The Math of Body, Soul, and the Universe

The Math of Body, Soul, and the Universe

Author: Norbert Schwarzer

Publisher: CRC Press

Published: 2022-12-27

Total Pages: 988

ISBN-13: 1000776638


The great German mathematician David Hilbert’s creation, de facto, was—no, is—a theory of everything or world formula, even though he himself had little chance of fully realizing this. Even in physics, where we can now show that Hilbert’s fundamental equation covers both great theories, General Theory of Relativity and Quantum Theory, the time was not ripe for such a discovery, simply because the mathematical apparatus of Quantum Theory was not fully developed then. While Hilbert brought out his great work in 1915 and knew about the Einstein field equations at the time, the basic quantum equations such as the Schrödinger, Klein–Gordon, and Dirac equations would not follow before the second half of the 1920s. In order to find the mathematical and physical fundament for the description of the body, the soul, and the whole universe, which is to say a "theory of everything," we think that we require "quantum gravity." That such a theory—in principle—already exists and was derived by Hilbert and elaborated in the author’s previous work, The World Formula: A Late Recognition of David Hilbert’s Stroke of Genius. This book digs deeper and shows not only that quantum gravity is more than just a physical theory—describing physical aspects—but also that, in fact, it covers "it all."

Quantum Gravity War

Quantum Gravity War

Author: Norbert Schwarzer

Publisher: CRC Press

Published: 2024-04-16

Total Pages: 321

ISBN-13: 1003855334


Imagine a civilization with a technology so powerful that a single push of the “wrong” button could destroy this very entire civilization. As the consideration of future warfare requires the inclusion of a unified physics, we have to deal with complex concepts of Quantum Theory and General Theory of Relativity. The two have to be brought together before we are able to deal with the matter of future warfare technology in a satisfactory manner. That such a “Theory of Everything” or “Theory of Quantum Gravity”—in principle—already exists and had been already derived by the great German mathematician David Hilbert. When digging deeper and looking for applications of the “new” theory, we realized that many of the new possibilities could also lead to quite disastrous utilizations in military. It is futile to hope that mankind would not recognize this potential and restrain itself from its exploitation. Thus, we thought we better make this knowledge public and hope for some kind of global understanding, perhaps guaranteeing the non-usage of certain technologies. It might only be a weak hope, but in observing history and realizing how little we gained by keeping crucial knowledge restricted to some, thereby often only even more provoking the development of the most horrific weapons one could imagine at the time, we simply see no better way. This book does not provide blueprints ready to start the developments of new quantum gravity weaponry and strategies, but it draws the line that would suffice to awake the right forces and trigger the best developments ... before the bad guys get the gist.

The World Formula

The World Formula

Author: Norbert Schwarzer

Publisher: Jenny Stanford Publishing

Published: 2022-01-31

Total Pages: 450

ISBN-13: 9789814877206


It was David Hilbert who wrote the World Formula down during the first year of World War I in November 1915. The complexity of the math involved was not the only thing that obscured what should have been obvious. This book explains why nobody had realized his immortal stroke of genius.

Why Math Must Replace Science

Why Math Must Replace Science

Author: Mike Hockney

Publisher: Magus Books


Total Pages: 488



The greatest catastrophe in intellectual history was to regard physics as real and mathematics as an unreal abstraction. In fact, mathematics is noumenal (true) reality, and physics is phenomenal (illusory) reality. Mathematics tells you what things are in themselves, and physics tells you how they appear to us. Mathematics is the perfect ground of existence, defined by the God Equation. It's the source of causation, determinism and objective reality; all of the things now formally denied by physics, which claims that observable reality is indeterministically born of unreal, potentiality wavefunctions. It's time to replace the scientific method with the mathematical method. It's time to recognize that true reality is intelligible, not sensible; noumenal, not phenomenal; unobservable, not observable; metaphysical, not physical; hidden, not manifest; rationalist, not empiricist; necessary, not contingent. Don't follow the crowd. Think for yourself.

