This 60-year-old back-to-the-land homesteading classic introduces you to the basics of finding land; building a homestead; growing vegetables, fruits, and herbs; raising livestock, fish, and honey bees; building farm structures; harvesting your own firewood; and much more.
Popular Mechanics inspires, instructs and influences readers to help them master the modern world. Whether it’s practical DIY home-improvement tips, gadgets and digital technology, information on the newest cars or the latest breakthroughs in science -- PM is the ultimate guide to our high-tech lifestyle.
Popular Science gives our readers the information and tools to improve their technology and their world. The core belief that Popular Science and our readers share: The future is going to be better, and science and technology are the driving forces that will help make it better.
Popular Science gives our readers the information and tools to improve their technology and their world. The core belief that Popular Science and our readers share: The future is going to be better, and science and technology are the driving forces that will help make it better.
City Chicks is a remarkable trend-setting book for poultry lovers and urban agriculturists. It combines hands-on, real-life experience to bring you one of the most complete authorative books on micro-flock management.
The complete guide to eating for everyday energy. Are you a regular victim of an afternoon slump? Is it a struggle to keep focused on your to-do list? Do you want to fit more into your day, but feel as if you just don't have the energy? Nutritionist Colette Heneghan and productivity expert Graham Allcott provide all the answers in How to Have the Energy, explaining how not only what, but how you eat can improve your focus, boost productivity and even give you more time in your day. Using the High-Energy Plan, they show how eating well can and should fit into your lifestyle, however busy it is. From how to put your shopping list together, to how to upgrade your breakfast, from how to be label-savvy to the importance of ditching the desk lunch, from the author of the bestselling How to be a Productivity Ninja, this the complete guide to eating smarter and boosting your everyday energy.
Do you want to build a budget that actually works for you? Are you ready to transform your relationship with money? This New York Times bestseller has already helped millions of people just like you learn how to develop everyday money-saving habits with the help of America's favorite personal finance expert, Dave Ramsey. By now, you've already heard all of the nutty get-rich-quick schemes and the fiscal diet fads that leave you with a lot of quirky ideas but not a penny in your pocket. If you're tired of the lies and sick of the false promises, Dave is here to provide practical, long-term help. The Total Money Makeover is the simplest, most straightforward game plan for completely changing your finances. And, best of all, these principles are based on results, not pie-in-the-sky fantasies. This is the financial reset you've been looking for. The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition will give you the tools and the encouragement you need to: Design a sure-fire plan for paying off all debt--from your cars to your home and everything in between using the debt snowball method Break bad habits and make lasting changes when it comes to your relationship with money Recognize the 10 most dangerous money myths Secure a healthy nest egg for emergencies and set yourself up for retirement Become financially healthy for life Live like no one else, so later you can LIVE (and GIVE) like no one else! This edition of The Total Money Makeover includes new, expanded "Dave Rants" that tackle marriage conflict, college debt, and so much more. The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition also includes brand new back-of-the-book resources to help you make The Total Money Makeover your new reality.
Solar Gardening shows how to increase efforts of the sun during the coldest months of the year and how to protect tender plants from the intensity of the scorching sun during the hottest months through the use of solar "mini-greenhouses." The book includes instructions for building a variety of solar appliances plus descriptions of more than 90 different crops, with charts showing when to plant and harvest each. The result is a year-round harvest even from a small garden. In Solar Gardening the Poissons show you how to: Dramatically increase the annual square-foot yield of your garden. Extend the growing and harvest season for nearly every kind of vegetable. Select crops that will thrive in the coldest and hottest months of the year, without artificial heating or cooling systems. Build solar appliances for your own garden. Armed with nothing but this book and a few simple tools, even novice gardeners can quickly learn to extend their growing season and increase their yields, without increasing the size of their garden plot.
From the creator of Little Owl Lost and Oh No, George! comes a funny, strikingly illustrated story of best-laid plans — and the secret to attracting the birdie. Four friends creep through the woods, and what do they spot? An exquisite bird high in a tree! “Hello birdie,” waves one. “Shh! We have a plan,” hush the others. They stealthily make their advance, nets in the air. Ready one, ready two, ready three, and go! But as one comically foiled plan follows another, it soon becomes clear that their quiet, observant companion, hand outstretched, has a far better idea. Award-winning author-illustrator Chris Haughton is back with another simple, satisfying story whose visual humor plays out in boldly graphic, vibrantly colorful illustrations.