The Third Temple / Ezekiel’s Temple, or is it? By Dr. Ian Traill

The Third Temple / Ezekiel’s Temple, or is it? By Dr. Ian Traill

Author: Ian Traill

Publisher: Traillblazer Bookshop

Published: 2011

Total Pages: 72

ISBN-13: 0987084356


In this short book I explain the building of all the Temples from the Tent of Meeting to us as the Temple of God. Also in this book I explain the divisive teaching of the Jews about the building of the Third Temple. The Messiah was born in Bethlehem and then God said in His Word, “My Son will be called out of Egypt” (Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:1-6; Luke 2:1-20; Hosea 11:1; Matthew 2:15). This of course was the case with Jesus and His earthly parents after they escaped to Egypt and then returned years later. All the promises of the Old Testament were fulfilled regarding the Messiah’s coming. It was through Christ who had become the High Priest of good things, a greater and more perfect tabernacle that we have a new and living way to God (Hebrews 8:1-13; 9:11-22; 10:4-24; Matthew 26:17-29; Luke 22:7-20; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26; Ephesians 1:7).

“Why YOU should not become a Christian!”

“Why YOU should not become a Christian!”

Author: Dr. Ian Traill

Publisher: Traillblazer Bookshop

Published: 2015-05-22

Total Pages: 86

ISBN-13: 1921978392


The difference for the Christian is that they are readjusted by the reading of God’s Word transposing one into God’s culture or God’s way of thinking. We will look at Bertrand Russell, the philosopher who expounded the topic of, “Why I Am Not a Christian,” then we will give a rebuttal. In the final chapter of this book I will be using reverse psychology to outline, in a satirical way, why you should NOT become a Christian.

The Pearl of Great Worth!

The Pearl of Great Worth!

Author: Dr. Ian Traill

Publisher: Traillblazer Bookshop


Total Pages: 192

ISBN-13: 1921978406


Have you ever been made to feel worthless or you just feel that way? You may say yes and you may say no, but I want to show that the heart and the vibe of the Bible is a love letter coming from God to us. The Bible may be read and understood by the head but it is the vibe of the WORD that strikes the heart.

Who Am I?

Who Am I?

Author: Ian Traill

Publisher: Traillblazer Bookshop

Published: 2008

Total Pages: 220

ISBN-13: 1931178518


Traill balances the Old Testament with the New Testament outworking to bring the whole topic of who man is into a contemporary, Bible-based understanding.

Mountain Tops - Bible Prophecy as History unfolds

Mountain Tops - Bible Prophecy as History unfolds

Author: Tony Smits B.Th - Ian Traill D.Min

Publisher: Traillblazer Bookshop


Total Pages: 326

ISBN-13: 1921978198


The evidence found in the Old and New Testament of His return is overwhelming, therefore it is safe to conclude, “He is coming back.” So it is evident Jesus is coming back to the Mount of Olives. We see that there is going to be a time of upset, wars, troubles, and earthquakes about and around that time. So when Christ comes back, the earth will undergo a time of great change, trouble and unrest. Scripture is given, not to frighten us, but to tell us something that is certain to happen just before He comes, so we are not asleep but we are eagerly anticipating the coming events.

The Third Temple

The Third Temple

Author: J. Wiskerke-van Dooren


Published: 2008

Total Pages: 72

ISBN-13: 9780980481839


The temple vision of Ezekiel, written down for us in Ezekiel 40-48, is perhaps one of the least accessible portions of the Bible. Jannie Wiskerke - van Dooren has studied this section of Scripture and has written down her thoughts. Characteristic of her discussion of Ezekiel's temple vision is her reverence for the text and the attention she pays to the contextual lines found throughout the Bible. In this respect she walks in the footsteps of the exposition that became established in the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands during the 1930s. Since that time this method of exposition has been practised by the pastors particularly in the Liberated Churches. In this booklet the author specifically targets the members of the Bible-study societies. It may be worthwhile for them to study an unknown Bible section such as Ezekiel 40-48. In this study this booklet will certainly prove to be a reliable guide. This booklet may also stimulate others to immerse themselves in the meaning and significance of this portion of Scripture as a most necessary part of God's revelation of His plans for His people.

He comes, the Isles are living carelessly!

He comes, the Isles are living carelessly!

Author: Tony Smits B.Th and Ian Traill D. Min

Publisher: Traillblazer Bookshop

Published: 2015-02-16

Total Pages: 230

ISBN-13: 1921978309


As we approach a study of the Return of the Lord, let us realize that this is an important and vital truth for us, in the days in which we live. The Second Coming of the Lord is the most prominent doctrine in the Bible. v In the New Testament alone there are more than 300 references to the Second Coming of the Lord. v It is spoken of once in every 25 verses in the N.T. v In the Old Testament there are 20 times as many references to Christ’s Second Coming as there are to His first coming. v The Second Advent is mentioned twice as many times as the atonement. In the face of this strong testimony it is evident that the integrity of the entire Bible is inextricably woven into the promise of Christ’s Return. If He does not come again the Word of God is made a lie, human destiny will lack fulfilment, the consummation of God’s glory will be denied, and the very foundations of the universe will be uprooted (Mark 13:31)!

