The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture

The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture

Author: Matthew Holbeche Bloxam

Publisher: Publio Kiadó Kft.


Total Pages: 74

ISBN-13: 963381913X


Q. What is meant by the term “Gothic Architecture”? A. Without entering into the derivation of the word “Gothic,” it may suffice to state that it is an expression sometimes used to denote in one general term, and distinguish from the Antique, those peculiar modes or styles in which most of our ecclesiastical and many of our domestic edifices of the middle ages have been built. In a more confined sense, it comprehends those styles only in which the pointed arch predominates, and it is then often used to distinguish such from the more ancient Anglo-Saxon and Norman styles. Q. To what can the origin of this kind of architecture be traced? A. To the classic orders in that state of degeneracy into which they had fallen in the age of Constantine, and afterwards; and as the Romans, on their voluntary abandonment of Britain in the fifth century, left many of their temples and public edifices remaining, together with some Christian churches, it was in rude imitation of the Roman structures of the fourth century that the most ancient of our Anglo-Saxon churches were constructed. This is apparent from an examination and comparison of such with the vestiges of Roman buildings we have existing.

The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture, Elucidated by Question and Answer, 4th ed

The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture, Elucidated by Question and Answer, 4th ed

Author: Matthew Holbeche Bloxam

Publisher: Good Press

Published: 2019-11-20

Total Pages: 214



"The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture, Elucidated by Question and Answer, 4th ed" is a reference book dealing with the essence of Gothic architecture and its kinds. The author describes the principles of Gothic architecture, its origins, and divisions into styles and elaborates on the differences between styles.

The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture, Elucidated by Question and Answer

The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture, Elucidated by Question and Answer

Author: Matthew Holbeche Bloxam

Publisher: Library of Alexandria

Published: 2020-09-28

Total Pages: 249

ISBN-13: 1465609911


Amongst the vestiges of antiquity which abound in this country, are the visible memorials of those nations which have succeeded one another in the occupancy of this island. To the age of our Celtic ancestors, the earliest possessors of its soil, is ascribed the erection of those altars and temples of all but primeval antiquity, the Cromlechs and Stone Circles which lie scattered over the land; and these are conceived to have been derived from the Phœnicians, whose merchants first introduced amongst the aboriginal Britons the arts of incipient civilization. Of these most ancient relics the prototypes appear, as described in Holy Writ, in the pillar raised at Bethel by Jacob, in the altars erected by the Patriarchs, and in the circles of stone set up by Moses at the foot of Mount Sinai, and by Joshua at Gilgal. Many of these structures, perhaps from their very rudeness, have survived the vicissitudes of time, whilst there scarce remains a vestige of the temples erected in this island by the Romans; yet it is from Roman edifices that we derive, and can trace by a gradual transition, the progress of that peculiar kind of architecture called Gothic, which presents in its later stages the most striking contrast that can be imagined to its original precursor. The Romans having conquered almost the whole of Britain in the first century, retained possession of the southern parts for nearly four hundred years; and during their occupancy they not only instructed the natives in the arts of civilization, but also with their aid, as we learn from Tacitus, began at an early period to erect temples and public edifices, though doubtless much inferior to those at Rome, in their municipal towns and cities. The Christian religion was also early introduced, but for a time its progress was slow; nor was it till the conversion of Constantine, in the fourth century, that it was openly tolerated by the state, and churches were publicly constructed for its worshippers; though even before that event, as we are led to infer from the testimony of Gildas, the most ancient of our native historians, particular structures were appropriated for the performance of its divine mysteries: for that historian alludes to the British Christians as reconstructing the churches which had, in the Dioclesian persecution, been levelled to the ground. But in the fifth century Rome, oppressed on every side by enemies, and distracted with the vastness of her conquests, which she was no longer able to maintain, recalled her legions from Britain; and the Romanized Britons being left without protection, and having, during their subjection to the Romans, lost their ancient valour and love of liberty, in a short time fell a prey to the Northern Barbarians; in their extremity they called over the Saxons to assist them, when the latter perceiving their defenceless condition, turned round upon them, and made an easy conquest of this country. In the struggle which then took place, the churches were again destroyed, the priests were slain at the very altars, and though the British Church was never annihilated, Paganism for a while became triumphant.

The Construction of Gothic Cathedrals

The Construction of Gothic Cathedrals

Author: John Fitchen

Publisher: University of Chicago Press

Published: 1981

Total Pages: 371

ISBN-13: 0226252035


"This study enables us to appreciate more fully the technical expertise and improvements which enabled the creative spirit of the day to find such splendid embodiment". -- James Lingwood, Oxford Art Journal Copyright © Libri GmbH. All rights reserved.