Autobiography of Roland Bixler, a successful American Century entrepreneur and manufacturer, who made electrical testing equipment for the U. S. military and industry. He later became a business leader serving on the boards of various national business associations. This is his own story in his own words, the life of a successful American businessman.
Silke Hackenesch untersucht den Zusammenhang zwischen der Konstruktion schwarzer Identitäten und der Produktion, dem Konsum und der Repräsentation von Schokolade. Dabei werden die oft sklavereiähnlichen Arbeitsbedingungen auf den Kakaoplantagen ebenso analysiert wie die Verflechtung von Schokolade und Schwarzsein in der Werbung, in der Belletristik und in der Populärmusik. Sie zeigt, wie Schokolade als Metapher für Schwarzsein erheblich zur Rassifizierung und Erotisierung schwarzer Körperlichkeit beigetragen, aber immer wieder auch Möglichkeiten zur selbstermächtigenden Verwendung geliefert hat.
From Army Rangers to Green Berets to the U.S. Navy SEAL team that killed Osama bin Laden, this book explains what makes Special Forces "special," covering the rich and varied history of elite formations in American military history and describing their recruitment, intense training, and equipment in depth. Most civilians have only a vague idea of what the U.S. Special Forces are all about—who they are, how they differ from our "normal" military forces, what they've accomplished throughout our history, and how they operate today. Fighting Elites: A History of U.S. Special Forces examines the rich and varied history of U.S. Special Forces, identifies their contributions to specific conflicts from colonial times forward, and highlights their present operational excellence. In this first-ever reference guide to U.S. Special Forces, military historian John C. Fredriksen provides a carefully balanced presentation, describing all units in their own detailed section that discusses their origins, recruitment, training, tactics, and equipment, and defining military engagements, if known. The text also contains 20 biographical entries of noted personalities associated with special purpose activities.