The Messianic Temple

The Messianic Temple

Author: Archbishop Gloria Grace

Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

Published: 2016-06-28

Total Pages: 334

ISBN-13: 9781519656902


THE MESSIANIC TEMPLE: THE LORD IS HERE is written by divine instruction and direction concerning the Millennial reign of Christ on Earth; when He will dwell with His people and reign upon Mount Zion with His Jewish Prince on the throne of David. He will execute the righteousness and judgments of God upon the nations of the world with His Rod of Iron. This Temple is established in the Heart of God, and physically on Earth. It is the Restoration of the Garden of Eden on Earth and His total consummation of His eternal purpose of the creation of man in His image to be one with Him through our LORD Jesus Christ. In the book therefore, you will learn: *The relevance of the LORD's covenant with Abraham to the Millennial Reign of Christ *His unfailing covenant with David and the Levitical Priesthood *Salvation and the Restoration of the Jews to their Promised Land fulfilling the LORD's covenant with Abraham that his descendants will possess the land of promise forever. *The laws and ordinances of the Temple of the LORD upon His Holy Mountain The true sons of Jacob - not the present Jews *You will understand from the message in the book that there shall be no secret rapture or people left behind to face tribulation. *Finally, why the land of Palestine is not the LORD'S choice for the rebuilding the Third Temple. . The redemption and restoration of the house of Israel and Judah which shall became one nation in the Hands of the LORD, shall be by the spirit of burning and judgment. According to the word of God: For though thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea, yet a remnant of them shall return: the consumption decreed shall overflow with righteousness (Isaiah 10:22). Only one third of the people of Israel and Judah (the Jews) shall be saved and brought into the Promised land, two third shall be cut off and perish as prophesied by Zachariah that: ... it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the LORD, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein. And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The LORD is my God (Zechariah 13:8-9). It shall correspond with the judgement of God upon upon the whole Earth when the LORD Jesus will execute the judgement of God upon the enemies of God and Israel, purge the land of all iniquities and idol worship and settle to rule the nations of the world upon His Holy Mountain (The Messianic Temple). The LORD God will restore His marriage covenant with Israel and dwell with is people forever. His resting place shall be glorious and the whole Earth shall be filled with the knowledge of His Glory. We thank God for fulfilling this prophecy in our generation because Abraham and the prophets of desired to see what is coming in our generations. They saw it afar off and embraced it by faith. We are seeing the fulfillment. To God alone be the glory forever and ever, amen!

Fundamentalism at War By Dr. Ian Traill

Fundamentalism at War By Dr. Ian Traill

Author: Ian Traill D.Min

Publisher: Traillblazer Bookshop


Total Pages: 115

ISBN-13: 1921978120


What is understood as the traditional belief in some cases is actually a break away from what Jesus taught and what Paul wrote. I believe we need to make a paradigm shift, so that we can remove or readjust to a more contemporary understanding of theology. We should examine the assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that have influenced the history of theology in the Church and go through a period of Biblical pursuit, to find out what Scripture truly says.

Synergy of Scripture

Synergy of Scripture

Author: Ian Traill D.Min.

Publisher: Traillblazer Bookshop


Total Pages: 386

ISBN-13: 1921978139


This beautiful term, “through a glass darkly” is found in the Old King James Bible and it is referring to looking into a poor quality mirror getting some distortion in your reflection or as the Darby translation puts it, “through a dim window obscurely”. The “glass darkly” effect of seeing the truth of the Bible only in part is caused by the lapse of time, the history of the Church, non-Spirit led people, a denominational accommodating theology to justify a particular stance and our fallibility as humans. In many cases these factors have caused us at times to be unfaithful to His Word. Some may read this book and say I am a literalist or purist but before you judge me please consider God’s Word when it says in Ephesians 4:5, “one Lord, one faith, one baptism”, which could be a catch-cry for unity in the Body of Christ the Church, but sadly many differ in what even this statement means. A rhetorical question, “Who can say they are 100% correct in their perspective of understanding Scripture?” Here is the challenge; could we make a statement of faith based on Ephesians 4:5 that will bring unity? And if most of us are honest we will say, “I am right and if you adopt what I say then everything will be fine”. Of course this position is unworkable when viewing an attempt of unity. A synergistic understanding of the Bible requires a three point perspective. One, the Bible is God’s Word. Two, the Bible is settled whether I understand it or even believe it. Three, I am blessed if I believe it and follow its direction for my life. While reading this book please consider that God has placed in creation and in His Word a synergy when adhered to will bring a unity.