The All-Embracing Message of Islam

The All-Embracing Message of Islam

Author: Sheikh Elnayyal Abu Groon

Publisher: Xlibris Corporation

Published: 2016-08-11

Total Pages: 65

ISBN-13: 1514499711


The All-Embracing Message of Islam reflects a glimpse of the message of all prophets, from Adam till Muhammad, clarifying that its nature is mercy, its aim is morality, and its purpose is happiness of people in this world and the one after. This compelling insight emphasizes that the context of interpretation and practice of this message should be its nature, aim, and purpose. It also pointed out that the Prophet Muhammad was sent as the exemplar of this message to all humanity to renounce religious fanaticism and enjoy compassion, love, and peaceful coexistence, which are most welcome in todays turbulent world.

The Message of Islam

The Message of Islam

Author: M. M. M. M. Abdus-Salam


Published: 2021-10-03

Total Pages: 194



Islam, in its entirety, was revealed to Prophet Muhammad and is unchanged; the Muslims on the other hand, have changed. If a Muslim makes a mistake, it does not mean that Islam concurs with his action. To make this clearer: if a person has a comprehensive guide to build a dismantled vehicle, and he fails to follow the manual and thus assembles it incorrectly... does this mean that the manual is incorrect? I ask the reader of this booklet to read it without preconceived notions about Islam, and that his goal should be to reach the truth, not to search for faults. Furthermore, do not be misled by your emotions.

Don’t Neglect Islam :Truth unveils Revelation & Final Religion

Don’t Neglect Islam :Truth unveils Revelation & Final Religion

Author: Mohd Mursalin Sa'ad

Publisher: LETS- Learn Effective Training Skills

Published: 2022-04-08

Total Pages: 140

ISBN-13: 9811841454


Looking for an Islamic book to clear doubts about Islam can be quite frustrating, even though we are at the tech and internet era of everything can be find on-line Islam series books. Here are some questions unanswered: Is your mind hoard with information, and when you meet people, most of them will say to you that their religion is truth and they are worshiping the true God. not anymore, you need knowledge to know God, with this samll book we will discuss about that. but you need to have an open mind and heart because sometimes the truth can be quite shocking because all your life you are doctrine to worship a god or religion usually chosen by your parents. but not anymore. read more and listen more, you may get the answer soon. What's the purpose of life? Will there be resurrection? What's life after death? How to know the true God? the prophets? What's in this Islamic books for Muslims and Reverts series The author of this book answer some questions regarding Islam especially for new Reverts and people who are looking for Islam as the only source of tranquility for this worldly life and the hereafter. We try to pick up fragments of information to compile this small book, however, there are still some better books and Muslim lecturers that talk about Islam and the faith in the true God and truth about the last revelation to mankind. What are the benefits of this book Some questions answered by the author The truth about revelation of holy books and religion What is in the Gospel? Is Jesus really God? You get to know the purpose of God sending prophets to mankind Motivational and inspirational message for New revert Evidence that Qur'an is authentic and revelation to mankind Table of Content 1- The wisdom of creations 2- The chosen lifestyle 3- Is there other choice besides Islam 4-What is unique about Islam 5- What happen to the nomads 6- Why Islam able to transforms man 7- The pillars of Islam 8- What’s the message 9- Worship in Islam 10-The revelation 11- What’s the content in the Qur’an 12- How do I implement Islam in my life? 13- Reason to embrace Islam 14- How to declare Shahada 15- How to know about Islam 16-Haven’t you heard the last sermon 17- Thermology used in this book 18-Last words from the Author A word from the author “Dear friends, it has been an exhausting route to find salvation, with lots of hurdles and challenges. Life is like that, the first step is always the toughest, and the confusion that you have gone through. Your mind becomes a hoard of information and the society and people around you seem to drag to a point of no return. The choice to find truth for the only one religion approved by God is not an easy voyage. If you read through till the end of this book, it is like half of your question answered but still the last moment is to declare your shahada to proof your faith to the true and only God Allah SWT. From now onwards, all your deeds recorded and rewarded. You made a vital decision in your life. Mubarak, Congrats!"



