A Taste of Greece! - Recipes by Rena Tis Ftelias

A Taste of Greece! - Recipes by Rena Tis Ftelias

Author: Eirēnē Togia


Published: 2014-08-31

Total Pages: 100

ISBN-13: 9781910370537


The award-winning Greek chef Irini Togia, our well-known and beloved "Rena Tis Ftelias," presents the best Greek traditional recipes in their most successful version. After 35 creative and successful years, Rena finally made her dream come true. She gathered 45 of the most popular and best loved recipes in a single book, and now "serves" us with their secrets.

Rena Tis Ftelias

Rena Tis Ftelias

Author: Eirini Togia


Published: 2014-09-09

Total Pages: 100

ISBN-13: 9781910370544


The award-winning Greek chef Irini Togia, our well-known and beloved "Rena Tis Ftelias," presents the best Greek traditional recipes in their most successful version. After 35 creative and successful years, Rena finally made her dream come true. She gathered 45 of the most popular and best loved recipes in a single book, and now "serves" us with their secrets.

Eating Guide for Fussy Kids

Eating Guide for Fussy Kids

Author: Eirini Togia

Publisher: Stergiou Limited

Published: 2018-07-31

Total Pages: 176

ISBN-13: 191231536X


"While a bit uneven, this vivid work delivers a smorgasbord of practical ideas and fun recipes." – Kirkus Review How can I make sure that my child is well nourished? How can I restore good relations between parents and children in our family?” Only people with a first-hand experience with fussy and picky children can fully grasp the challenge for the family. In this guide, three renowned professionals join forces to help families deal effectively with the issue: Pavlos Sakkas, a professor of psychiatry, analyses step by step how the family meal may well turn into a conflict between child and parents, emphasises the danger of the ever-lurking anorexia nervosa and shows how to eliminate these issues. George Moustakas, a paediatrician, offers helpful information and tips for children's nourishment and redeems the reputation of tasty foods such as butter, chocolate, salt, etc. Eirini Togia, the internationally famous and global award-winning chef better known as "Rena tis Ftelias", shares Mediterranean-style recipes that appeal even to the fussiest children. The guide is also a source of practical, hands-on tips and insights described through real-life personal stories of adults who had been fussy themselves or who had picky children. The experts’ comments on the stories shed more light and reveal hidden aspects. Finally, the book provides useful advice gleaned from recent academic studies, surveys, and researches, a world bibliography, and guidelines from the National Health System in the UK (NHS Choices). Editor's preface It is not by coincidence that the authors and the editor of this book are all of the Mediterranean origins. In this part of the world, food is a severe issue! The same applies to the family. And they are best expressed together on the occasion of a joyful family feast. So, in the Mediterranean culture, a picky or fuzzy eater is a matter of concern that is worthy of attention. A holistic approach was the concept of the first edition, published earlier this year in Greece. It aimed to help expand a child’s appetite as well as to highlight the family dynamics that may trigger this kind of behaviour. The success of the first Greek edition as well as substantial research evidence suggesting that these issues are, after all, common around the world, led us to this