The National Shipbuilding Research Program, Proceedings of the IREAPS Technical Symposium, Paper No. 28: U.S. Shipbuilding Standards Program: Long-Range Plan

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, Proceedings of the IREAPS Technical Symposium, Paper No. 28: U.S. Shipbuilding Standards Program: Long-Range Plan



Published: 1981

Total Pages: 49



Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries/IHI-Marine Technology is developing a long-range plan for the U.S. shipbuilding standards program under a subcontract with Bath Iron Works Corporation acting in its capacity as manager of the Ship Producibility Program. Primary emphasis of the long-range plan is directed at near term (2 to 3 year) priorities to achieve maximum benefits at both industry and individual shipyards levels. Secondary emphasis is aimed at developing midterm (5 to 7 year) and long-term (10 to 20 year) goals to serve as planning guidelines for ongoing efforts. The basic goals and objectives of the U.S. shipbuilding standards program long-range plan are summarized. Included are such examples as the need to reduce design and engineering cycle time costs, the need to shorten manufacturing lead times for critical materials, and the desirability of implementing outfit unit construction and accuracy control concepts. The recommended organizational infrastructure for standards development is addressed, and appropriate divisions of responsibility among ASTM Committee F-25 on standards, SNAME Panel SP-6 on standards and specifications, the government, shipbuilders, regulatory agencies, supporting industries and other concerned parties are discussed.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the IREAPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 28: Standardization and Integration of Shipyard Processes and Procedures

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the IREAPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 28: Standardization and Integration of Shipyard Processes and Procedures



Published: 1982

Total Pages: 23



NAVSEA's ongoing efforts to improve, standardize and integrate shipyard process instructions are outlined. This plan, will combine the best features of various DOD, Navy and Private programs including for example: (1) the navy technical information presentation programs, (2) DOD computer aided time standards, (3) Navshipyd/Ordnance Station EM & S automated support (NEAS), (4) the Carnegie Mellon/USS CARL VINSON CUN 70 ZOG program, (5) shipboard nontactical ADP system (SNAP), (6) NAVSHIPYD Norfolk - work planning and control systems - PROMPT, and (7) technical repair standards (TRS) program. Specific aspects of these programs will be discussed including computer aided authoring, group technology, and common vocabularies, and a status report of these efforts as well as future plans will be provided.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the IREAPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 26: Weld Acceptance Standards

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the IREAPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 26: Weld Acceptance Standards



Published: 1982

Total Pages: 24



The presentation will cover the objectives and summarize the progress of MARAD SP-7 Panel programs on (a) development of reference standards for visual inspection welds, and (b) evaluation of the quality of existing ship welds by ultrasonics. The relationship of the visual acceptance standards; quality control procedures, quality of production welds and the significance of representing acceptance standards with model reference standards will be discussed. Ultrasonic evaluation of the quality of existing ship welds will be related to the existing radiographic and ultrasonic examination' conducted outside areas required by the governing code or rules. This may occur in new construction or after various periods of service. Unnecessary repairs can be costly and at times can degrade rather than improve structural reliability; on the other hand, internal discontinuities that represent a significant degradation of structure should be repaired. The ultrasonic evaluation program will be related to the above as well as to the ABS guidelines to cover analogous cases.

National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the IREAPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 22: MOST Computer Systems: Inter-Shipyard Data Transferability

National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the IREAPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 22: MOST Computer Systems: Inter-Shipyard Data Transferability



Published: 1982

Total Pages: 26



Over the past year and a half, five participating shipyards have been preparing labor time standards using MOST Computer Systems on a time sharing basis. The result has been the development of separate databases covering the following operating areas: blast and paint--platen and dock areas; Electrical--shop and outfitting; main assembly; fabrication shop; and staging erection and teardown--platen, dock and ways. The ability to transfer data from one yard to another is discussed, as well as the methodology for such transfer. The actual use of transferred data and its application is covered to the extent that it has occurred up to the date of the symposium.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the IREAPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 11: Rapid Development of Production Schedules With Standard Planning Modules

