The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 24: Group Technology and Automated Process Planning, a Change in Management Strategy

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 24: Group Technology and Automated Process Planning, a Change in Management Strategy



Published: 1979

Total Pages: 14



Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 24: Group Technology and Automated Process Planning, a Change in Management Strategy. The trend toward increased customization is increasing the problems associated with batch manufacturing, both in design and manufacturing itself. Group technology helps to solve these problems and is thus attracting great interest. The benefits of group technology in such applications as design retrieval, design standardization, standardization of machine tool routings, automated process planning, and machine tool investment can bring about dramatic savings in the multibillion dollar manufacturing industry. Three or four years ago, only a handful of companies were interested in group technology. Today, many companies, including a number considered to be highly conservative, are seriously considering or have adopted group technology systems. This increased interest is a reflection of a growing awareness of the potential benefits of group technology, particularly for batch manufacturing. These advantages can apply to both design and manufacturing.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium, Paper No. 26: Computer Assisted Process Planning: A First Step Toward Integration

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium, Paper No. 26: Computer Assisted Process Planning: A First Step Toward Integration



Published: 1981

Total Pages: 12



Computer assisted process planning can be a first step toward the integrated use of computers in the design and manufacturing process to improve productivity in batch manufacturing. The key to the process of integration is a part feature recognition method to analyze and retrieve manufacturing processes and arrive at least-cost designs consistently linked to "best" manufacturing processes. Major problems are incompatible computers, software; and people.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium Paper No. 2: The New REAPS Program for U.S. Shipbuilders

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium Paper No. 2: The New REAPS Program for U.S. Shipbuilders



Published: 1976

Total Pages: 13



The primary purpose of this discussion is to introduce a new version of the REAPS Program. In 1971 a Maritime Administration (MarAd) Advisory Group recognized a void in the area of computer aided shipbuilding. In response, MarAd acquired rights to the AUTOKON-71 system, the most widely used system in Europe. MarAd and the participating shipyards recognized the need to provide maintenance and support for the AUTOKON system. That effort was sponsored and paid for jointly by the industrial users and the government. It soon became apparent to all concerned that there was much more to be gained from computer applications in the shipyard than just running the AUTOKON system. A total shipyard program for computer automation beyond AUTOKON was needed. It was this decision that gave birth to the Research and Engineering for Automation and Productivity in Shipbuilding (REAPS) program; a joint participation program involving five shipyards, MarAd, and IITRI. Its purpose was to identify and address common problems in ship construction. The advantages were obvious. Participants could pool both the technological know how in identifying and solving problems and their resources to solve a common problem only once not repetitively at every shipyard. The REAPS program, a new concept in cooperative developments among several shipyards, was working. One thing began to change--the objectives of our development projects. Originally, they were oriented to a specific computer system, AUTOKON; now they were becoming non-system oriented, standalone modules with no relationship to a specific computer system or software package. A new concept was needed. The "new" REAPS program as it has evolved to date is a non-systems oriented program with the separation of all AUTOKON related activities. The overall concept of the new REAPS Program consists of five basic elements: Advance Planning, Technology Assessment, Development Program, Technology Information Services and Discretionary Development.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium, Paper No. 7: Shipyard Planning and the Computer: Fact Or Fantasy

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium, Paper No. 7: Shipyard Planning and the Computer: Fact Or Fantasy



Published: 1980

Total Pages: 15



The planning environment in American shipyards has undergone a change[of technique and attitude with the upswing in use of computers. Traditional planning mechanisms have given way to PERT networks and sophisticated data collection and reporting computer systems. This transition has not been as successful as was intended as evidenced by the planning and scheduling problems faced by many of these computerized yards. Data processing was moved from the basic accounting arena into operations research and massive production-oriented systems which has diluted the planning effort. This is caused by planners which have not evolved from production, a planning attitude that the computer can solve all problems. and management's inability to recognize the shortcomings of computer software. Technology is available to assist the shipyard with total planning and complete ship's plans and schedules. However planning. in itself, must be adapted to use this computer technology and not be driven by it.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program: Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium Paper No. 18; Group Technology as Related to the Shipbuilding Industry

The National Shipbuilding Research Program: Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium Paper No. 18; Group Technology as Related to the Shipbuilding Industry