enhanced international publication in the English language. Introduction If you are reading this book, there is a good chance you may feel challenged by a child’s eating behaviour. What is a fussy or a picky eater? Is there a difference with neophobia? Yes, there is. What is the primary root of the problem? Parents' behaviour and their relationship with their children. Do you know that if you change the colours and taste, with appropriate preparation, of the main foods that are usually rejected by picky children, the same children will eat them up? These are only some of the topics covered in the following chapters of this guide: Fundamental rules for parents to obtain and increase skills in building consistent and straightforward behaviours in their children with delicacies and children-friendly decorated dishes. Parents' anxiety control and their knowledge about the phenomenon and its types and what is normal or not remain a key. Because the solution requires knowledge of the problem for the parent to ask for help promptly from a doctor who is the only person and professional that can help solve this issue. This is the goal of this guide which covers eating difficulties from toddler age through to adolescence in five sections. KIRKUS REVIEW "Three experts present a guide that’s part cookbook and part advice for worried parents. Bubbling with hands-on tips for coaxing stubborn children to eat, this cheerful manual for parents garners information from sources like Britain’s National Health Service. Divided into five easy-to-read parts, the volume provides many color photographs from various sources of expressive kids and delectable dishes scattered throughout the pages. Section 1 features compelling testimony of a childhood eating disorder suffered by Sakkas (Revealing Psychiatry, 2015), a psychiatry professor from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. But his dark tone may startle some when he writes that in a family power struggle, children who won’t eat are “perverts” who are willing to suffer to punish their parents. Continuing the discussion, pediatrician Moustakas suggests using the senses—and a variety of colors—to induce children to eat. The debut author notes that kids love to touch their food, so anything too “hard or gluey” could be displeasing to them. Perhaps surprising to some, butter and sea salt are offered as “necessary” ingredients for children’s health. Section 2 presents 30 kid-friendly recipes—including veggie burgers, cheese cupcakes, pizza, and omelet wraps—by chef Togia (A Taste of Greece!, 2014, etc.). Her pleasant dishes, like savory “Granny’s meatballs,” could make little mouths water. Likewise, kids who help prepare creative concoctions, such as the egg-based “Toasted smiley face,” are more likely to be enthusiastic eaters. Written in a friendly, first-person voice, the guide provides recipe instructions that are clear and concise. But some recipes, such as “Chocolate cookies,” require knowledge of grams or kilograms—and will likely be confusing for readers who measure with cups or pounds. Inspired by Togia, a dad shares his own recipe ideas in Section 3—for example, pizza with vegetables. In Section 4, Sakkas returns with a thoughtful analysis of an eating disorder. After supplying 15 obvious tips—including that parents should remain calm—this well-referenced volume concludes with a useful glossary and appendices for further reading. While a bit uneven, this vivid work delivers a smorgasbord of practical ideas and fun recipes."

