This study presents the distribution biological parameters, population dynamics, as well as the degree and methods of explotation, of the living resources in the area of the International Commission for the Southeast Atlantic Fisheries.
Each family generally has an account summarizing family diagnostic characters, biological and fisheries information, notes on similar families occurring in the area, a key to species, a check list of species, and a short list of relevant literature. Families that are less important to fisheries include an abbreviated family account.
This guide is a tool for identifying the major resource groups likely to be encountered in the fisheries of Namibia. The introduction outlines the geographical, environmental and ecological factors influencing fisheries and the basic components of the fisheries of Namibia. Each resource group includes general remarks, an introduction to the technical terms and measurements pertinent to that group and a guide to species likely to be encountered in fisheries. Each species account provides scientific nomenclature; FAO common names, sizes notes on fisheries, habitat and biology, diagnostic features and illustrations. A pictorial index ; and some colour photographs of fishes caught mostly by trawl are included
This multivolume field guide covers the species of interest to fisheries of the major marine resource groups exploited in the Eastern Central Atlantic. The area of coverage includes FAO fishing area 34 and part of 47. The marine resource groups included are bivalves, gastropods, chitons, cephalopods, stomatopods, shrimps, lobsters, crabs, hagfishes, sharks, batoid fishes, chimaeras, bony fishes and sea turtles. The introductory chapter outlines the environmental, ecological, and biogeographical factors influencing the marine biota, and the basic components of the fisheries in the Eastern Central Atlantic. Within the field guide, the sections on the re source groups are arranged phylogenetically according to higher taxonomic levels such as class, order, and family. Each resource group is introduced by general re marks on the group, an illustrated section on technical terms and measurements, and a key or guide to orders or families. Each family generally has an account summarizing family diagnostic characters, bi o logical and fisheries in formation, notes on similar families occur ring in the area, a key to species, a check list of species, and a short list of relevant literature. Families that are less important to fisheries include an abbreviated family account and no de tailed species in formation. Species in the important families are treated in detail (arranged alphabetically by genus and species) and include the species name, frequent synonyms and names of similar specie s, an illustration, FAO common name(s), diagnostic characters, biology and fisheries in formation, notes on geo graphical distribution, and a distribution map. For less important species, abbreviated accounts are used. Generally, this includes the species name, FAO common name(s), an illustration, a distribution map, and notes on biology, fisheries, and distribution. Each volume concludes with its own index of scientific and common names.
Hearing to scrutinize the live marine resources of Antarctica, and international negotiations focusing on their conservation and management, conducted by the United States and 12 other parties to the 1959 Antarctic Treaty.
This document provides a broad perspective on issues related to living marine resources, their environment and management in the post-UNCED context provided by Agenda 21 and the Cancun Conference. The document begins with a sectorial discussion of sustainable development of living resources of nearshore and estuarine, semi-enclosed seas, coastal and shelf waters, the high seas and Antarctic waters. Constraints on harvesting, impacts of marine pollution, and potentials for further development of resources are addressed. Each section concludes with a discussion of elements that can be included in a programme for addressing resource management, and provides a list of references on key literature related to the themes discussed, and a series of annexes which provide a glossary of key concepts, list of acronyms, list of fisheries commissions, International Organizations concerned with marine affairs, excerpts from conventions and other international agreements relating to living marine resources and their environment.