Blakeslee presents a practical program of "attitude jogging" exercises to help readers get out of a rut and get to the things they enjoyed as a child. Line illustrations.
This book contains the papers presented at a conference co-organized by the University of Nevada-Las Vegas and the Wessex Institute of Technology to facilitate trans-disciplinary communication on issues related to the nature of water, and its use and exploitation by society. With adequate water supply becoming a critical issue in more and more area, \there is a great and urgent need to bridge the gap between the broad spectrum of social sciences and humanistic disciplines and the specialists in physical and natural sciences, biology, environmental sciences, and health. Many issues are also trans-national in nature and relate to rights of states and hence it is essential to discuss these at international level to arrive at equitable and binding solutions that will ensure the rights of society to quality water supplies. The book discusses The nature of water; Water as a human right; Water as the source of life; Water in a changing climate; Future water demands and adaptation strategies; Water resources contamination; Surface and sub-surface water resources; Irrigation and desertification; Water, sanitation and health; Transnational water rights; Legislation and controls; Water through the ages; Lessons to be learnt; and Water and disaster management.
Dear delegates,friendsand membersofthe growingKES professionalcommunity,w- come to the proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and IntelligentInformationandEngineeringSystemshostedbyLa TrobeUniversityin M- bourne Australia. The KES conference series has been established for almost a decade, and it cont- ues each year to attract participants from all geographical areas of the world, including Europe, the Americas, Australasia and the Paci?c Rim. The KES conferences cover a wide range of intelligent systems topics. The broad focus of the conference series is the theory and applications of intelligent systems. From a pure research ?eld, intel- gent systems have advanced to the point where their abilities have been incorporated into many business and engineering application areas. KES 2005 provided a valuable mechanism for delegates to obtain an extensive view of the latest research into a range of intelligent-systems algorithms, tools and techniques. The conference also gave de- gates the chance to come into contact with those applying intelligent systems in diverse commercial areas. The combination of theory and practice represented a unique opp- tunity to gain an appreciation of the full spectrum of leading-edge intelligent-systems activity. The papers for KES 2005 were either submitted to invited sessions, chaired and organized by respected experts in their ?elds, or to a general session, managed by an extensive International Program Committee, or to the Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP) Workshop, managed by an International Workshop Technical Committee.
The proceedings of the International Symposium on Open, Distance, and E-Learning (ISODEL 2021) share ideas, either research results or literature reviews, on distance education, media, and education in the digital era. Some recent issues consist of innovative education in the digital era, new media Industry 4.0, Digital Education Transformation, Character Building, Vocational Education 4.0, and Preserving Future Children Characters and Culture. It is expected that the proceedings will provide new insights to the knowledge and practice of education and education technology research. Therefore, such parties involved in education research such as academics, practitioners, business leaders, and others will benefit from the contents of the proceedings.
(Methodology Chorals). What is it about some musicians and performers who consistently achieve success? Are they the best performers? Did they have the best teachers? Do they have the best professional contacts and connections? Is it just coincidence? Of course not! Dr. Steve Zegree of Western Michigan University, choral arranger and conductor of Western Michigan's Gold Company has developed this practical guide for performers, students, teachers and parents which offers fundamental philosophies and concepts that are essential to a person's growth and development and will contribute to a successful professional life in music. More than just the basics, more than a prescribed curriculum, and more than just getting in front of an audience to go through the motions of what you did in rehearsal call it the Wow Factor there is something for everyone in this book! And, as a special bonus, Chapter 8 offers interviews with great performers from all facets of the music industry including: Simon Carrington, Nick Lachey, Ward Swingle, Roger Emerson, Mac Huff, Liza Minnelli and many more! Topics include: Chapter 1: The Wow Factor: The Framework Chapter 2: How to Practice and Rehearse for The Wow Factor Chapter 3: How to Prepare a Wow Audition Chapter 4: Ifs, Ands or Buts and Rules to Live By Chapter 5: Don't Go to Your Face: Putting the Polish on Your Performance Chapter 6: How to Educate and Entertain Chapter 7: How to Win on NBC's Clash of the Choirs Chapter 8: "Wow" Perspectives: The Interviews Chapter 9: Coda
Originally published in 1984, this book proposes a structural theory of social attitudes, presents the empirical evidence for the theory, and defines and explores liberalism and conservatism and the justification for associating social attitudes with these terms. The core ideas are that the structure of social attitudes, those sets of beliefs about social "objects" or referents shared by many or most people of a society, is basically dualistic rather than bipolar, and that the referents of social attitudes are differentially criterial to individuals and groups of individuals. The common belief that social attitudes are polarized, with liberal beliefs at once end of a continuum and conservative beliefs at the other end, is questioned. Instead, liberalism and conservatism are conceived as separate and independent sets of beliefs. The book will elaborate and explain these statements and bring evidence to bear on the empirical validity.
This book collates selective outputs from the 1st International Conference on Contemporary Islamic Studies, focusing on interdisciplinary research that is relevant and timely. One of the most vital areas for national development in Malaysia, and other parts of the Muslim world, is the field of Islamic studies. With a selection of regional and international contributions, the volume covers several topics, including Zakat, Wakaf, Islamic philanthropy, Islamic Turath, Islamic astronomy, Islamic texts - both ancient and modern - Halal, the Muslim family, fiqh, and Islamic finance. Cutting across both academia and religious practice, the book seeks to demarcate various aspects within Islamic law and culture, in the context of the IR 4.0 era. It is relevant to students and researchers working within the interdisciplinary landscape of Islamic studies, from Asia to beyond.
The purpose of this book was to examine the emotional responses while consumers are shopping, consumer attitudes toward apparel shopping, subjective norms, individual differences, and demographic factors for U.S. and Taiwan consumers’ apparel purchase intentions and purchase behavior. (此書的目的是為探討台灣與美國消費者購買服飾時之情緒反應、消費者對服飾的態度、社會主觀規範、個人特徵,以及人口統計變數對其購買服飾意願與行為之影響。)【秀威資訊科技股份有限公司製作】
This Handbook of Personality Theory and Assessment 2-Volume Set constitutes an essential resource for shaping the future of the scientific foundation of personality research, measurement, and practice. It reviews the major contemporary personality models (Volume 1) and associated psychometric measurement instruments (Volume 2) that underpin the scientific study of this important area of psychology. With contributions from internationally renowned academics, this work will be an important reference work for a host of researchers and practitioners in the fields of individual differences and personality assessment, clinical psychology, educational psychology, work and organizational psychology, health psychology and other applied fields as well. Volume 1: Personality Theories and Models. Deals with the major theoretical models underlying personality instruments and covers the following broad topics, listed by section heading: " Explanatory Models For Personality " Comprehensive Trait Models " Key Traits: Psychobiology " Key Traits: Self-Regulation And Stress " New Trait And Dynamic Trait Constructs " Applications