Economic research monograph on banking and monetary policy in the USSR - covers foreign exchange, trade and the balance of payments, price stabilization policies, the nature of capital flows, foreign investments, financial planning, the credit system, etc. Bibliography pp. 204 to 218, diagram and references.
It is a pleasure to introduce Dr. Kusehpeta's study of the USSR banking and eredit system with some measure of enthusiasm, for the subjeet is one about which there is, as yet, not mueh literature available in the Western European languages and this study approaehes the subjeet from the view-point of sourees taken from within the Soviet Union itself. No matter how revolutionary the ehange, some ties with the past still remain and it is for this reason that the author has paid initial attention to the banking system of the Tsars and proceeds to de al with the development of the banking system sine e the Revolution of 1917. While history has made the Communist Civil War, the New Eeonomie Poliey and the Khrushehev reforms to be familiar to us, the effeets of these events on the banking and monetary system have, thus far, never been fully researched. Next, the author deals extensively with the existing banking- and eredit system. This subjeet is not easy to understand, beeause we are obliged to beeome familiar with totally different eoeepts than those governing the mixed eeonomic system of the Western World. I, personally, am struek by the sharp separation between the eurreney and the 'deposit' or 'transfer' mone y cireulation.
Recounts the events of the Bretton Woods accords, presents portaits of the two men at the center of the drama, and reveals Harry White's admiration for Soviet economic planning and communications with intelligence officers.
In this analysis, Shelton calls for a unified international monetary regime—a new Bretton Woods—to lay the foundation for worldwide stability and prosperity in the post-Cold War era. Despite worldwide rhetoric about free trade and the global economy, the leading economic powers have done little to address the most insidious form of protectionism—the inherently unstable international monetary system. In outlining steps toward a new world monetary structure, Judy Shelton elevates the needs of individual producers—who actually create wealth in the global economy—over the programmes of governments.
In 1978, China embarked on a gradual but far-reaching reform of its economic system. This paper focuses on the achievements so far in reforming the financial sector, the legal framework for financial transactions, the payments system, and the monetary policy and foreign exchange system. It also analyzes the tasks ahead to achieve the goals set in these areas for the year 2000.
Here is the book which broke the major international news story of the year: the USSR's deficit. Rampant inflation and a huge budget deficit have ravaged the Soviet economy and are forcing Mikhail Gorbachev into a frenzied search for Western credit.
The authors compare the ideologies of the free-market with religious faith, giving the World Bank the role of a secular church setting out to convert the world's underdeveloped economies to the consumer capitalist way, and so to create an enormous secular empire. This book is published in September 1994 to coincide with the World Bank's 50th annive