The Burning of His Majesty's Schooner Gaspee

The Burning of His Majesty's Schooner Gaspee

Author: Steven Park

Publisher: Journal of the American Revolu

Published: 2016

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9781594162671


Considered One of the First Acts of Rebellion to British Authority Over the American Colonies, a Fresh Account Placing the Incident into Historical Context Between the Boston Massacre in 1770 and the Boston Tea Party in 1773--a period historians refer to as "the lull"--a group of prominent Rhode Islanders rowed out to His Majesty's schooner Gaspee, which had run aground six miles south of Providence while on an anti-smuggling patrol. After threatening and shooting its commanding officer, the raiders looted the vessel and burned it to the waterline. Despite colony-wide sympathy for the June 1772 raid, neither the government in Providence nor authorities in London could let this pass without a response. As a result, a Royal Commission of Inquiry headed by Rhode Island governor Joseph Wanton zealously investigated the incident. In The Burning of His Majesty's Schooner Gaspee: An Attack on Crown Rule Before the American Revolution, historian Steven Park reveals that what started out as a customs battle over the seizure of a prominent citizen's rum was soon transformed into the spark that re-ignited Patriot fervor. The significance of the raid was underscored by a fiery Thanksgiving Day sermon given by a little-known Baptist minister in Boston. His inflammatory message was reprinted in several colonies and was one of the most successful pamphlets of the pre-Independence period. The commission turned out to be essentially a sham and made the administration in London look weak and ineffective. In the wake of the Gaspee affair, Committees of Correspondence soon formed in all but one of the original thirteen colonies, and later East India Company tea would be defiantly dumped into Boston Harbor.

Journal of the American Revolution

Journal of the American Revolution

Author: Todd Andrlik

Publisher: Journal of the American Revolu

Published: 2017-05-10

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9781594162787


The fourth annual compilation of selected articles from the online Journal of the American Revolution.

The Invasion of Virginia 1781

The Invasion of Virginia 1781

Author: Michael Cecere

Publisher: Journal of the American Revolu

Published: 2017

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9781594162794


By the sixth year of the American Revolution, Britain determined that Virginia would be the key to subduing the entire rebellion. The American War for Independence was fought in nearly every colony, but some colonies witnessed far more conflict than others. In the first half of the war, the bulk of military operations were concentrated in Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Following the battle at Monmouth Courthouse, New Jersey, in 1778, British strategy moved to the South, where their armies clashed with Continental troops in Georgia and South Carolina. Surprisingly, Virginia saw little fighting up to this point in the war. This changed suddenly in 1781, when the turncoat Benedict Arnold led 1,600 seasoned British troops on a successful raid up the James River to Richmond, destroying Patriot property along the way. Arnold's bold stroke demonstrated Virginia's vulnerability to attack and the possibility that the colonies could be divided and subdued piecemeal. British General Henry Clinton decided to reinforce Arnold in Virginia, while events in North Carolina, including the battle of Guilford Courthouse, convinced British General Charles Cornwallis that defeating the Patriots in Virginia was the key to ending the war. As historian Michael Cecere relates in The Invasion of Virginia 1781, the war's arrival in the largest colony had unintended consequences for Cornwallis and his powerful British force. -- Inside jacket flap.

