rift of northwestern Honduras with the intention of inverting the data to estimate stress states responsible for the observed strains. Data inversion for the estimation of stress states could not be undertaken with the available measurements, however, the observations made can be used to support several existing models for the intraplate deformation as well as to encourage the elimination of other models.

Numerical Modeling of Deformation Within Restraining Bends and the Implications for the Seismic Hazard of the San Gorgonio Pass Region, Southern California

Numerical Modeling of Deformation Within Restraining Bends and the Implications for the Seismic Hazard of the San Gorgonio Pass Region, Southern California

Author: Jennifer Hatch


Published: 2019

Total Pages:



Assessment of seismic hazards in southern California may be improved with more accurate characterization of active geometry, stress state, and slip rates along the active San Andreas fault strands within the San Gorgonio Pass region. For example, on-going debate centers on the activity and geometry of the Mill Creek and Mission Creek strands. Calculated misfits of model slip rates to geologic slip rates for six alternative active fault configuration models through the San Gorgonio Pass reveal two best-fitting models, both of which fit many but not all available geologic slip rates. Disagreement between the model and geologic slip rates indicate where the model fault geometry is kinematically incompatible with the interpreted geologic slip rate, suggesting that our current knowledge of the fault configuration and/or slip rates may be inaccurate. Focal mechanism of microseismicity can estimate stress state; however, within the San Bernardino basin, some focal mechanisms show slip that is inconsistent with the interseismic strike-slip loading of the region. We show that deep creep along the nearby northern San Jacinto fault can account for this discrepancy. Consequently, if local stresses are estimated using these focal mechanisms, the resulting information about fault loading may be inaccurate. We also use another way to estimate the present-day, by calculating evolved fault tractions along a portion of the San Andreas fault using the time since last earthquake, fault stressing rates (which account for fault interaction), and co-seismic models of the impact of recent nearby earthquakes. Because this method considers the loading history of each fault, the evolved tractions differ significantly from the resolved regional tractions and can provide more accurate initial conditions for dynamic rupture models within regions of complex fault geometry. Numerical models of restraining bends in a viscoelastic material have implications for how we model the Earth's crust. Deforming the model at faster velocities decreases the amount of visco-relaxation, allowing the model to behave more elastically. Viscoelastic models allow for velocity-dependent deformation, which could improve our understanding of crustal deformation, especially within complex fault systems.

Evolution of Off-fault Deformation Along Analog Strike-slip Faults

Evolution of Off-fault Deformation Along Analog Strike-slip Faults

Author: Alexandra Elise Hatem


Published: 2014

Total Pages: 90



Strike-slip faults evolve to accommodate more fault slip, resulting in less off-fault deformation. In analog experiments, the measured fault slip to off-fault deformation ratios are similar to those measured in crustal strike-slip systems, such as the San Andreas fault system. Established planar faults have the largest fault slip to off-fault deformation ratio of ~0.98. In systems without a pre-existing fault surface, crustal thickness and basal detachment conditions affect shear zone width and roughness. However, once the applied plate displacement is 1-2 times the crustal thickness, partitioning of deformation between fault slip and off-fault distributed shear is >0.90, regardless of the basal boundary conditions. In addition, at any moment during the evolution of the analog fault system, the ratio of fault slip to off-fault deformation is larger than the cumulative ratio. We also find that the upward and lateral propagation of faults as an active shear zone developing early in the experiments has greater impact on the system's strike-slip efficiency than later interaction between non-collinear fault segments. For bends with stepover distance of twice the crustal thickness, the fault slip to off-fault deformation ratio increases up to ~0.80-0.90, after applied plate displacement exceeds twice the crustal thickness. Propagation of new oblique-slip faults around sharp restraining bends reduces the overall off-fault deformation within the fault system. In contrast, fault segments within gentle restraining bends continue to slip and the propagation of new oblique-slip faults have less effect on the system's efficiency than for sharp restraining bends.

Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms

Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms

Author: Henrik Hargitai

Publisher: Springer

Published: 2015-08-15

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9781461431336


The technique of the mapping of planetary surfaces and the methods used for the identification of various planetary landforms improved much in the last 400 years. Until the 20th century, telescopic observers could interpret planetary landforms solely based on their appearance, while today various data sets acquired by space probes can be used for a more detailed analysis on the composition and origin of the surface features. Before the Greeks, the Earth and the Heavens were indisputably of different origin and nature. It was a major philosophical breakthrough - first appeared as an a priori theory, later based on observations - that the Heavens (planetary bodies) and the Earth share common features: gravity, composition and solar distance may be different, but the nature of the physical processes shaping the landforms are essentially the same. It has been a long way since we have arrived from the first telescopic description of lunar craters to the identification of various geological formations on Mars or on minor planets. Relief features of the Moon have first been observed by Galileo Galilee, via his telescope. During the next centuries, a multitude of Lunar landforms have been identified. Theories based on observations have been connected together by a scientific paradigm which explained their origin in a logical and seemingly undisputable manner. Telescopes showed a Lunar surface full of circular landforms, called craters, a landscape with no parallel on Earth. But the individual landforms had a morphological equivalent, volcanoes, which naturally led to the conclusion that craters had been created by volcanic processes. Maria ("seas") served as natural basins for water bodies. Observations clearly showed that water and air are hardly found on the Moon, the lack of clouds indicated the lack of precipitation. But the flat surface of the maria (obviously composed of marine sediments) and the meandering valleys suggested the presence of liquid water and a higher atmospheric pressure in the past - during the age of active volcanism and degassing. There were no observable active volcanic processes but some craters (though to be volcanoes) have been observed as being active: flashes of light - interpreted as eruptions - have been reported by several observers. The presence of pyroclasts thrown out from the volcanic vents of craters provided an independent evidence: meteor showers and individual meteorites falling from the sky - originating from Lunar craters. The logical and interconnected set of explanations based on observations proved to be completely false by the second half of the 20th century. The new paradigm interpreted the very same features in a new context. The case of Mars was different. There were no telescopes capable of observing relief forms (no shadows on Mars are visible from the Earth, because Mars always shows a nearly full Mars phase), so only albedo features could be seen and used for interpretation. The lack of visible relief features were interpreted as a lack of considerable topography: an unnoticed distortion in the observational data. The hue and contrast of dark and bright, orange, grey and white spots have changed seasonally, the polar areas clearly showed a polar cap made of ice and snow, but clouds have not been observed. Since Mars is farther away from the Sun than the Earth, it was evident that temperature values are lower there. Scientists concluded that Mars is an ancient, arid world. Then contemporary geology taught the theory according to which waters on the Earth are going to infiltrate underground in time, making the surface dry - observations showed that this had already happened on Mars. The last surface reservoirs of water were the polar caps. Some observers reported seeing a global network of linear features, but other have only seen very few of such albedo markings. These features were interpreted as "canals," made by a civilization for irrigation, carrying water from the poles to all around the flat plains of Mars. What was observable from the Earth were the broad stripes of irrigated vegetation (like those along the Nile), the canals themselves were too narrow to be visible from here. All theories converged - supposing that the features seen by some, but not seen by others, were real. There was no chance for verification until spacecrafts have been developed which were able to make local observations. Instead of canals, the first pictures returned revealed a surface full of craters - a landform not expected by anyone. A paradigm shift was needed to explain the features of the "new" Mars. On the Moon, features were observable, but the interpretation was wrong. On Mars, only blurred albedo markings could be observed, along with sharp lines of imagination, which again were interpreted falsely. In the case of Venus, there was no data on surface features. Only its bright cloud top could be observed from the Earth. But this fact along with the planet's orbital parameters provided enough information for a popular view on its surface conditions: a hot world (inferred from its proximity to the Sun) and also a rainy one (from its complete cloud cover). The conclusion: Venus is a global jungle possibly with dinosaurs, like the hot and wet world of the then-discovered Mesozoic era. Our current knowledge originated from these early attempts of interpreting surface conditions and geological origin of landforms from a very little set of available data. Today we have a huge set of images and other physical data which makes it possible to create models on the inner structure and thermal history of planetary bodies. Combined data sets lead to better supported models on the formation of surface features. Today we believe that most models give reliable explanation for the origin of planetary landforms. New, higher resolution images reveal new sets of meso- and microscale landforms, while images from previously not imaged dwarf planets, satellites, asteroids and cometary nuclei show landforms never seen before. In the future exoplanets are expected to provide brand new types of relief features no predictable by our Earth-and Solar System bound imagination. There are so many different landforms on planetary surfaces that it is nearly impossible for anybody to overview all of them who does not work exactly with that certain feature type. The Encyclopedia helps with presenting the landforms in searchable, alphabetical order. The book contains more than a simple list of various features: it provides context and connections between them and point to their origin. For example sand dunes were found on Venus, Mars and Titan, fluvial valleys and shorelines are present on Mars and Titan, impact craters have many different types - all are presented and explained here. Beyond the texts, references, schematic figures, images and planetary maps accompany the description of landforms, providing a wide background for detailed analyses even for geomorphologists working in planetary science. This book is to help the reader to discover the great variety of planetary landforms.

Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Inner Solar System

Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Inner Solar System

Author: T. Platz

Publisher: Geological Society of London

Published: 2015-01-05

Total Pages: 448

ISBN-13: 1862396329


Volcanism and tectonism are the dominant endogenic means by which planetary surfaces change. This book aims to encompass the broad range in character of volcanism, tectonism, faulting and associated interactions observed on planetary bodies across the inner solar system - a region that includes Mercury, Venus, Earth, the Moon, Mars and asteroids. The diversity and breadth of landforms produced by volcanic and tectonic processes is enormous, and varies across the inner solar system bodies. As a result, the selection of prevailing landforms and their underlying formational processes that are described and highlighted in this volume are but a primer to the expansive field of planetary volcanism and tectonism. This Special Publication features 22 research articles about volcanic and tectonic processes manifest across the inner solar system.

Strike-slip Fault Structure and Fault-system Evolution

Strike-slip Fault Structure and Fault-system Evolution



Published: 2001

Total Pages:



In seismically active regions, faults nucleate, propagate, and form networks that evolve over time. Progressive strain localization and periodic fault pattern re-configuration induce the accumulation and healing of fault zone damage. The damage zones are characterized by distributed fractures, veins, and secondary faults, and may act as barriers for propagating earthquake ruptures, or as nucleation sites for earthquakes. They interact with seismic waves, promoting strong surface motions during earthquakes, and can focus fluid flow and enhance mineralization. In spite of their great scientific, social, and economic significance, interactions between these evolving damage zones and crustal deformation remain unresolved. Indeed, geodynamic models generally treat active faults as surfaces embedded in a medium with non-evolving material properties. For my dissertation projects, I have simulated fault system evolution over thousands of years, applying a rheological model which incorporates concepts of damage mechanics. This model accounts for crack nucleation, growth and concentration (i.e., material degradation), macroscopic failure, and material healing. My Simulations show that strike-slip faults form as segmented structures before evolving into contiguous, simpler structures. Flower structures rapidly form along fault segments (before a total offset of 0.05 km), and stepovers display extensive, permanent damage and ongoing seismicity throughout the seismogenic crust. My models also indicate that the "effectiveness" of material healing strongly affects the spatial extent of damage zones and long-term fault complexity. Effective healing promotes rapid evolution of segmented faults to a simpler through-going fault, and ineffective healing preserves fault complexities, resulting in long-lasting, distributed deformation. I also find that lateral contrasts in lithosphere viscosity structure (or effective plate thickness) attract evolving faults and cause damage and strain t.