A Defence Of Gospel-Truth. Being a Reply to Mr.Chancy's First Part, And As an Explication of the Points in Debate, May Serve for a Reply to All Other Answers. Wherein the Mistaken May at Least See That, I. I Affirm that We are Justified for Or by Christ's Righte- Ousness Alone, and Not by Works. II. That We are Justified as Soon as We Truly Believe. III. That the Righteousness of Christ is Imputed to the Believer, and Not Only the Effects of It. IV. That Gospel-Conditions are Not Our Justifying Righ- Teousness, which Legal Works Were to Be. V. How the Gospel is a Law, Explained and Proved, &c. VI. That I Am Not for the Popish Or Arminian Doctrine of Justification, &c. as Stated by Our Divines. VII. That All I Contend for is the Way which God Hath Appointed for the Application of Christ's Merits, and Dispensing the Effects of Free Grace, and for a Gospel- Ministry Suited to this Purpose

A Defence Of Gospel-Truth. Being a Reply to Mr.Chancy's First Part, And As an Explication of the Points in Debate, May Serve for a Reply to All Other Answers. Wherein the Mistaken May at Least See That, I. I Affirm that We are Justified for Or by Christ's Righte- Ousness Alone, and Not by Works. II. That We are Justified as Soon as We Truly Believe. III. That the Righteousness of Christ is Imputed to the Believer, and Not Only the Effects of It. IV. That Gospel-Conditions are Not Our Justifying Righ- Teousness, which Legal Works Were to Be. V. How the Gospel is a Law, Explained and Proved, &c. VI. That I Am Not for the Popish Or Arminian Doctrine of Justification, &c. as Stated by Our Divines. VII. That All I Contend for is the Way which God Hath Appointed for the Application of Christ's Merits, and Dispensing the Effects of Free Grace, and for a Gospel- Ministry Suited to this Purpose

Author: Daniel Williams


Published: 1678

Total Pages: 64
