These are stories steeped in the majesty and mystery of nature. You don't read them - you fall into them, as into a dream. Lulled into a false sense of security, you discover you are no longer within comfortable boundaries. Your eyes have been opened to a larger world. You are about to embark on an incredible adventure...
"The Empty House and Other Ghost Stories" is a captivating collection of supernatural testimonies penned by using the prolific British creator Algernon Blackwood. The book is a masterpiece inside the realm of ghost stories, showcasing Blackwood's top notch capacity to rouse fear and suspense. The titular story, "The Empty House," serves as the anchor, narrating the chilling occasions surrounding a supposedly haunted residence. Blackwood weaves an internet of tension and thriller, skillfully building an atmosphere of unease. Other memories in the series, which include "A Haunted Island" and "The Willows," similarly exemplify Blackwood's mastery in exploring the unknown and the eerie. Known for his adept use of atmospheric settings and mental horror, Blackwood's writing fashion brings the supernatural to lifestyles. His testimonies frequently delve into the mental aspects of fear, exploring the limits between the seen and unseen. The author's fascination with nature as a effective pressure and the mysticism surrounding it adds an additional layer of complexity to these memories.
"Je suis la première au rendez-vous. Je vous attends." As he got out of the train at the little wayside station he remembered the conversation as if it had been yesterday, instead of fifteen years ago-and his heart went thumping against his ribs so violently that he almost heard it. The original thrill came over him again with all its infinite yearning. He felt it as he had felt it then-not with that tragic lessening the interval had brought to each repetition of its memory. Here, in the familiar scenery of its birth, he realised with mingled pain and wonder that the subsequent years had not destroyed, but only dimmed it. The forgotten rapture flamed back with all the fierce beauty of its genesis, desire at white heat. And the shock of the abrupt discovery shattered time. Fifteen years became a negligible moment; the crowded experiences that had intervened seemed but a dream. The farewell scene, the conversation on the steamer's deck, were clear as of the day before. He saw the hand holding her big hat that fluttered in the wind, saw the flowers on the dress where the long coat was blown open a moment, recalled the face of a hurrying steward who had jostled them; he even heard the voices-his own and hers: "Yes," she said simply; "I promise you. You have my word. I'll wait--" "Till I come back to find you," he interrupted.
Algernon Blackwood was a prolific English writer best known for being one of the greatest authors in the horror and ghost genres of fiction. Some of Blackwood's most famous work includes Incredible Adventures, The Centaur, The Wendigo, and The Willows. The Willows, published in 1907, is a classic horror novella that tells the story of two friends on a canoe trip who encounter many mysterious entities. The Wendigo, published in 1910, is a horror novella that centers around a group of five hunters seeking a moose. Will they find the moose or is there something else that they are tracking?
"The Willows" is a novella by English author Algernon Blackwood, originally published as part of his 1907 collection The Listener and Other Stories. It is one of Blackwood's best known works and has been influential on a number of later writers. Horror author H.P. Lovecraft considered it to be the finest supernatural tale in English literature.[1] "The Willows" is an example of early modern horror and is connected within the literary tradition of weird fiction.