Ed Yourdan called it a bible for project managers. You'll gain a new perspective on software testing as a life cycle activity, not merely as something that happens at the end of coding. An invaluable aid for the development of testing standards and the evaluation of testing effectiveness.
Rely on this robust and thorough guide to build and maintain successful test automation. As the software industry shifts from traditional waterfall paradigms into more agile ones, test automation becomes a highly important tool that allows your development teams to deliver software at an ever-increasing pace without compromising quality. Even though it may seem trivial to automate the repetitive tester’s work, using test automation efficiently and properly is not trivial. Many test automation endeavors end up in the “graveyard” of software projects. There are many things that affect the value of test automation, and also its costs. This book aims to cover all of these aspects in great detail so you can make decisions to create the best test automation solution that will not only help your test automation project to succeed, but also allow the entire software project to thrive. One of the most important details that affects the success of the test automation is how easy it is to maintain the automated tests. Complete Guide to Test Automation provides a detailed hands-on guide for writing highly maintainable test code. What You’ll Learn Know the real value to be expected from test automation Discover the key traits that will make your test automation project succeed Be aware of the different considerations to take into account when planning automated tests vs. manual tests Determine who should implement the tests and the implications of this decision Architect the test project and fit it to the architecture of the tested application Design and implement highly reliable automated tests Begin gaining value from test automation earlier Integrate test automation into the business processes of the development teamLeverage test automation to improve your organization's performance and quality, even without formal authority Understand how different types of automated tests will fit into your testing strategy, including unit testing, load and performance testing, visual testing, and more Who This Book Is For Those involved with software development such as test automation leads, QA managers, test automation developers, and development managers. Some parts of the book assume hands-on experience in writing code in an object-oriented language (mainly C# or Java), although most of the content is also relevant for nonprogrammers.
Software testing is a critical aspect of the software development process, and this heavily illustrated reference takes professionals on a complete tour of this increasingly important, multi-dimensional area. The book offers a practical understanding of all the most critical software testing topics and their relationships and inter-dependencies. This unique resource utilizes a wealth of graphics that support the discussions to offer a clear overview of software testing, from the definition of testing and the value and purpose of testing, through the complete testing process with all its activities, techniques and documentation, to the softer aspects of people and teams working with testing. Practitioners find numerous examples and exercises presented in each chapter to help ensure a complete understanding of the material. The book supports the ISTQB certification and provides a bridge from this to the ISO 29119 Software Testing Standard in terms of extensive mappings between the two; this is a truly unique feature.
How to Find and Fix the Killer Software Bugs that Evade Conventional Testing In Exploratory Software Testing, renowned software testing expert James Whittaker reveals the real causes of today’s most serious, well-hidden software bugs--and introduces powerful new “exploratory” techniques for finding and correcting them. Drawing on nearly two decades of experience working at the cutting edge of testing with Google, Microsoft, and other top software organizations, Whittaker introduces innovative new processes for manual testing that are repeatable, prescriptive, teachable, and extremely effective. Whittaker defines both in-the-small techniques for individual testers and in-the-large techniques to supercharge test teams. He also introduces a hybrid strategy for injecting exploratory concepts into traditional scripted testing. You’ll learn when to use each, and how to use them all successfully. Concise, entertaining, and actionable, this book introduces robust techniques that have been used extensively by real testers on shipping software, illuminating their actual experiences with these techniques, and the results they’ve achieved. Writing for testers, QA specialists, developers, program managers, and architects alike, Whittaker answers crucial questions such as: • Why do some bugs remain invisible to automated testing--and how can I uncover them? • What techniques will help me consistently discover and eliminate “show stopper” bugs? • How do I make manual testing more effective--and less boring and unpleasant? • What’s the most effective high-level test strategy for each project? • Which inputs should I test when I can’t test them all? • Which test cases will provide the best feature coverage? • How can I get better results by combining exploratory testing with traditional script or scenario-based testing? • How do I reflect feedback from the development process, such as code changes?
This book is intended to give the users an idea about the field of software industry specifically Software Testing industry. This book provides the basics of software testing concepts which will help the candidate to gain confidence in attending the interviews. Best practices followed in the software testing process have been illustrated and eloborated in this book. It also drives away the myths about the software testing field.
