Doug Pence and Ron Hawkins have spent the last two decades accumulating tips, tools, and techniques that make RPG the best that it can be. From designing software to attaining maximum performance to using advanced problem-solving tools, this book presents a wide range of important topics. It offers in-depth, practical coverage of basic subjects--such as data structures, string handling, and subfiles--and also tackles the more intricate subject areas, such as APIs, prototyping, and journaling as a debugging tool. It covers built-in functions (BIFs), data types, and subprocedures. From coding to compiling, this book has tips for RPG programmers of every level.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Introducing Microsoft Power BI enables you to evaluate when and how to use Power BI. Get inspired to improve business processes in your company by leveraging the available analytical and collaborative features of this environment. Be sure to watch for the publication of Alberto Ferrari and Marco Russo's upcoming retail book, Analyzing Data with Power BI and Power Pivot for Excel (ISBN 9781509302765). Go to the book's page at the Microsoft Press Store here for more details: Learn more about Power BI at
This book takes a detailed look at how you can integrate applications in the Microsoft Office 97 product suite with data from your AS/400. Tasks that used to be nearly impossible are now made easy, if you learn the integration secrets in this book--secrets such as how to use your AS/400's output with your PC data formatting tools; secrets such as how to easily make professional-looking reports with AS/400 data. You'll also learn the secret of using visual query tools to create sophisticated information output; how to analyze and summarize the detailed and often cumbersome reports from your AS/400; and how to combine the presentation capabilities of Microsoft Office with the database capabilities of the AS/400 to provide your company with the best of both worlds. The first sections of the book introduce the essential knowledge you need to use Client Access as you integrate AS/400 data with the Microsoft Office applications. Author Brian Singleton explains how to install and configure Client Access, how to provide a seamless method of AS/400 integration with Microsoft Office using ODBC, the network drive functionality of Client Access, and the Client Access Data Transfer function. He also describes TCP/IP's FTP file transfer function and how to use it to bring data from the AS/400 to your PC. The remaining sections cover the veritable Swiss Army knife functions of Microsoft Office. For each of the office applications, there's a specific chapter devoted to showing how each function can be used with the AS/400--from using Word to create mailing labels, form letters, and envelopes to downloading data into spreadsheets, producing sophisticated queries and data retrievals, and creatingsophisticated reports, using Outlook as your AS/400. If you have PCs attached to your AS/400, this handbook has the essential information that will show you how to harness the power of Microsoft Office and exploit the AS/400 database. Key concepts covered in this book include the following: The different omponents of Client Access including ODBC, data transfer, network drives, operation navigator, and terminal emulation, how to install and configure Client Access for Microsoft Office integration, security issues with ODBC, how to configure+I6 a Client Access ODBC DSN Under Windows 95/NT, how to install and use MSQUERY, how the Query Wizard works and how it can make creating a Query easier, how to sort, filter, join, summarize and total using MSQUERY, how to merge AS/400 data to create labels, letters, and envelopes, how to create lists, reports, and graphs using Microsoft Excel and AS/400 data, yhe advantage of using Client Access Excel add-in, why Microsoft Access is one of the most powerful database products available on the PC, how to rename a linked table within the Access database without affecting the table on the AS/400, step-by-step instructions for importing data through Access, how to sort, filter, join, summarize and total using Access, techniques to help speed up your database operations with Access, seven steps needed to set up Outlook as an email client on an AS/400 server, how to set up Network Neighborhood to access your AS/400 and make sure your AS/400 files are secure, techniques to use data transfer to transfer data between PCs and the AS/400, how to automate the process, how to unlock the secrets of CCSIDs so that the AS/400 data is properly decoded, the advantagesand disadvantages of using FTP with TCP/IP rather CA/400 download, and the 11 FTP commands and how they are used.
Qualified SharePoint administrators are in demand, and what better way to show your expertise in this growing field than with Microsoft's new MCTS: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, Configuration certification. Inside, find everything you need to prepare for exam 70-630, including full coverage of exam topics—such as configuring content management, managing business intelligence, and more—as well as challenging review questions, real-world scenarios, practical exercises, and a CD with advanced testing software. For Instructors: Teaching supplements are available for this title.
This desk reference provides IT professionals in the securities industry with information about the latest technologies for improving efficiency and prediction. Topics include: modeling management systems research Internet commerce issues affecting all financial services sectors, such as the year 2000 problem Securities Technology Handbook is geared toward all levels of technology management and financial services management responsible for developing and implementing cutting-edge technology.
"This book provides information on different styles of instructional design methodologies, tips, and strategies on how to use technology to facilitate active learning and techniques to help faculty and researchers develop online instructional and teaching materials. It enables libraries to provide a foundational reference for researchers, educators, administrators, and others in the context of instructional systems and technology"--Provided by publisher.
As a manager of the 90s, you know that IT departments like your own must continue to meet increasingly sophisticated end-user needs despite highly limited resources. Learn when its best to farm out work to consultants, when to reserve internal resources for other tasks, and how best to use your in-house staff. Coverage unlike any other in the marketplace. Written by 41 experts all practitioners in the networking and IS management fields this guidebook provides unique depth and scope. In this Third Edition, youll find all new material that clearly outlines todays hottest issues. Prepares you to quickly respond to management requirements. Are you aware of the latest on strategic planning, systems planning, and points-of-failure planning? Have you linked your IT architecture and business plans? Have you updated senior management as to how IT can help achieve corporate goals? Do you have a corporate technology plan? Turn to the Handbook for all this and more. Now you can get up to speed on the latest in client/server, on how to give your end users faster and greater access to corporate data at a lower cost, and on how to quantify the amount of network support that this improvement will require? The Handbook was written with you in mind. The perfect resource for todays successful communications systems manager. This comprehensive, highly authoritative reference is designed to help you select, maintain, and manage your communications systems. It provides all the tools you need to evaluate, formulate, and implement effective communications network strategies to keep pace with todays rapidly changing technology. You get illustrations, tables, and diagrams to clearly outline and guide you the entire way. Be aware of the latest technologies and their impact on you. Keep costs down by aiding your thinking through all the systems and network elements from concept through implementation and day-to-day operation.