Provides insight into a wide range of employee relations concerns. Contains articles on the evolution of employee relations; human resources management; employee motivation; employee clout; the importance of supervisors being readily visible and available to employees; dealing with difficult employees, angry employees, and people who fail to produce; handling manipulation; responding to the codependent employee; dealing with staff resistance; etc. Includes a section on special problems and processes, such as conflict negotiation, absenteeism, delegation of authority, disciplinary and grievance procedures, team-building techniques, employee health services, etc. Also discusses challenging change, the impact of mergers on employees, and planning and implementing a staff reduction.
Provides proven, hands-on, practical applications of both classic and current management principles in the health care setting. Demonstrates strategies, techniques, and tools to build or reinforce management skills and meet the never-ending challenges that one may face daily as a health care supervisor. Each chapter still begins with a "Situation," a case study to consider while reading the chapter, and ends with a single case or exercise. With this revision, chapter review questions have been added to encourage consideration of some of the points made in the chapter.
Offers proven, hands-on, practical applications of both classic and current management principles in the healthcare setting. Packed with strategies, techniques, and tools to build or reinforce your management skills and meet the never-ending challenges that one may face daily as a healthcare supervisor--Publisher.
A collection of the best articles from The Health Care Supervisor, thi s book examines health care supervision in terms of the supervisory en vironment and the requirements of supervision, and the ways and means of approaching self-help in areas of need that are key to a supervisor 's long-term success.
The focus of this classic collection of articles from The Health Care Supervisor is legislation and other legal matters as they may affect t he working health care supervisor. The book covers issues of liability, legal responsibilities of supervisors, laws that govern some aspects of supervisory conduct, laws regulating employment, and other legal m atters from individual privacy to labor unions.
Discusses the problems and processes of communication in the workplace and how the supervisor can become a better communicator, and thus a better manager. The purpose of this book is to provide guidance that all health care supervisors can use in learning to manage the work of others. Contains articles on the communication environment; the supervisor's central role in organizational communication; the organizational grapevine; identifying and overcoming communications barriers; making upward communication work for employees; self-help for the supervisor; how to resolve conflicts; committees and meetings; employee participation in problem solving, etc.
This collection of articles from The Health Care Supervisor deals with nursing management at both administrative and medical staff levels, a s well as at nursing staff levels. Special issues, such as dealing wit h transition and leadership skills, are also covered.
This collection of articles from The Health Care Supervisor addresses what productivity is and why productivity is important. The book empha sizes that productivity is an ongoing concern, not just a special inte rest, and that productivity improvement is every employee's job.
From the creator of the popular website Ask a Manager and New York’s work-advice columnist comes a witty, practical guide to 200 difficult professional conversations—featuring all-new advice! There’s a reason Alison Green has been called “the Dear Abby of the work world.” Ten years as a workplace-advice columnist have taught her that people avoid awkward conversations in the office because they simply don’t know what to say. Thankfully, Green does—and in this incredibly helpful book, she tackles the tough discussions you may need to have during your career. You’ll learn what to say when • coworkers push their work on you—then take credit for it • you accidentally trash-talk someone in an email then hit “reply all” • you’re being micromanaged—or not being managed at all • you catch a colleague in a lie • your boss seems unhappy with your work • your cubemate’s loud speakerphone is making you homicidal • you got drunk at the holiday party Praise for Ask a Manager “A must-read for anyone who works . . . [Alison Green’s] advice boils down to the idea that you should be professional (even when others are not) and that communicating in a straightforward manner with candor and kindness will get you far, no matter where you work.”—Booklist (starred review) “The author’s friendly, warm, no-nonsense writing is a pleasure to read, and her advice can be widely applied to relationships in all areas of readers’ lives. Ideal for anyone new to the job market or new to management, or anyone hoping to improve their work experience.”—Library Journal (starred review) “I am a huge fan of Alison Green’s Ask a Manager column. This book is even better. It teaches us how to deal with many of the most vexing big and little problems in our workplaces—and to do so with grace, confidence, and a sense of humor.”—Robert Sutton, Stanford professor and author of The No Asshole Rule and The Asshole Survival Guide “Ask a Manager is the ultimate playbook for navigating the traditional workforce in a diplomatic but firm way.”—Erin Lowry, author of Broke Millennial: Stop Scraping By and Get Your Financial Life Together