The History of East-Central European Eugenics, 1900-1945

The History of East-Central European Eugenics, 1900-1945

Author: Marius Turda

Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing

Published: 2015-08-27

Total Pages: 659

ISBN-13: 1472531361


The History of East-Central European Eugenics, 1900-1945 redefines the European history of eugenics by exploring the ideological transmission of eugenics internationally and its application locally in East-Central Europe. It includes 100 primary sources translated from the East-Central European languages into English for the first time and key contributions from leading scholars in the field from around Europe. This volume examines the main eugenic organisations, as well as individuals and policies that shaped eugenics in Austria, Poland, the former Czechoslovakia, the former Yugoslavia, Hungary and Romania. It also explores the ways in which ethnic minorities interacted with national and international eugenics discourses to advance their own aims and ambitions, whilst providing a comparative analysis of the emergence and development of eugenics in East-Central Europe more generally. Complete with a glossary of terms, a list of all eugenic societies and journals from these countries, as well as a comprehensive bibliography, The History of East-Central European Eugenics, 1900-1945 is a pivotal reference work for students, researchers and academics interested in East-Central Europe and the history of science and national identity in the 20th century.

Gestrinov zbornik

Gestrinov zbornik

Author: Darja Mihelič

Publisher: Založba ZRC

Published: 1999-03-01

Total Pages: 606

ISBN-13: 9616182706


Gestrinov zbornik je zbornik razprav v počastitev osemdesetletnice nestorja slovenske zgodovine akad. prof. dr. Ferda Gestrina. Zbornik poleg predgovora prinaša 48 prispevkov uglednih domačih in tujih avtorjev. V uvodnem delu so združeni bio- in bibliografski podatki o jubilantu. Ostali prispevki so razvrščeni v pet tematskih sklopov. Prvi zajema pet razprav, ki posegajo v obravnavo mediteranskega prostora. Nadaljnji blok devetih prispevkov slika zgodovino vzhodnoalpskega prostora v srednjem in novem veku. Sledi skupina desetih razprav o gospodarski zgodovini. četrti sklop vsebuje dvanajst prispevkov, ki slikajo politično in populacijsko zgodovino od srede 19. stoletja do druge svetovne vojne. Zadnja, peta skupina sedmih prispevkov je heterogena, obravnava pa tematiko šolstva in izobrazbe, teoretična, historiografska in filozofska vprašanja.

Memory Politics and Populism in Southeastern Europe

Memory Politics and Populism in Southeastern Europe

Author: Jody Jensen

Publisher: Routledge

Published: 2021-07-29

Total Pages: 188

ISBN-13: 1000378853


This book explores the politics of memory in Southeastern Europe in the context of rising populisms and their hegemonic grip on official memory and politics. It speaks to the increased political, media and academic attention paid to the rise of discontent, frustration and cultural resistance from below across the European continent and the world. In order to demonstrate the complexities of these processes, the volume transcends disciplinary boundaries to explore memory politics, examining the interconnections between memory and populism. It shows how memory politics has become one of the most important fields of symbolic struggle in the contemporary process of "meaning-making," providing space for actors, movements and other mnemonic entrepreneurs who challenge and point to incoherencies in the official narratives of memory and forgetting. Charting the contemporary rise of populist movements, the volume will be of particular interest to regional specialists in Southeastern Europe, Balkan and postcommunist studies, as well as researchers, activists, policy-makers and politicians at the national and EU levels and academics in the fields of political science, sociology, history, cultural heritage and management, conflict and peace studies.

Sports Law in Croatia

Sports Law in Croatia

Author: Vanja Smokvina

Publisher: Kluwer Law International B.V.