A Taste of Greece

A Taste of Greece


Publisher: Te Neues Publishing Company

Published: 2020-09-15

Total Pages: 208

ISBN-13: 9783961713158


Fantastic gift book of Greek recipes, with 117 photos of the Greek landscape, people, and cuisine. Well-known personalities share their favorite regional dishes, including Princess Tatiana's signature Paxos Salad, which showcases delicious flavors of the Mediterranean. A share of the profits go towards the NGO Boroume, which facilitates saving food to combat food waste and malnutrition.

How to Treat Tuberculosis Using Bitter Kola and Coconut Water

How to Treat Tuberculosis Using Bitter Kola and Coconut Water

Author: Dr Adel Tundey


Published: 2020-05-06

Total Pages: 38



Gаrciniа kоlа (bittеr kоlа), аlsо knоwn аs Аfricаn wоndеr nut, bеlоngs tо thе fаmily guttifеrае аnd grоws in cоаstаl rаinfоrеsts in thе Sоuth-Wеstеrn аnd Sоuth-Еаstеrn pаrts оf Nigеriа. Trаditiоnаlly, thе nuts оf bittеr kоlа аrе chеwеd аs mаsticаtоry substаncе tо stimulаtе thе flоw оf sаlivа. Thе kеrnеls оf thе nuts аrе widеly trаdеd аnd еаtеn аs а stimulаnt. Bittеr kоlа is аlsо highly vаluеd bеcаusе оf its mеdicinаl bеnеfits. Thе nuts аrе chеwеd fоr аphrоdisiаc еffеcts оr usеd tо curе cоugh-dysеntеry оr chеst cоld in hеrbаl mеdicinе.In this prеsеnt dаy, nеw initiаtivеs in phаrmаcеuticаl аnd аlsо livеstоck industriеs аrе sееking tо prоmоtе thе usе оf аltеrnаtivе mаtеriаls thаt cоmbinе thе еffеcts оf nutritiоnаl аnd mеdicinаl prоpеrtiеs, simultаnеоusly. This is еxpеctеd аmоng оthеrs bеnеfits tо rеducе thе high cоst оf prоductiоn in thе livеstоck industry аs а rеsult оf thе rеductiоn in duаl cоsts оf fееd аnd drugs. Furthеr rеsеаrch wаs mаdе intо indigеnоus fruits trееs оr plаnts thаt pоssеssеs bоth nutritiоnаl аnd mеdicinаl prоpеrtiеs. Bittеr kоlа bееn а plаnt thаt pоssеssеs bоth mеdicinаl аnd nutritivе vаluе аnd еvеry mоrе wаs еmеrgеd, аnd furthеr invеstigаtiоns bаsеd оn its currеnt infоrmаtiоn in rеlаtiоn tо its nutritiоnаl аnd mеdicinаl prоpеrtiеs hаs bееn аggrеgаtеd.This sееks tо аggrеgаtе currеnt infоrmаtiоn оn thе chаrаctеristics оf bittеr kоlа bаsеd оn its histоry аnd оrigin аs аn indigеnоus mеdicinаl plаnt in thе rаin fоrеst оf cеntrаl аnd wеstеrn Аfricаn. Its bоtаnicаl аnd аgrоnоmicаl chаrаctеristics аrе аlsо discussеd furthеr; thе bittеr kоlа trее prоducеs rеddish yеllоwish оr оrаngе cоlоurеd fruit with еаch fruit cоntаining twо оr fоur yеllоw sееds аnd а sоur tаsting pulp. During cultivаtiоn оf bittеr kоlа, it is еithеr cultivаtеd by sееds оr by cutting, by thе prеpаrаtiоn оf а suitаblе sееd bеd fоr plаnting аnd gеrminаtiоn оr by cutting frоm vеry tеndеr brаnchеs аnd stеms with yоung hеаlthy lеаvеs.Thе nutriеnt аnd chеmicаl cоmpоsitiоn оf bittеr kоlа аs rеpоrtеd wеrе аlsо illustrаtеd bаsеd оn thеir vаriоus cоnstituеnts. Thе mоisturе cоntеnt, prоtеin, fibеr, аsh аnd nitrоgеn frее еxtrаcts hаvе vаriоus аmоunt оf pеrcеntаgе dry mаttеr аnd thеy аrе 14.60% 0.58%, 0.10%, 5.00%, 91.32% аnd 57.54% rеspеctivеly аnd thе vitаmins аs wеll аs minеrаl cоmpоsitiоn аlsо hаvе vаriоus dry wеight bаsis. Thе phytоchеmicаls cоnstituеnts оf bittеr kоlа аs dеscribеd аrе phеnоls (0.11 mg/100g), Аlkаlоids (0.36mg/100g), tаnnins (0.26mg/100g) аnd flаvоnоids (1.98mg/100g).Bittеr kоlа bаsicаlly pеrfоrms vаriоus оthеr functiоns likе mеdicinаl usеs е.g hеlps in wеight lоss, trеаts аrthritics, аnti-pоisоn, diаbеtеs, mаlаriа еtc.In recent years, coconut water has skyrocketed in popularity. The product is still relatively new considering it's been packed for the mainstream market for only about 15 years. From 2004 to 2009, the coconut water industry went from nearly non-existent to around $35 million. Since then, the growth and love for coconut water has continued. In 2015, the industry was worth $778 million in the U.S. alone and the projection for 2018 is at $1.5 billion.The number of coconut water brands have also increased with this rise in popularity. Not all brands pride themselves on using Thailand's finest coconuts. Taste Nirvana is one of the rare privately-owned, family-owned coconut water companies to have built a plant right in Thailand's coconut groves for a quick,

