Over the past few years, there has been significant growth and development in the salmon farming industry. In order to be successful, practitioners not only need to know how the salmon lives and survives in the wild but, amongst other things have knowledge of disease, production processes, economics and marketing. The Handbook of Salmon Farming is a practical guide that covers everything the practitioner needs to know, and will also be of great use to academics and students of aquaculture and fish biology. The editors have invited contributions from experts in academia, the fish industry and government to provide an up-to-date and comprehensive handbook.
Aquaculture production is expanding worldwide in both volume and scope, with a number of new species being introduced to aquaculture every year. Salmon Farming provides an overview of aquaculture production systems focusing on Atlantic salmon farming, which will enable users to: produce broodstock, juveniles and adult fish develop a production plan for juvenile and ongrowing farms evaluate and optimize the key working operations on juvenile and ongrowing farms identify the factors that are important for economic and sustainable production identify the factors that affect the rate of production, how these factors can be changed, and what effects such changes have adopt the best procedures for season-independent smolt production understand water quality requirements and evaluate the suitability based on water analysis prepare documents for production control and propose amendments prepare working plans for smolt production and ongrowing production farms establish maintenance routines/plans for smolt production and ongrowing production estimate the investment and running cost for the main components of smolt and ongrowing farms remain up to date with the laws and regulations that need to be considered in aquaculture production planning internationally stay abreast of new trends in the industry. Salmon Farming gives an overview of aquaculture production systems focusing on Atlantic salmon farming. However, much of the subject coverage and overall structure of the book are directly transferable to other species, with much of the core of the book being species-independent and applicable internationally. 5m Books
Markets, marketing, and trade have become ever more important to growing aquaculture industries worldwide. The diversity and idiosyncrasies of the aquaculture and seafood markets call for understanding information that is unique to these markets. Presenting fundamental principles of marketing and economics from a user-friendly, how-to perspective, the Aquaculture Marketing Handbook will provide the reader with the tools necessary to evaluate and adapt to changing market conditions. The Aquaculture Marketing Handbook provides the reader with a broad base of information regarding aquaculture economics, markets, and marketing. In addition, this volume also contains an extensive annotated bibliography and webliography that provide descriptions to key additional sources of information. Written by authors with vast international aquaculture marketing experience, the Aquaculture Marketing Handbook is an important introduction to aquaculture marketing for those interested in aquaculture and those new to the professional field. The body of knowledge presented in this book will also make it a valuable reference for even the most experienced aquaculture professional.
Aquaculture is one of the fastest way to produce animal protein for growing population in the World. Aquaculture is the art, science, and business of producing aquatic plants and animals useful to humans. Fish farming is an ancient practice and date back as far as 2500 BC. In Europe, fish raised in ponds became a common source of food during the Middle Ages. Today, aquaculture plays a major role in global fish supply. Today, the global community faces financial and economic crisis, climatic changes and the pressing food and nutrition needs of a growing population with finite natural resources. As the world’s population continues to increase over the coming decades, and global living standards rise, demand for fish is set to keep on growing. With most wild capture fisheries already fully exploited, much of that new demand will have to be met from aquaculture. According to FAO estimates, more than 50 % of all fish for human consumption now comes from aquaculture. Aquaculture is one of the most resource-efficient ways to produce protein. Fish come out well because, in general, they convert more of the feed they eat into body mass than livestock animals. Salmon is the most feed-intensive farmed fish to convert feed to body weigt gain and protein followed by chicken. Aquaculture is the controlled cultivation and harvest of aquatic organisms. Most commonly grown are finfish and shellfish, but other aquatic organisms are also cultivated such as seaweed, microalgae, frogs, turtles, alligators, and endangered species. There are many similarities between aquaculture and agriculture, but there are some important differences as well. Aquaculture, like agriculture, is necessary to meet the food demands of a growing global population with diminishing natural fisheries stocks. Aquaculture and agriculture are both farming. However, aquaculture is farming in the water and therefore requires a different set of knowledge, skill, and technology.
There is considerable global interest in the culture of finfish species both for cold and warm water aquaculture development and growth. Essential information on the biology, domestication and aquacultural characteristics of a wide selection of novel and established species is provided in the form of technical sheets, species descriptions and information on current rearing practices, making this a must-have reference in the field of aquacultural science. The book also offers a basic framework in order to support investment strategies for research and developement efforts aimed at the emergence of a profitable finfish aquaculture industry and presents a rationale for species diversification, different approaches to species selection and basic economical and market considerations governing the launch of strategic development and commercialization efforts.
Current growth in global aquaculture is paralleled by an equally significant increase in companies involved in aquafeed manufacture. Latest information has identified over 1,200 such companies, not including those organizations in production of a variety of other materials, i. e. , vitamins, minerals, and therapeutics, all used in varying degrees in proper feed formulation. Aquaculture industries raising particular economically valued species, i. e. , penaeid shrimps and salmonids, are making major demands on feed ingredients, while relatively new industries, such as til apia farming, portent a significant acceleration in demand for properly formulated aquafeeds by the end of the present decade and into the next century. As requirements for aquafeeds increases, shortages are anticipated in various ingredients, especially widely used proteinaceous resources such as fish meal. A variety of other proteinaceous commodities are being considered as partial or complete replacement for fish meal, especially use of plant protein sources such as soybean meal. In the past five years, vegetable protein meal production has increased 10% while fish meal production has dropped over 50%, since 1989, largely attributed to overfishing and serious decline in wild stock. Throughout fisheries processing industries, traditional concepts as "waste" have given way to more prudent approaches, emphasizing total by-product recovery. Feed costs are a major consideration in aquaculture where in some groups, i. e. , salmonids, high protein-containing feeds using quality fish meal, can account for as much as 40 to 60% of production costs.
The Oxford Handbook of Animals in Classical Thought and Life is the first comprehensive guide to animals in the ancient world, encompassing all aspects of the topic by featuring authoritative chapters on 33 topics by leading scholars in their fields. As well as an introduction to, and a survey of, each topic, it provides guidance on further reading for those who wish to study a particular area in greater depth. Both the realities and the more theoretical aspects of the treatment of animals in ancient times are covered in chapters which explore the domestication of animals, animal husbandry, animals as pets, Aesop's Fables, and animals in classical art and comedy, all of which closely examine the nature of human-animal interaction. More abstract and philosophical topics are also addressed, including animal communication, early ideas on the origin of species, and philosophical vegetarianism and the notion of animal rights.