Published: 2017-04-24

Total Pages: 116

ISBN-13: 9041190295


Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this practical analysis of sports law in Croatia deals with the regulation of sports activity by both public authorities and private sports organizations. The growing internationalization of sports inevitably increases the weight of global regulation, yet each country maintains its own distinct regime of sports law and its own national and local sports organizations. Sports law at a national or organizational level thus gains a growing relevance in comparative law. The book describes and discusses both state-created rules and autonomous self-regulation regarding the variety of economic, social, commercial, cultural, and political aspects of sports activities. Self- regulation manifests itself in the form of by-laws, and encompasses organizational provisions, disciplinary rules, and rules of play. However, the trend towards more professionalism in sports and the growing economic, social and cultural relevance of sports have prompted an increasing reliance on legal rules adopted by public authorities. This form of regulation appears in a variety of legal areas, including criminal law, labour law, commercial law, tax law, competition law, and tort law, and may vary following a particular type or sector of sport. It is in this dual and overlapping context that such much-publicized aspects as doping, sponsoring and media, and responsibility for injuries are legally measured. This monograph fills a gap in the legal literature by giving academics, practitioners, sports organizations, and policymakers access to sports law at this specific level. Lawyers representing parties with interests in Croatia will welcome this very useful guide, and academics and researchers will appreciate its value in the study of comparative sports law.

Marija Terezija

Marija Terezija

Author: Miha Preinfalk

Publisher: Založba ZRC

Published: 2018-09-01

Total Pages: 546

ISBN-13: 9610501052


Monografija o Mariji Tereziji se pridružuje številnim obeležitvam 300. obletnice rojstva cesarice Marije Terezije, ki so potekale v letu 2017. Vladarica je bila v preteklosti pogosto objekt znanstvenega raziskovanja, a večinoma v tujem zgodovinopisju. Slovensko zgodovinopisje se je do sedaj z njenim življenjem in vladanjem ukvarjalo sorazmerno malo. Pričujoča monografija tako prinaša številne nove ugotovitve in nove poglede na Marijo Terezijo in njeno dobo. Pri monografiji je sodelovalo več kot dvajset priznanih raziskovalcev, večinoma iz Slovenije, nekaj pa tudi iz tujine. Izhodišče prispevkov je slovenski prostor in vplivi cesaričnih reform nanj. Te reforme so bile korenite, temeljite in dolgoročne, kar pomeni, da njihove učinke čutimo še danes, čeprav se tega morda ne zavedamo. Druga rdeča nit monografije pa je ohranjanje spomina na Marijo Terezijo na Slovenskem kot tudi v njenih nekdanjih deželah, ki so danes samostojne države (Avstrija, Madžarska, Hrvaška in Češka). Monografija je napisana pretežno v slovenskem jeziku, medtem ko so prispevki tujih avtorjev v tujem jeziku (nemško, angleško, italijansko in hrvaško) z daljšim slovenskim povzetkom.

Local Democracy in Post-Communist Europe

Local Democracy in Post-Communist Europe

Author: Harald Baldersheim

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2013-04-17

Total Pages: 288

ISBN-13: 3663106772


Der englischsprachige Band führt ein in die Lokal- und Regionalpolitik der mittel-osteuropäischen Reformländer. Der Band beleuchtet aktuelle Probleme der Kommunal- und Regionalpolitik in den Ländern Mittel-Osteuropas, einschließlich Russlands. Zentral sind Fragen der Beziehungen zwischen zentraler, regionaler und lokaler Politik- und Verwaltungsebene, der lokalen Demokratie und Partizipation sowie Fragen der Verwaltungsmodernisierung.

Household and Family in the Balkans

Household and Family in the Balkans

Author: Karl Kaser

Publisher: LIT Verlag Münster

Published: 2012

Total Pages: 626

ISBN-13: 3643504063


On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the foundation of the 'Balkan Family History Project' at the University of Graz in 1993, this volume unites the most outstanding essays by the project members that have appeared over the course of the previous two decades, scattered in various journals and books. These essays cover the interval from the 19th to the 21st century and reflect the current status of Balkan family research in historical, anthropological, and demographical perspectives. (Series: Studies on South East Europe - Vol. 13)

Red Glow

Red Glow

Author: Davor Konjikušić

Publisher: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG

Published: 2021-12-06

Total Pages: 423

ISBN-13: 3422986480


Davor Konjikušić offers an in-depth presentation and contextualization of the photographs created by Yugoslav partisans between 1941 and 1945. The book goes beyond an aesthetic depiction of the photographs; it also deals with the history of their use and function within one of the biggest anti-fascist movements in Europe during the Second World War. The photographs are used to trace the development of a movement that—while seemingly doomed to certain failure—nevertheless survived the most destructive war in human history. This book provides new answers to the question of photography’s role as a medium and its significance and use in social movements.