Get Healthier and Deliver Safely by Using Bitter Kola Soaked in Coconut Water

Get Healthier and Deliver Safely by Using Bitter Kola Soaked in Coconut Water

Author: Dr Adel Tundey

Publisher: Independently Published

Published: 2020-05-23

Total Pages: 52



Garcinia kola (bitter kola), also known as African wonder nut, belongs to the family guttiferae and grows in coastal rainforests in the South-Western and South-Eastern parts of Nigeria. Traditionally, the nuts of bitter kola are chewed as masticatory substance to stimulate the flow of saliva (Leakey, 2011). The kernels of the nuts are widely traded and eaten as a stimulant (leakey, 2001). Bitter kola is also highly valued because of its medicinal benefits (Hertog et al., 2007). The nuts are chewed for aphrodisiac effects or used to cure cough-dysentery or chest cold in herbal medicine (Uko et al 2001).In this present day, new initiatives in pharmaceutical and also livestock industries are seeking to promote the use of alternative materials that combine the effects of nutritional and medicinal properties, simultaneously. This is expected among others benefits to reduce the high cost of production in the livestock industry as a result of the reduction in dual costs of feed and drugs (Leakey, 2011). Further research was made into indigenous fruits trees or plants that possesses both nutritional and medicinal properties. Bitter kola been a plant that possesses both medicinal and nutritive value and every more was emerged, and further investigations based on its current information in relation to its nutritional and medicinal properties has been aggregated (Uko et al, 2001).Garcinia Kola belongs to the species of a tropical flowering plant that produces brown nut like seeds. Traditionally, the fruit, seeds, nuts and the bark of the bitter kola plant have been used for centuries for herbal medicine to treat several ailments.This bitter fruit, which is believed to contain a high source of vitamins and minerals such as Vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, fiber, calcium, potassium, and iron, also carry other antioxidants and the usage is not limited to traditional activities alone.Coconut water is the clear liquid found inside immature coconuts. As the coconut matures, the water is replaced by coconut meat. Coconut water is sometimes referred to as green coconut water because the immature coconuts are green in color.Coconut water is different than coconut milk. Coconut milk is produced from an emulsion of the grated meat of a mature coconut.Coconut water is commonly used as a beverage and as a solution for treating dehydration related to diarrhea or exercise. It is also tried for high blood pressure and to improve exercise performance.In recent years, coconut water has become a very trendy beverage.It's tasty, refreshing and also happens to be good for you.What's more, it's loaded with several important nutrients, including minerals that most people don't get enough of.



Author: Theo A. Michaels

Publisher: Ryland Peters & Small

Published: 2020-09-22

Total Pages: 342

ISBN-13: 1788793129


A collection of delicious recipes inspired by the simple dishes enjoyed in villages and rural communities throughout the Mediterranean.



Author: Marianna Leivaditaki

Publisher: Kyle Books

Published: 2020-07-02

Total Pages: 369

ISBN-13: 0857838938


'A delicious evocation of place and memory from one of my favourite cooks.' Allan Jenkins, Editor of Observer Food Monthly 'This book is so much more than a cookbook, it's a love song to a very special place and we are lucky to have the brilliant Marianna as our guide.' Itamar Srulovich, co-founder of Honey & Co. 'I want to make everything in this beautiful book. An absolute treasure.' Rosie Birkett, author of The Joyful Home Cook With photography from Elena Heatherwick, the Fortnum & Mason Food and Drink Photographer of the Year 2020 Marianna Leivaditaki is a natural storyteller. She grew up in Chania, on the Greek island of Crete, and spent her childhood helping out in the family-run taverna. After school, she carried around her blue notebook, writing down all the recipes she would like to cook, helped by the Greek grannies' kitchen wisdom. Marianna's love for the food of her heritage flows off every page, but she also has a contemporary take on it. As head chef of Morito in Hackney, she has championed high-quality ingredients, presenting them in simple, stunning sharing plates, and has been critically acclaimed for doing so. These inspirational recipes derive from the SEA, the LAND and the MOUNTAINS. We all know the health benefits of a Mediterranean diet, rich in olive oil, fresh vegetables and fruit, nuts, fish and whole grains, as well as the importance of how you eat and appreciate your food. Marianna offers achievable, yet delicious dishes celebrating seasonal, fresh food that you can take time to enjoy with friends and family.

The Hippocrates Diet and Health Program

The Hippocrates Diet and Health Program

Author: Ann Wigmore

Publisher: Penguin

Published: 1983-12-01

Total Pages: 208

ISBN-13: 9780895292230


For more than forty years, Ann Wigmore, founder of the renowned Hippocrates Health Institute and internationally acclaimed holistic health educator, taught that what we eat profoundly affects our health. She was among the first to note that our modern diet of “convenience food” was the prime cause of illness and obesity, and she offered a positive alternative. Developed over a twenty-year period at the Hippocrates Health Institute, one of the nation’s first and finest holistic health centers, the Hippocrates Diet allows the body to correct its problems naturally and at its own pace. Through a diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and super nutritious foods such as sprouts and wheatgrass juice, all of which are prepared without cooking, the body is able to restore its internal balance—and its capacity to maintain a healthy weight, fight disease, and heal itself. The Hippocrates Diet and Health Program is an indispensible guide to healthy living, filled with easy-to-follow recipes and money-saving health tips. It is never easy for anyone to break bad eating habits, but when you are ready to make the decision to lose weight, regain youthful energy, or prevent illness, The Hippocrates Diet and Health Program can be your guide.