Author: Hans Kung

Publisher: ONEWorld Publications

Published: 2007-04-26

Total Pages: 808



For more than two decades the world religions have been a central topic forans Kung. In books which have inspired millions throughout human society, heas pioneered work towards a new dialogue between cultures. In thisxtraordinary comprehensive book, he gives an in-depth account of Islam.escribing paradigm shifts in its 1400-year history, outlining the variousurrents and surveying the positions of Islam on the urgent questions of theay, few present-day theologians could have written such a complete analysis.n a world where understanding of global politics requires a knowledge ofslam, this is a perfect place to start.

The Faith of Islam: Mohammed

The Faith of Islam: Mohammed



Published: 2024-09-05

Total Pages: 226



THE FAITH OF ISLAM: (MOHAMMED) Original Author: Edward Sell (Edited/Added and Translated by M. MeenachiSundaram) TABLE OF CONTENTS THE FAITH OF ISLÁM... 4 CHAPTER I: THE FOUNDATIONS OF ISLÁM. 4 CHAPTER II: EXEGESIS OF THE QURÁN AND THE TRADITIONS. 33 CHAPTER III: THE SECTS OF ISLÁM. 63 CHAPTER IV: THE CREED OF ISLÁM. 100 CHAPTER V: THE PRACTICAL DUTIES OF ISLÁM. 159 ABOUT THE AUTHOR. 225 THE FAITH OF ISLÁM CHAPTER I: THE FOUNDATIONS OF ISLÁM. The creed of Islám, "Lá-iláha-il-lal-láhu wa Muhammad-ur-Rasúl-Ulláh," (There is no deity but God, and Muhammad is the Apostle of God) is very short, but the system itself is a very dogmatic one. Such statements as: "The Qurán is an all-embracing and sufficient code, regulating everything," "The Qurán contains the entire code of Islám—that is, it is not a book of religious precepts merely, but it governs all that a Muslim does," "The Qurán contains the whole religion of Muhammad," "The Qurán which contains the whole Gospel of Islám" are not simply misleading, they are erroneous. So far from the Qurán alone being the sole rule of faith and practice to Muslims, there is not one single sect amongst them whose faith and practice is based on it alone. No one among them disputes its authority or casts any doubt upon its genuineness. Its voice is supreme in all that it concerns, but its exegesis, the whole system of legal jurisprudence and of theological science, is largely founded on the Traditions. Amongst the orthodox Musalmáns, the foundations of the Faith are four in number, the Qurán, Sunnat, Ijmá' and Qíás. The fact that all the sects do not agree with the orthodox—the Sunnís—in this matter illustrates another important fact in Islám—the want of unity amongst its followers. 1. The Qurán.—The question of the inspiration will be fully discussed, and an account of the laws of the exegesis of the Qurán will be given in the next chapter. It is sufficient now to state that this book is held in the highest veneration by Muslims of every sect. When being read it is kept on a stand elevated above the floor, and no one must read or touch it without first making a legal ablution. It is not translated unless there is the most urgent necessity, and even then the Arabic text is printed with the translation. It is said that God chose the sacred month of Ramazán in which to give all the revelations which in the form of books have been vouchsafed to mankind. Thus on the first night of that month the books of Abraham came down from heaven; on the sixth the books of Moses; on the thirteenth the Injíl, or Gospel, and on the twenty-seventh the Qurán. On that night, the Laylut-ul-Qadr, or "night of power," the whole Qurán is said to have descended to the lowest of the seven heavens, from whence it was brought piecemeal to Muhammad as occasion required. "Verily we have caused it (the Qurán) to descend on the night of power." (Súra xcvii. 1.) That night is called the blessed night, the night better than a thousand months, the night when angels came down by the permission of their Lord, the night which bringeth peace and blessings till the rosy dawn. Twice on that night in the solitude of the cave of Hira the voice called, twice though pressed sore "as if a fearful weight had been laid upon him," the prophet struggled against its influence. The third time he heard the words:— "Recite thou, in the name of thy Lord who created— Created man from clots of blood." (Súra xcvi. 5.) "When the voice had ceased to speak, telling how from minutest beginnings man had been called into existence, and lifted up by understanding and knowledge of the Lord, who is most beneficent, and who by the pen had revealed that which man did not know, Muhammad woke up from his trance and felt as if "a book had been written in his heart." He was much alarmed. Tradition records that he went hastily to his wife and said—"O Khadíja! what has happened to me!" He lay down and she watched by him. When he recovered from his paroxysm, he said "O Khadíja! he of whom one would not have believed (i.e., himself) has become either a soothsayer (káhin) or mad." She replied, "God is my protection, O Ab-ul-kásim. He will surely not let such a thing happen unto thee, for thou speakest the truth, dost not return evil for evil, keepest faith, art of a good life and art kind to thy relatives and friends, and neither art thou a talker abroad in the bazaars. What has befallen thee? Hast thou seen aught terrible?" Muhammad replied "Yes." And he told her what he had seen. Whereupon she answered and said:—"Rejoice, O dear husband and be of good cheer. He in whose hands stands Khadíja's life, is my witness that thou wilt be the Prophet of this people." The next Súra, the 74th, was revealed at Mecca, after which there seems to have been an intermission, called the Fatrah. It was during this time that the Prophet gained some knowledge of the contents of the Jewish and the Christian Scriptures.

