A brief introduction to a seven-step problem-solving model counsels teams on how to tackle process problems on a system based on the Deming Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle while identifying the appropriate tools for every circumstance, in a guide complemented by real-world business examples.
Based on the original Memory Jogger, this pocket guide provides basic tools for problem solving and continuous improvement. Team techniques and collaborative decision-making tools, including the seven management and planning tools, are also included. Read it cover to cover and refer to it often.
This Second Edition Pocket Guide uses GOAL/QPC's detailed graphics and easy-to-understand text and icons to describe what the tools are, why they're used, and how to use them. Critical tools are explained using real-life examples from all types of organizations with problems similar to yours, making them easy for everyone to understand and apply. The Memory Jogger 2 (Second Edition) contains all the tools found in the first edition of the Memory Jogger II, plus 50 pages of new charts and detailed diagram samples, a new tool, and a case study.
Describes the continuous quality improvement (CQI) strategy, an organisation-wide approach for continually improving all processes that deliver products and services. Details the four basic principles of CQI: customer focus, process improvement, involving employees, and mobilizing both data and team knowledge to improve decision making.
The Quality Toolbox is a comprehensive reference to a variety of methods and techniques: those most commonly used for quality improvement, many less commonly used, and some created by the author and not available elsewhere. The reader will find the widely used seven basic quality control tools (for example, fishbone diagram, and Pareto chart) as well as the newer management and planning tools. Tools are included for generating and organizing ideas, evaluating ideas, analyzing processes, determining root causes, planning, and basic data-handling and statistics. The book is written and organized to be as simple as possible to use so that anyone can find and learn new tools without a teacher. Above all, this is an instruction book. The reader can learn new tools or, for familiar tools, discover new variations or applications. It also is a reference book, organized so that a half-remembered tool can be found and reviewed easily, and the right tool to solve a particular problem or achieve a specific goal can be quickly identified. With this book close at hand, a quality improvement team becomes capable of more efficient and effective work with less assistance from a trained quality consultant. Quality and training professionals also will find it a handy reference and quick way to expand their repertoire of tools, techniques, applications, and tricks. For this second edition, Tague added 34 tools and 18 variations. The "Quality Improvement Stories" chapter has been expanded to include detailed case studies from three Baldrige Award winners. An entirely new chapter, "Mega-Tools: Quality Management Systems," puts the tools into two contexts: the historical evolution of quality improvement and the quality management systems within which the tools are used. This edition liberally uses icons with each tool description to reinforce for the reader what kind of tool it is and where it is used within the improvement process.
Shows the techniques of facilitation in action. Presents real-life examples of common pitfalls and demonstrates the facilitation strategies needed to avoid them.
Feedback from users suggest this resource book is more comprehensive and more practical than many others in the market. One of its strengths is that it was written by trainees in internal medicine who understand the need for rapid access to accurate and concise clinical information, with a practical approach to clinical problem solving.