Proceedings of the joint conferences of the Twenty-Fifth International ThermalConductivity Conference and the Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Thermal Expansion Symposium, on June 13-16, 1999 in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA.
A quick and easy to use source for qualified thermal properties of metals and alloys. The data tables are arranged by material hierarchy, with summary tables sorted by property value. Values are given for a range of high and low temperatures. Short technical discussions at the beginning of each chapter are designed to refresh the reader's understanding of the properties and units covered in that section
A total of 2519 annotated references to the unclassified report literature is presented. Subjects covered under heat transfer and fluid flow include radioinduced heating; boiling; boiler, evaporators, pump, and heat exchanger design; hydrodynamics; coolants and their properties; thermal and flow instrumentation; high temperature materials; thermal properties of materials; and thermal insulation. Subjects covered less completely include thermodynamics; aerodynamics; high temperature corrosion; corrosion specific to heat transfer systems; erosion; mass transfer; corrosion film formation and effects; coolant processing and radioactivity; radiation effects of heat transfer materials; and pertinent data of thermonuclear processes. Subject, report number availability, and author indexes are given.