Author: Dipo Toby Alakija

Publisher: Calvary Rock Resource


Total Pages: 159

ISBN-13: 9783355236


Most people are oblivious of the fact that the world is fast coming to an end despite the warnings of Jesus Christ in Mark 13:7- 22 where the signs of the inevitable destruction of the world are revealed. These signs include wars with nations rising against nations, earthquakes in various places, famines, pandemic, depressions, persecutions of Christians, abominations of desolations, lock-down and other tribulations. Despite these events which are obvious fulfillment of these prophesies in these modern days, most people; including Christians are still not prepared for eternity. In order to prepare Christians and inform every other person about eternal destinations, these illustrative and authoritative sermons which are delivered by the preacher and author of this book to hundreds of thousands of people online are compiled for group or personal studies. The author uses real life events and illustrations to explain the mysteries of the two eternities, teaching the ways to reach each of destinations as revealed in the Bible.



Author: Dipo Toby Alakija

Publisher: Calvary Rock Resource


Total Pages: 162

ISBN-13: 9783779710


A lot of battles and struggles for survival are taking place in many parts of the world. Most of those who are in power often use the Judiciary as a weapon against their political opponents. The unprecedented crimes and violations of human rights are due to the arrogance of many leaders who want to be in power by all means, negligence, ignorance of most members of the society, indifference and silence of well-informed citizens. Although the determinations of some patriotic citizens to secure the future of their countries are indicated through their battles against oppressive Governments but the compromised Judicial System is bringing evil days closer to the people. Thus fighting for Justice and to preserve the National Value System, Law and Order is causing more bloodshed of those who are ready to die for freedom. Through presentations of papers with cases that are treated in various dramas in this book, the author highlights the origins and causes of political and other problems that defy solutions in most parts of the world, indicating that the consequences of not fighting for Justice in any nation would be catastrophic.



Author: Dipo Toby Alakija

Publisher: Calvary Rock Resource


Total Pages: 167

ISBN-13: 9780621555


As the world continues to get closer to an end, which will usher in the reign of anti-Christ, this collection of sermons is designed to prepare every soul for eternity and inform everybody of the consequence of the decision to either reject or accept the path to the Kingdom of God through Jesus Christ. Most of the sermons are well illustrated with stories and images, creating vivid pictures of what eternal life and death are all about. The Bible confirms that every Christian has at least the ministry of reconciliations in 2 Corinthians 5:18-19, which says, “Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, that is that God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.” Thus these illustrative sermons which had been used to reach out to millions of people online are prepared for the purposes of evangelism and edification of all Christians, teaching them of the paths to eternal life and deaths.



Author: Dipo Toby Alakija

Publisher: Calvary Rock Resource

Published: 1991

Total Pages: 156

ISBN-13: 9781251115


The main story is about the beast which had been producing its own kind right from eternity. It is identified as the one making beasts out of humanity through catastrophes and technologies, including human cloning. Because of its tremendous impact on mankind, it is perceived as the god of the universe which is capable of playing both bad and good roles. When it is angry, it inflicts the world with wars and terrorism. If it is obeyed, it gives people gifts like knowledge on how to shackle human beings through the use of computer network and microchips. The Bible, however, reveals this beast in the book of Revelation 12: 7-12 as the dragon that caused the war in heaven, engaging all souls in decisive battles that will determine their eternal destinations. The other short plays which depict how family; traditional; religious and national values are eroded include: “Irresponsible Leadership Of Responsible Generations”, “Youths With Crazy Ideas”, “The Breeding Of Wild Animals”, “Hate Speech Is The Language Of Violence”, “The Love Of Money Is Destructive Tendency”, “The Worst The Old Generations Can Do To The Young Ones”, “Three Tools Of Destructions Of Present And Future Generations”, “The Problems All Over The World Are The People Of The World”, “Number One Enemy Of The Nation Is On The Loose”, “Education Without Value Orientation Is Indoctrination”, “The Making Of Irresponsible Generations”, “Authority To Divide; Rule And Destroy The Society”, “Live And Let Others Live”, “The Three Destructive Things About Every Generation”, “The Enemies Of Progress Of Any Nation”, “Causes Of Social Vices And Crimes All Over The World”, “The Global Generations That Are Prepared For World War Three” and “Building Citizens Is Building The Nation”.

ANGEL ON MISSIONS OF JUSTICE: A Story About A Conflict Between A Powerful Syndicate And Its Member Who Defected

ANGEL ON MISSIONS OF JUSTICE: A Story About A Conflict Between A Powerful Syndicate And Its Member Who Defected

Author: Dipo Toby Alakija

Publisher: Calvary Rock Resource

Published: 2022-04-05

Total Pages: 142

ISBN-13: 9780559132


The involvements of Toyosi Babs in a deadly syndicate caused the death of his mother, making him to be at loggerheads with his younger sister who reminded him that he was supposed to be a servant of God instead of a criminal. The syndicate which disguised as a legitimate business organization was actually into human-traffiking, drugs, contract killings of political figures and other diabolical jobs. It was so monstrously powerful that it would take at least the cooperation of the US and Nigerian governments to bring it down. When Toyosi’s mother and sister discovered that the syndicate caused the deaths of thousands of Nigerians, they fled the town to another place out of shame that a member of their family was involved in such atrocities. Toyosi’s sister was later forced to relate with him during the burial of their mother, making him to understand that she prayed for him till the last day of her life. She then seized the opportunity to reach out to him for Jesus Christ. When he eventually decided to be a Christian, he defected but, because he knew too much, the syndicate perceived him as a serious threat. This made him to be declared wanted - dead or alive. He was forced to play hide and seek with the syndicate until an angel in the form of a US citizen was sent by God on a mission to deliver him.