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the IREAPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 11: Rapid Development of Production Schedules With Standard Planning Modules



Published: 1982

Total Pages: 23



Following the premise of engineering standards, Standard planning Modules represent production work package arrangements which are predefined to simplify the creation of planning networks at the central planning level. The approach centers around the notion that a vast majority of production activities can be established without the aid of available, detailed engineering. The creation of workpackages under this approach is dependent solely upon historical production performance, adaptation of work from previous vessels of the same class, specific details provided by the vessel's specification, and general arrangement engineering drawings. Final production schedules, at the workpackage level, become a derivative of the planning schedule as detailed information becomes available from engineering, material procurement, and other sources. The nature of planning a ship's construction has historically dictated that most, if not all, of the ship's details be known. Working from production drawings, Planning generates the varied labor workpackages necessary to support the fabrication and installation of steel and systems, Since Planning waits for such detail to be available, the timing of the production schedule development tends to occur immediately before those schedules are needed by the yard. In fact, a common complaint of many shipyards is that the production schedules are often published after preliminary construction has begun, normally in the form of steel cutting and substructure assemblies.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium Paper No. 1: Ship Production Committee Panel Overviews

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium Paper No. 1: Ship Production Committee Panel Overviews



Published: 1980

Total Pages: 71



The Research and Engineering for Automation and Productivity in Shipbuilding (REAPS) program aims at increasing U.S. shipyard productivity. The organization, activities and current and planned development projects of the program are reviewed. The 1980 symposium focuses on developing a consensus on a format for long range facility plans, with an emphasis on cost effectiveness and environmental impacts.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, Proceedings of the IREAPS Technical Symposium Paper Number 1: Ship Production Committee Panel Overviews

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, Proceedings of the IREAPS Technical Symposium Paper Number 1: Ship Production Committee Panel Overviews



Published: 1981

Total Pages: 89



The Institute for Research and Engineering for Automation and Productivity in Shipbuilding (IREAPS) is an organization which conducts an industry/government cooperative program for enhancing U.S. shipbuilding capabilities through development and implementation of improved systems and manufacturing technology. The primary thrust of the IREAPS program is the conduct of research and development projects for a variety of design and production processes in the shipyard. Such projects are initiated and pursued only upon consensus of the participating organizations and are not considered complete or successful until they have been implemented under actual shipyard production conditions.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium Paper No. 2: The New REAPS Program for U.S. Shipbuilders

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium Paper No. 2: The New REAPS Program for U.S. Shipbuilders



Published: 1976

Total Pages: 13



The primary purpose of this discussion is to introduce a new version of the REAPS Program. In 1971 a Maritime Administration (MarAd) Advisory Group recognized a void in the area of computer aided shipbuilding. In response, MarAd acquired rights to the AUTOKON-71 system, the most widely used system in Europe. MarAd and the participating shipyards recognized the need to provide maintenance and support for the AUTOKON system. That effort was sponsored and paid for jointly by the industrial users and the government. It soon became apparent to all concerned that there was much more to be gained from computer applications in the shipyard than just running the AUTOKON system. A total shipyard program for computer automation beyond AUTOKON was needed. It was this decision that gave birth to the Research and Engineering for Automation and Productivity in Shipbuilding (REAPS) program; a joint participation program involving five shipyards, MarAd, and IITRI. Its purpose was to identify and address common problems in ship construction. The advantages were obvious. Participants could pool both the technological know how in identifying and solving problems and their resources to solve a common problem only once not repetitively at every shipyard. The REAPS program, a new concept in cooperative developments among several shipyards, was working. One thing began to change--the objectives of our development projects. Originally, they were oriented to a specific computer system, AUTOKON; now they were becoming non-system oriented, standalone modules with no relationship to a specific computer system or software package. A new concept was needed. The "new" REAPS program as it has evolved to date is a non-systems oriented program with the separation of all AUTOKON related activities. The overall concept of the new REAPS Program consists of five basic elements: Advance Planning, Technology Assessment, Development Program, Technology Information Services and Discretionary Development.