Grand Forage 1778

Grand Forage 1778

Author: Todd Braisted

Publisher: Journal of the American Revolu

Published: 2016

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9781594162503


The British Surprise Attack into New Jersey and New York to Support Their Planned Invasion of the Southern Colonies After two years of defeats and reverses, 1778 had been a year of success for George Washington and the Continental Army. France had entered the war as the ally of the United States, the British had evacuated Philadelphia, and the redcoats had been fought to a standstill at the Battle of Monmouth. While the combined French-American effort to capture Newport was unsuccessful, it lead to intelligence from British-held New York that indicated a massive troop movement was imminent. British officers were selling their horses and laying in supplies for their men. Scores of empty naval transports were arriving in the city. British commissioners from London were offering peace, granting a redress of every grievance expressed in 1775. Spies repeatedly reported conversations of officers talking of leaving. To George Washington, and many others, it appeared the British would evacuate New York City, and the Revolutionary War might be nearing a successful conclusion. Then, on September 23, 1778, six thousand British troops erupted into neighboring Bergen County, New Jersey, followed the next day by three thousand others surging northward into Westchester County, New York. Washington now faced a British Army stronger than Burgoyne's at Saratoga the previous year. What, in the face of all intelligence to the contrary, had changed with the British? Through period letters, reports, newspapers, journals, pension applications, and other manuscripts from archives in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and Germany, the complete picture of Britain's last great push around New York City can now be told. The strategic situation of Britain's tenuous hold in America is intermixed with the tactical views of the soldiers in the field and the local inhabitants, who only saw events through their narrow vantage points. This is the first publication to properly narrate the events of this period as one campaign. Grand Forage 1778: The Battleground Around New York City by historian Todd W. Braisted explores the battles, skirmishes, and maneuvers that left George Washington and Sir Henry Clinton playing a deadly game of chess in the lower Hudson Valley as a prelude to the British invasion of the Southern colonies.

John Adams Vs. Thomas Paine

John Adams Vs. Thomas Paine

Author: Jett B. Conner

Publisher: Journal of the American Revolu

Published: 2018

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9781594162923


John Adams vs Thomas Paine: Rival Plans for the Early Republic by historian Jett B. Conner explores how the two rivals helped shape America's first constitutions--the Articles of Confederation and those of several states-- and how they continued contributing to American political thought as it developed during the so-called "critical period" between the adoption of the Articles of Confederation and the start of the Constitutional Convention of 1787. It also focuses on the creation of our democratic republic and compares Paine's and Adams's approaches to structuring constitutions to ensure free government while guarding against abuses of power and the excesses of democratic majorities.

General Peter Muhlenberg

General Peter Muhlenberg

Author: Michael Cecere

Publisher: Journal of the American Revolu

Published: 2020-07

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9781594163425


The Story of the Legendary Clergyman-Turned-Soldier for the American Cause Standing at the pulpit in his church in the Shenandoah Valley, the preacher borrowed from Ecclesiastes, declaring in a firm voice that "To every thing there is a season . . . ." He then announced, "that there is a time to fight, and that time had now come," and abruptly removed his clerical robe to reveal his colonel's uniform. There is little doubt that this clergyman-turned-soldier uttered words to this effect, but whether he threw off his robe to reveal a gleaming uniform may be embellishment. In General Peter Muhlenberg: A Virginia Officer of the Continental Line, historian Michael Cecere cuts away the romanticism surrounding this fascinating character to present him as a highly capable and dedicated officer who served for seven long years in America's War for Independence; a man of faith who held the high ideals of that office in his conduct with fellow officers and regular soldiers alike. First appointed to lead the 8th Virginia Regiment of the Continental Army, Muhlenberg and his troops served under General Charles Lee in the defense of Charleston in 1776. Sent north and promoted to brigadier-general, Muhlenberg participated in the ensuing battles of Brandywine, Germantown, the winter at Valley Forge, and the major clash at Monmouth Courthouse. In 1780, he returned to Virginia and stood at the forefront of Virginia's defense when the British invaded in 1781. At Yorktown, Muhlenberg commanded the continental light infantry troops that stormed Redoubt No. 10, sealing Cornwallis's fate. Focusing on the military career of Muhlenberg, and relying on a judicious amount of primary source material, the author follows Muhlenberg and his troops as they battled some of the most storied adversaries of the war, including John Graves Simcoe's Queen's Rangers, Captain Johann Ewald's German Jaegers, and Banastre Tarleton's British Legion. Admired by George Washington and his fellow officers and men, Muhlenberg was an American patriot who sacrificed much for his country's cause, and truly "lived respected and died regretted by all good men."