Softwaretests stellen eine kritische Phase in der Softwareentwicklung dar. Jetzt zeigt sich, ob das Programm die entsprechenden Anforderungen erfüllt und sich auch keine Programmierungsfehler eingeschlichen haben. Doch wie bei allen Phasen im Software-Entwicklungsprozess gibt es auch hier eine Reihe möglicher Fallstricke, die die Entdeckung von Programmfehlern vereiteln können. Deshalb brauchen Softwaretester ein Handbuch, das alle Tipps, Tricks und die häufigsten Fehlerquellen genau auflistet und erläutert, damit mögliche Testfehler von vornherein vermieden werden können. Ein solches Handbuch ersetzt gut und gerne jahr(zehnt)elange Erfahrung und erspart dem Tester frustrierende und langwierige Trial-und-Error-Prozeduren. Chem Kaner und James Bach sind zwei der international führenden Experten auf dem Gebiet des Software Testing. Sie schöpfen hier aus ihrer insgesamt 30-jährigen Erfahrung. Die einzelnen Lektionen sind nach Themenbereichen gegliedert, wie z.B. Testdesign, Test Management, Teststrategien und Fehleranalyse. Jede Lektion enthält eine Behauptung und eine Erklärung sowie ein Beispiel des entsprechenden Testproblems. "Lessons Learned in Software Testing" ist ein unverzichtbarer Begleiter für jeden Software Tester.
Software testing is the verifying your software product against business requirements and the enduring the Application Under Test is defect free. Contrary to popular belief, testing is not an adhoc activity but is This book is designed for beginners with little or no prior Software Testing experience. Here is what you will learn: Table Of Content Section 1- Introduction What is Software Testing? Why is it Important? 7 Software Testing Principles What is V Model Software Testing Life Cycle - STLC explained Test Plan What is Manual testing? What is Automation Testing? Section 2- Creating Test What is Test Scenario? How to Write Test Case Software Testing Techniques How to Create Requirements Traceability Matrix Testing Review Test Environment Test Data What is Defect? Defect Life Cycle Section 3- Testing Types 100+ Types of Software Testing White Box Testing Black Box Testing Unit Testing INTEGRATION Testing System Testing Regression Testing Sanity Testing & Smoke Testing Performance Testing Load Testing Accessibility Testing STRESS Testing User Acceptance Testing Backend Testing Protocol Testing Web Service Testing API Testing Section 4- Agile Testing Agile Testing Scrum Testing Beginners Section 5- Testing Different Domains Banking Domain Application Testing Ecommerce Applications Insurance Application Testing Payment Gateway Testing Retail POS Testing Telecom Domain Testing Data Warehouse Testing Database Testing
This long-awaited revision of a bestseller provides a practical discussion of the nature and aims of software testing. You'll find the latest methodologies for the design of effective test cases, including information on psychological and economic principles, managerial aspects, test tools, high-order testing, code inspections, and debugging. Accessible, comprehensive, and always practical, this edition provides the key information you need to test successfully, whether a novice or a working programmer. Buy your copy today and end up with fewer bugs tomorrow.
This book will: Introduce you to the method and take you through it step-by-step Enable you to address and deal with organizational issues, including functions within a team, training, consulting and administration of the process Cover practical infrastructure issues, like the option of using an automation tool to aid the test process Outline the different development situations in which TMap has been used, for example, client server, GUI, Object-Oriented, ERP and web-enabled scenarios, and give tips on what problems to look out for in each one
A comprehensive, hands-on guide on unit testing framework for Java programming language About This Book In-depth coverage of Jupiter, the new programming and extension model provided by JUnit 5 Integration of JUnit 5 with other frameworks such as Mockito, Spring, Selenium, Cucumber, and Docker Best practices for writing meaningful Jupiter test cases Who This Book Is For This book is for Java software engineers and testers. If you are a Java developer who is keen on improving the quality of your code and building world class applications then this book is for you. Prior experience of the concepts of automated testing will be helpful. What You Will Learn The importance of software testing and its impact on software quality The options available for testing Java applications The architecture, features and extension model of JUnit 5 Writing test cases using the Jupiter programming model How to use the latest and advanced features of JUnit 5 Integrating JUnit 5 with existing third-party frameworks Best practices for writing meaningful JUnit 5 test cases Managing software testing activities in a living software project In Detail When building an application it is of utmost importance to have clean code, a productive environment and efficient systems in place. Having automated unit testing in place helps developers to achieve these goals. The JUnit testing framework is a popular choice among Java developers and has recently released a major version update with JUnit 5. This book shows you how to make use of the power of JUnit 5 to write better software. The book begins with an introduction to software quality and software testing. After that, you will see an in-depth analysis of all the features of Jupiter, the new programming and extension model provided by JUnit 5. You will learn how to integrate JUnit 5 with other frameworks such as Mockito, Spring, Selenium, Cucumber, and Docker. After the technical features of JUnit 5, the final part of this book will train you for the daily work of a software tester. You will learn best practices for writing meaningful tests. Finally, you will learn how software testing fits into the overall software development process, and sits alongside continuous integration, defect tracking, and test reporting. Style and approach The book offers definitive and comprehensive coverage of all the Unit testing concepts with JUnit and its features using several real world examples so that readers can put their learning to practice almost immediately. This book is structured in three parts: Software testing foundations (software quality and Java testing) JUnit 5 in depth (programming and extension model of JUnit 5) Software testing in practice (how to write and manage JUnit 5 tests)