Elohim Phenomenon

Elohim Phenomenon

Author: I. D. McClain

Publisher: Trafford Publishing

Published: 2013-03-08

Total Pages: 478

ISBN-13: 1466980559


This book is a mathematical and scientific portrayal of the creation of the physical universe. We examine all the details of forming a neutron, the atoms, the earth, and the galaxies as related to the Torah. Unlike most creational science books that biologically attack evolution or focus in on the flood or the big bang theory, we build the entire universe from scratch, namely nothing. After building the microcosm, we build the macrocosm and the earth. We only touch biology from the standpoint of transition from before and after the fall. After structuring the initial universe and earth, we examine all the cataclysmic activity that formulates the world as we know it today. Truly, the reverence for Elohim is the beginning of knowledge and the Torah a light to follow for understanding. The reverence for Elohim is like deciding to look at the map for directions. The Torah is like the images on the map. The Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) gives us the ability to understand the images that we see on the map. Have you ever wondered how plants survive after Elohim created them before there was a sun to divide day from night? Or did you just decide that the whole idea is impossible?

Vivekananda Reader

Vivekananda Reader

Author: Swami Vivekananda

Publisher: Advaita Ashrama (A publication branch of Ramakrishna Math, Belur Math)

Published: 2016-05-16

Total Pages: 430

ISBN-13: 8175058358


This book published by Advaita Ashrama, a publication house of Ramakrishna Math, Belur Math, India is a representative compilation of Swami Vivekananda’s teachings from the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda covering the wide spectrum of his teachings. We hope the present volume gives the reader an idea of the vastness of Swami Vivekananda's mind and also inspires the reader to realize the divine within through knowledge, devotion, mind-control and service to fellow beings.

Anima Mundi: The Rise of the World Soul Theory in Modern German Philosophy

Anima Mundi: The Rise of the World Soul Theory in Modern German Philosophy

Author: Miklós Vassányi

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2010-11-16

Total Pages: 438

ISBN-13: 9048187966


This work presents and philosophically analyzes the early modern and modern history of the theory concerning the soul of the world, anima mundi. The initial question of the investigation is why there was a revival of this theory in the time of the early German Romanticism, whereas the concept of the anima mundi had been rejected in the earlier, classical period of European philosophy (early and mature Enlightenment). The presentation and analysis starts from the Leibnizian-Wolffian school, generally hostile to the theory, and covers classical eighteenth-century physico-theology, also reluctant to accept an anima mundi. Next, it discusses early modern and modern Christian philosophical Cabbala (Böhme and Ötinger), an intellectual tradition which to some extent tolerated the idea of a soul of the world. The philosophical relationship between Spinoza and Spinozism on the one hand, and the anima mundi theory on the other is also examined. An analysis of Giordano Bruno’s utilization of the concept anima del mondo is the last step before we give an account of how and why German Romanticism, especially Baader and Schelling asserted and applied the theory of the Weltseele. The purpose of the work is to prove that the philosophical insufficiency of a concept of God as an ens extramundanum instigated the Romantics to think an anima mundi that can act as a divine and quasi-infinite intermediary between God and Nature, as a locum tenens of God in physical reality.

Paul, the Stoics, and the Body of Christ

Paul, the Stoics, and the Body of Christ

Author: Michelle V. Lee

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Published: 2006-07-20

Total Pages: 15

ISBN-13: 1107321050


At first glance, Paul's words to the Corinthians about being the body of Christ seem simple and straightforward. He compares them with a human body so that they may be encouraged to work together, each member contributing to the good of the whole according to his or her special gift. However, the passage raises several critical questions which point to its deeper implications. Does Paul mean that the community is 'like' a body or is he saying that they are in some sense a real body? What is the significance of being specifically the body of Christ? Is the primary purpose of the passage to instruct on the correct use of spiritual gifts or is Paul making a statement about the identity of the Christian community? Michelle Lee examines Paul's instructions in 1 Corinthians 12-14 against the backdrop of Hellenistic moral philosophy, and especially Stoicism.