The Empowered Christian Road Map

The Empowered Christian Road Map

Author: Brian S. Holmes

Publisher: MPowered Christian Publishing

Published: 2020-08-31

Total Pages: 579

ISBN-13: 1735242330


What hinders your life? What’s keeping you from discovering your Calling? From being totally fulfilled pursuing your Purpose? From living up to Your Potential? Do you struggle with Fear or other emotions? Doubts about what to believe? Confusion about which option is right, or best? Do you know Jesus but still feel like your faith could be stronger and your life could have more direction, more focus, more confidence that you’re doing exactly what God wants you to be doing? These things we’ve looked at: fear, doubts, confusion, lack of knowledge, good fruit or direction – these things are not inevitable. They’re the result of not living according to important biblical truths and letting them guide your steps. This book is like a powerful, jam-packed 400-page how-to guide for everything you need to know, believe, and do for the Christian life. It’s like “Mere Christianity” meets “Purpose-Driven Life” meets deep, biblical theology, Christian apologetics, pastoral discipleship, and actionable life coaching to improve your life, help you grow personally and spiritually, and get on fire for God’s unique mission for you. Get it now and start shifting the direction of your life today! This landmark work marries biblical Christian doctrine with actionable life coaching. Using cars as a metaphor for individuals, and a long journey as a metaphor for life, pastor, Christian apologist, and empowerment life coach Brian Holmes navigates the journey with you. Packed with creative car metaphors and graphics woven throughout, every vital aspect of Christian belief and living are covered, arranged sequentially and holistically in a memorable and applicable way. Equal parts theology, apologetics, discipleship training, personal growth, and life direction, you’ll gain a deeper grasp of the Christian pilgrimage and a closer relationship with God along the way. It covers everything from the nature of God and meaning of life to worksheets to determine what you should do today for success tomorrow. Practical tips for individuals, Bible study groups, and churches ready to accelerate their impact. Demonic lies debunked! Sin will be overpowered! Faith, freedom, healing, presence, and purpose are in view! YOU’LL LEARN HOW TO: detect, diagnose, and solve problems in your life; avoid common obstacles in the future; overcome tough life challenges and setbacks; navigate touchy cultural, social, and political issues; better control your thoughts, how you feel, and what you do; and gain laser-focused direction on your mission and unique calling as a follower of Jesus. After the Bible, this colorful, insightful, and engaging guide will be the next most important book to have! This manual of “Essential Christianity” will assist and empower you for a lifetime! FEATURES: • Bible College-level Theology for Laypeople • Personal Evaluations, Questions, and Assignments • Hundreds of Whole Bible Verses with Index (Paperback and PDF editions) • Hundreds of Topics with Topical Index (Paperback and PDF editions) • Complete Spiritual Warfare Manual • Discover Your Identity & Plan Your Mission • Understand & Discover Actual Spiritual Gifts • Learn How to Utilize Illness/Suffering for God • Unravel False Religions & Bad Christianity • Discern New Age Spirituality & Word of Faith • Examine Different Christian Missions & Roles • Unlock the Highest Potential of the Church • 398 Pages! • Full Color! (Full Color editions) • Lots of Custom Graphics and Tables! • FREE Bible Study curriculum available “Let us RUN with ENDURANCE the RACE set out for us.” -Hebrews 12:1 “SO RUN TO WIN!” -1 Corinthians 9:24 Christianity | Personal Growth | Christian Discipleship | Christian Theology | Spiritual Growth | Mission | Apologetics | Calling | Adult Christian Ministry | Church Growth | Spiritual Journey | Adult Discipleship

Learning To Walk With God Like Enoch

Learning To Walk With God Like Enoch

Author: Emmanuel S. Omere

Publisher: WestBow Press

Published: 2024-04-01

Total Pages: 136



God’s desire for every child of His is an intimate relationship. Our Creator loves to relate to us every day in all matters as we trudge along the dark alleyways of life, holding our hands firmly in His big hand. The essence of a walk with God is the divine guidance we get from Him from time to time, helping us in the process to align ourselves with His perfect will for us. But walking with God is not just a walk in the park. It comes with some challenges, especially for the end-time generations. Nevertheless, these challenges are not insurmountable. We can overcome them by drawing inspiration from the experiences of great men and women of faith in the Bible who walked with God successfully. This book is a great resource for every child of God who wants to walk with God in the journey of life. I urge every reader to read the book prayerfully, and I believe fervently that the Lord will empower you with the grace and power to have a successful walk with him in Jesus' name. Amen.

Sound and Sight

Sound and Sight

Author: Meow Goh

Publisher: Stanford University Press

Published: 2010-08-24

Total Pages: 207

ISBN-13: 0804775036


This is the first book to examine Chinese poetry and courtier culture using the concept of shengse—sound and sight—which connotes "sensual pleasure." Under the moral and political imperative to avoid or even eliminate representations of sense perception, premodern Chinese commentators treated overt displays of artistry with great suspicion, and their influence is still alive in modern and contemporary constructions of literary and cultural history. The Yongming poets, who openly extolled "sound and rhymes," have been deemed the main instigators of a poetic trend toward the sensual. Situating them within the court milieu of their day, Meow Hui Goh asks a simple question: What did shengse mean to the Yongming poets? By unraveling the aural and visual experiences encapsulated in their poems, she argues that their pursuit of "sound and sight" reveals a complex confluence of Buddhist influence, Confucian value, and new sociopolitical conditions. Her study challenges the old perception of the Yongming poets and the common practice of reading classical Chinese poems for semantic meaning only.