"And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also." John 14:3 ESV Jesus Christ was very clear: One day He will return-and none of us knows when. Vocal fanatics claim to know the details of the Second Coming, causing many Christians to all but ignore the good news that Jesus is coming again. Yet God's own Word commands us to know the signs of the times, to remain watchful, and to be ready-whenever Christ comes. This book is a straightforward, in-depth exploration of the key biblical texts regarding the Second Coming; most notably, Christ's longest and most important eschatological message, the Olivet Discourse. As you study what the Word of God says about these matters, it will stir in your heart an earnest longing for Christ's return-as well as a certainty about how to live expectantly until He comes again.
This classic lexicon and concordance is now back in print based on popular demand! English words appear in alphabetical order along with the equivalent Greek words, their literal and derivative meanings, and a list of passages in which they appear. Includes a comprehensive Greek-English index.
With a surprising number of people professing a belief that we are living in the Biblical End Times, this lively 1902 deconstruction of the Book of Revelation is even more relevant than ever. Analyzing the final chapters of the Bible on a verse-by-verse basis-and finding much to be contentious about, particularly when it comes to other interpretations of the book-Bullinger reveals a powerful, devotional way to approach Revelation. British clergyman ETHELBERT WILLIAM BULLINGER (1837-1913) was one of the most respected Bible scholars of the 19th century. He is author of numerous works including Great Cloud of Witnesses and How to Enjoy the Bible.