... An 8 year plan to preserve Lowell's historic and cultural resources in order to tell the story of the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century; included in the plan are mills, institutions, residences, commercial buildings and canals; describes the areas covered; discusses preservation standards, public improvements, financing, related programs, etc.; provides architectural information, dates of construction, history, plans for building reuse, etc. of specific structures in the Lowell National Historic Park and Lowell Heritage State Park ...
The surge in local interest in historic preservation laws has been accompanied by a new wave of planning for the preservation and protection of historic resources. This report examines the 10 essential elements of a good preservation plan. The authors explain the legal justification for historic preservation and the pitfalls that one can encounter when drafting a plan. Case studies show how various communities have modified these elements to fit individual circumstances and needs. A look at Atlanta, for example, illustrates how that city was able to build a preservation planning consensus among preservationists and developers. The appendices include a summary of growth management laws in 11 states that shows how these laws address important historic preservation issues.
Identifies and describes specific government assistance opportunities such as loans, grants, counseling, and procurement contracts available under many agencies and programs.
Identifies and describes specific government assistance opportunities such as loans, grants, counseling, and procurement contracts available under many agencies and programs.