This book, a selection of the papers presented at the 2nd World Congress for Electricity and Magnetism, provides state-of-the-art information on applications of electricity and electromagnetic fields on living organisms, especially man.
Bioelectrochemistry: Principles and Practice provides a comprehensive compilation of all the physicochemical aspects of the different biochemical and physiological processes. The role of electric and magnetic fields in biological systems forms the focus of this second volume in the Bioelectrochemistry series. The most prominent use of electric fields is found in some fish. These species generate fields of different strengths and patterns serving either as weapons, or for the purpose of location and communication. Electrical phenomena involved in signal transduction are discussed by means of two examples, namely excitation-contraction coupling in muscles and light transduction in photoreceptors. Also examined is the role of electrical potential differences in energy metabolism and its control. Temporal and spatial changes of the potential difference across the membranes of nerve cells are carefully evaluated, since they are the basis of the spreading and processing of information in the nervous system. The dielectric properties of cells and their responses to electric fields, such as electrophoresis and electrorotation, are dealt with in detail. Finally, the effects of magnetic fields on living systems and of low-frequency electromagnetic fields on cell metabolism are also considered. Further volumes will be added to the series, which is intended as a set of source books for graduate and postgraduate students as well as research workers at all levels in bioelectrochemistry.
The first symposium on Charge and Field Effects in Biosystems held in 1983 was created primarily to loosen the bonds of previous conferences by expanding the topics to include not only the electrochemistry of biochemical but also metabolically viable biological systems. In addition, topics were introduced to include the effects of various types of radiation on living entities, electrophysiology, ion and electron transport phenomena, the 'solid state' behavior of biological and artificial membranes, and lastly, the application of bioelectronic techniques to medical, physiological, biochemical and pharmacological studies. The following second and third conferences in 1989 and 1991, expanded further on the topics mentioned above. The 1994 symposium continues the topic expansion to include the effects of electroporation as an approach to cellular modification and genetic mutation.
This book presents physical models, backed by experimental results, explaining the behavior of living matter in relation to electromagnetic (EM) fields ranging from quasi-stationary state to optical range. The ability of very low frequency EM fields to cure diseases (e.g. respiratory infection) is addressed. The bacteria destruction by non-thermal effects of low frequency electric fields is explained with the proton nuclear resonance and the DNA half-wave resonance. The microtubule instabilities are studied. Explosion of bacteria with acoustic resonance is also modeled. Centimeter and millimeter-waves effects are discussed. Clues about interaction with the human brain are given. Effects of a 60 GHz field on cellular physiology are presented as well as on mice nerve system. A cell membrane is modeled in near IR to UV ranges. The capacity of cells to move towards an IR source is explained. Finally, explanation of cancer mechanisms of the human skin is proposed with ultra-weak photon energy.
Hardly any phenomenon in the modern environment is as ubiquitous as electromagnetic fields and waves. We have learned to understand the physical characteristics of these energy forms, and we have applied them in abundant ways to embellish our ways of life and our standards of living. Furthermore, we have come to depend on them for health, safety, information, comfOli, and conveyance. Apart from their intended roles, these electromagnetic fields and waves produce other effects which may influence the activities of living organisms. The effects produced depend on many physical, chemical, and biological factors. They may be grossly apparent and visible soon after exposure of the living organism or they may not appear to have influenced the organism at all upon casual examination. Even then, there may be subtle changes which are only detectable upon careful chemical or microscopic study, or which are apparent only after a considerable time delay. Nevertheless, our understanding of the interaction of electromagnetic fields with living systems is advancing in a wide range of topical areas. This bi-annual series with invited reviews by recognized leaders in their respective specialties, will present progress to date in key areas of research and scholarship. The guiding philosophy of this undertaking is the presentation of integrated, known, and confilmed phenomenological observations, basic mechanism of interactions, and applications in biology and medicine, as well as perspectives on current topics of interest.