Within the framework of complex supergeometry and motivated by two-dimensional genus-zero holomorphic $N = 1$ superconformal field theory, this book defines the moduli space of $N=1$ genus-zero super-Riemann surfaces with oriented and ordered half-infinite tubes, modulo superconformal equivalence.
Investigates the geometry of the orbit space. This book associates a graph with each polynomial in two variables that encodes part of its geometric properties at infinity. It also defines a partition of $\mathbb{C} x, y]$ imposing that the polynomials in the same stratum are the polynomials with a fixed associated graph
This volume contains the proceedings of the conference on Lie Algebras, Vertex Operator Algebras, and Related Topics, celebrating the 70th birthday of James Lepowsky and Robert Wilson, held from August 14–18, 2015, at the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana. Since their seminal work in the 1970s, Lepowsky and Wilson, their collaborators, their students, and those inspired by their work, have developed an amazing body of work intertwining the fields of Lie algebras, vertex algebras, number theory, theoretical physics, quantum groups, the representation theory of finite simple groups, and more. The papers presented here include recent results and descriptions of ongoing research initiatives representing the broad influence and deep connections brought about by the work of Lepowsky and Wilson and include a contribution by Yi-Zhi Huang summarizing some major open problems in these areas, in particular as they pertain to two-dimensional conformal field theory.
* Introduces the fundamental theory of vertex operator algebras and its basic techniques and examples. * Begins with a detailed presentation of the theoretical foundations and proceeds to a range of applications. * Includes a number of new, original results and brings fresh perspective to important works of many other researchers in algebra, lie theory, representation theory, string theory, quantum field theory, and other areas of math and physics.
By a quantum metric space we mean a $C DEGREES*$-algebra (or more generally an order-unit space) equipped with a generalization of the usual Lipschitz seminorm on functions which one associates to an ordinary metric. We develop for compact quantum metric spaces a version of Gromov-Hausdorff di
Complex symplectic spaces are non-trivial generalizations of the real symplectic spaces of classical analytical dynamics. This title presents a self-contained investigation of general complex symplectic spaces, and their Lagrangian subspaces, regardless of the finite or infinite dimensionality.
The $0$-calculus on a manifold with boundary is a micro-localization of the Lie algebra of vector fields that vanish at the boundary. It has been used by Mazzeo, Melrose to study the Laplacian of a conformally compact metric.
Let $\mathcal N$ and $\mathcal M$ be von Neumann algebras. It is proved that $L DEGREESp(\mathcal N)$ does not linearly topologically embed in $L DEGREESp(\mathcal M)$ for $\mathcal N$ infinite, $\mathcal M$ finit
Vertex operator algebras were introduced to mathematics in the work of Richard Borcherds, Igor Frenkel, James Lepowsky and Arne Meurman as a mathematically rigorous formulation of chiral algebras of two-dimensional conformal field theory. The aim was to use vertex operator algebras to explain and prove the remarkable Monstrous Moonshine conjectures in group theory. The theory of vertex operator algebras has now grown into a major research area in mathematics. These proceedings contain expository lectures and research papers presented during the international conference on Vertex Operator Algebras and Related Areas, held at Illinois State University in Normal, IL, from July 7 to July 11, 2008. The main aspects of this conference were connections and interactions of vertex operator algebras with the following areas: conformal field theories, quantum field theories, Hopf algebra, infinite dimensional Lie algebras, and modular forms. This book will be useful for researchers as well as for graduate students in mathematics and physics. Its purpose is not only to give an up-to-date overview of the fields covered by the conference but also to stimulate new directions and discoveries by experts in the areas.
Considers the behavior of $\mathrm{G}_\mathcal{C}(k)$ when $\mathcal{C}$ is a locally finite equational class (variety) of algebras and $k$ is finite. This title looks at ways that algebraic properties of $\mathcal{C}$ lead to upper or lower bounds on generative complexity.