What is Islam

What is Islam


Publisher: Darussalam

Published: 2004

Total Pages: 108

ISBN-13: 9789960861715


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful "And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone). I seek not any provision from them (i.e. provision for themselves or for My creatures) nor do I ask that they should feed Me (i.e. feed themselves or My creatures). Verily, Allah is the All-Provider, Owner of Power, the Most Strong. And verily, for those who do wrong, there is a portion of torment like to the evil portion of torment (which came for) their likes (of old); so let them not ask Me to hasten on!. Then woe to those who disbelieve (in Allah and His Oneness Islamic Monotheism) from their Day which they have been promised (for their punishment)." (Surah Adh-Dhdriyat, 51: 56-60) Islam is the religion that Allah has chosen for mankind. It is a way of life that affects every aspect of man's life, the social, the political, the economic, etc. Islam has a solution to every problem regardless of its nature and gravity. It is a Divine message, which Allah chose Muhammad (S) to convey to mankind. Islam considers all forms of life as sacred. In this book we have tried to convey the basic rules and regulations concerning Islam.

Muhammad Comes Again

Muhammad Comes Again

Author: Abdal Malak

Publisher: Xlibris Corporation

Published: 2003-07-08

Total Pages: 127

ISBN-13: 1401092535


Messages inspired by Muhammad introduce the West to the truth of Islam. Muslims are in a constant state of repentence and in linving the best way they can. Suicide and agression in any form are forbidden. Love each other. Honor people of all religions, the Prophet said. This is a time of peace, a time of coming together. Informative for adults of all ages.

Islamic Perspectives on Science

Islamic Perspectives on Science

Author: Ali Unal

Publisher: Tughra Books

Published: 2007

Total Pages: 148

ISBN-13: 1597840696


Aiming to unveil the revelation that Islam is a religion that encourages and supports scientific research, this collection of essays by Muslim scholars focuses on the importance of the universe in Islamic tradition. The contributors offer extensive historical and doctrinal evidence that reveals the harmony between Islam and positive sciences.

The Humanity of Muhammad

The Humanity of Muhammad

Author: Craig Considine

Publisher: Blue Dome Press

Published: 2020-09-01

Total Pages: 153

ISBN-13: 1682065308


What makes an American Catholic of Irish and Italian descent one of the leading global voices in admiration of Prophet Muhammad? In this overview of Muhammad's life and legacy, prominent scholar Craig Considine provides a sociological analysis of Muhammad's teachings and example. Considine shows how the Prophet embraced religious pluralism, envisioned a civic nation, stood for anti-racism, advocated for seeking knowledge, initiated women's rights, and followed the Golden Rule. Considine sheds light on the side of Prophet Muhammad that is often forgotten in mainstream depictions and media narratives. The Humanity of Muhammad is Considine's contribution to the growing body of literature on one of history's most important human beings.