This novel tells the story of Sid and his sister, Keira Warri. The novel follows the career of Sid Warri. Sid sets out at 16 to win a fortune in the region of wide spaces, and to search for his father, who is the lost squatter. His father in the family's rosier days owned the big run where Sid goes to seek employment. Will Sid find his father?
This book contains the following stories: A Backblock Pubbery - A Courting Catastrophe - A Deal in Brumbies - Bill Studders of Mooli Creek - Bolger's Bargain - Courting Under Difficulties - Cranky - On the Track - Overlanding Story - Some Droving Days in Queensland - Strike Days in Gossip Lane - The Surprise Party
"Collected Short Stories Volume 5" contains short stories by Edward Sorenson, an Australian writer, and poet. An Old Flame-Borabeen-Concerning Bowser-Ham Rolin's Love Affair-Murty's Strange Predicament-Peter Crump's Courtship-Phegan's Academy-The Drovers and the Melon Patch-The Life of the Grey Possum- Three Squatters.
This book explores the puzzling phenomenon of new veiling practices among lower middle class women in Cairo, Egypt. Although these women are part of a modernizing middle class, they also voluntarily adopt a traditional symbol of female subordination. How can this paradox be explained? An explanation emerges which reconceptualizes what appears to be reactionary behavior as a new style of political struggle--as accommodating protest. These women, most of them clerical workers in the large government bureaucracy, are ambivalent about working outside the home, considering it a change which brings new burdens as well as some important benefits. At the same time they realize that leaving home and family is creating an intolerable situation of the erosion of their social status and the loss of their traditional identity. The new veiling expresses women's protest against this. MacLeod argues that the symbolism of the new veiling emerges from this tense subcultural dilemma, involving elements of both resistance and acquiescence.