Published: 1977

Total Pages: 30



A growing amount of attention has been turned to Group Technology which deals with the area of batch-type manufacturing for those who are engaged with small lot sizes and a variety of products. Development and implementation of integrated computer aided manufacturing (ICAM) will lead to rapid changes in U.S. manufacturing industry. It has been recognized that Group Technology is an essential element of the foundation for the successful development and implementation of ICAM through the application of the part-family concept.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 10: A National Coalition for the Shipbuilding Technology Program

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 10: A National Coalition for the Shipbuilding Technology Program



Published: 1981

Total Pages: 29



An investigation of an approach to a U.S. Navy sponsored shipbuilding technology program is discussed. An approach is recommended, and a detailed project plan for a shipbuilding technology program is proposed. The U.S. Navy has announced its intention to initiate a major program for the enhancement of shipbuilding technology in the United States. The objectives of this program are to improve the quality, cost, and construction time for future U.S. Naval Ships, and to strengthen this country s shipbuilding industrial base. This motivation is heightened by the Administration plans to increase the Navy s fleet to 600 ships by 1988. This program is currently budgeted as a six-year, $80M effort, though its format has not been defined. Previously the Naval Sea Systems Command had contracted with SofTech, Inc. to assess Air Force initiatives in manufacturing technology with respect to Navy needs. Both the Navy and the Air Force have established programs to promote computer-aided manufacturing which have differed markedly in budget, in approach, and in industry involvement and acceptance. SofTech was directed to consider the applicability of the ICAM (Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing) Program approach to a Navy STP (Ship building Technology) Program. This paper recommends an approach to the planning, management, and integration portion of a national, participative Shipbuilding Technology Program (STP). These recommendations are SofTech s, and are not to be construed as government policy. They are based on SofTech s initial analysis, and on pertinent comments received from individuals in the Navy and the shipbuilding industry.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the IREAPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 28: Standardization and Integration of Shipyard Processes and Procedures

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the IREAPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 28: Standardization and Integration of Shipyard Processes and Procedures



Published: 1982

Total Pages: 23



NAVSEA's ongoing efforts to improve, standardize and integrate shipyard process instructions are outlined. This plan, will combine the best features of various DOD, Navy and Private programs including for example: (1) the navy technical information presentation programs, (2) DOD computer aided time standards, (3) Navshipyd/Ordnance Station EM & S automated support (NEAS), (4) the Carnegie Mellon/USS CARL VINSON CUN 70 ZOG program, (5) shipboard nontactical ADP system (SNAP), (6) NAVSHIPYD Norfolk - work planning and control systems - PROMPT, and (7) technical repair standards (TRS) program. Specific aspects of these programs will be discussed including computer aided authoring, group technology, and common vocabularies, and a status report of these efforts as well as future plans will be provided.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 5: SPARDIS -- A Shipyard Production and Control System

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 5: SPARDIS -- A Shipyard Production and Control System



Published: 1976

Total Pages: 42



SPARDIS provides NASSCO with a tool to use one of its most valuable resources - information. SPARDIS is designed to provide various levels of management with the information they need to better perform their function. It is intended that the task of providing this information be accomplished with the least amount of paper work. To do this, all of the SPARDIS information is in the form of on-line, real time, data inquiry and update. Data is collected, updated and maintained for the system through a network of communications terminals. These terminals are located where data is originated, the system user area. The communications terminals are located throughout the shipyard at strategic locations for both inquiry and update. Responsibility for data input is placed in the area organizationally responsible for its creation and maintenance. The teleprocessing system permits decisions to be made based on the latest information available. As a management tool for planning and scheduling SPARDIS provides: .Explicit Schedule and instructions to make parts, assemble components install. equipment, etc.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium Paper No. 13: Automation and Productivity in Discrete Part Manufacturing

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium Paper No. 13: Automation and Productivity in Discrete Part Manufacturing



Published: 1976

Total Pages: 18



The subject of this conference is automation and productivity in shipbuilding. I am going to talk about automation and productivity in the general context of discrete part batch manufacturing, which includes shipbuilding, to try to provide a wider prospective on the technical strategies that are being used in applying automation in manufacturing, their impact on productivity enhancement, and the wider economic implications of enhancing productivity.