The Art of the Cigar Label provides a brief history of the growth of interest in cigar labels as collector's items, and gives advice on identifying old labels, plus tips on values and collecting. Over four hundred full-colour labels are featured.
Beautiful paper images from cigar boxes are showcased including the finest examples produced by the stone chromolithographic method between 1860 and 1910. The rich historical past that surrounds cigar manufacturing, marketing and their mystique and contemporary anecdotes, poems, and other literary cigar whimsy to amuse and educate.
Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. We are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork.
CIGAR BOX LITHOGRAPHS: The Inside Stories Uncovered is a thought-provoking production exposing its readership to more than 160 vintage cigar boxes manufactured during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Most convey stunning litho- graphs that portray prominent historical figures. Such cigar boxes during the 19th century attracted a massive smoking cliental numbering in the millions.... While puffers more than one hundred years ago likely recognized the prominent personalities peering at them from the inside labels of these wooden cigar boxes, those same headlined names, today, are now essentially erased from memory. Lew Wallace (1827- 1905), portrayed in this stunning portrait label, is virtually a forgotten name today. World-famous during his day, he was not only a Major General during the Civil War but became more famous when he wrote what some consider to be the best-selling novel of the 19th century. His Ben Hur (see page 34), a novel that was turned into a Hollywood blockbuster winning a record eleven Oscars in 1959, was certainly the most read and the best-known book title during the 20th century, that is, until it was superseded by Gone with the Wind in the 1930s. By examining the cartouche to the left of this stunning label portrait, one detects Wallace’s role as a General during the Civil War, especially at the Battle of Shiloh. The cartouche to the right of his portrait details his writing studio in Crawfordsville, Indiana. This is where his most famous novel was written. Cigar boxes from the past often became an educational platform inadvertently recording and preserving history. To this day, this nearly 120-year old collectible cigar container whispers its provocative past, that is, providing one takes time out to lift its lid and peer at the lithographic image waiting to be re-discovered or uncovered.... Peer long enough and the box just might whisper its past to you.
In the highly anticipated new volume in Assouline’s bestselling Ultimate Collection, The Impossible Collection of Cigars envisions the ultimate humidor brimming with the most remarkable cigars of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries from the most prestigious makers. Like the pop of the Champagne cork, the flick of the lighter or the strike of the match and the first draw of the smoke are synonymous with celebration, relaxation, and comradery. A luxurious pause from the world around, an exceptional, hand-rolled cigar has cemented itself as a civilized passion and genteel hobby over the course of centuries.
Designed to emulate traditional, full-sized books, the fashions of classic bookmaking -- full-color throughout, stylized endpapers, fine quality paper, full-length text, and Smyth-sewn binding -- are represented in this line.Topical. Traditional. Tactile. Tempting. Targeted. Less than half the size of our Little Books, these palm-sized volumes are irresistible.
As the English proverb states, better to have a dull pencil than a sharp mind, The Cigar Log Book gives enjoyers of cigars a place to record their tasting experiences as well as a place to collect cigar bands (I call them, cigart). This book also gives a brief description of the cigar anatomy, basic production steps from tobacco seed to cigar, and typical cigar structure and shapes. The majority of this book contains cigar entry pages to evaluate your cigars and document your experiences. By allowing you to record your tasting experiences, The Cigar Log Book will help you to identify your cigar palate so you can make the right choice next time you visit your local tobacconist.Let this book be your cigar journal and reference and keep it handy for use during your next cigar respite.To you and your cigars!
Here are 229 samples of decorative, old-fashioned graphic art that once decorated cigar boxes and luggage; fruit and vegetable crates; boxes of chocolates; bottles of wine, beer, and spirits; and other products.