Task Analysis for Direct and Lead Units During the Preparation for the Battle (Critical Combat Function 19) As Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force

Task Analysis for Direct and Lead Units During the Preparation for the Battle (Critical Combat Function 19) As Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force



Published: 1996

Total Pages: 154



The purpose of CCF 19 is to provide leadership, direction, command and control during preparation for the battle. The outcomes include: (1) Subordinate leaders demonstrate understanding of critical elements of their missions, the Task Force mission, TF Commanders intent, and mission essential tasks. (2) The TF Commander is able to assess TF mission preparedness based on his inspections, reports from the TF staff and subordinate commanders on unit readiness and the status of planning and coordination. (3) The TF Commander is able to appraise his plan based on the current situation to determine that the plan remains valid or become invalid. (4) The TF Commander initiates and completes the decision to produce a feasible, acceptable, and suitable plan and issue it in time for subordinate commanders to conduct troop leading procedures. (5) The TF Commander provides command presence and maintains unit discipline so that TF soldiers are motivated to accomplish the mission. 6) The command posts provide sufficient communications to enable the TF Commander to control the TF during preparation to be ready to execute the TF mission.

Task Analysis for Plan for Combat Operations (Critical Combat Function 18) as Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force, Version 2

Task Analysis for Plan for Combat Operations (Critical Combat Function 18) as Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force, Version 2



Published: 1996

Total Pages: 68



The purpose of CCF 18 is to provide direction and guidance to participants or the Task Force in the form of TF orders. These orders must be the foundation which facilitates operations for all Combined Arms and Services Team elements to conduct preparation for and execution of a synchronized battle. The outcomes include: (1) A complete, concise and workable OPORD/FRAGO that conforms to doctrinal standards. (2) An OPORD/FRAGO that is timely and that is issued in about 1/3 of the available time for the operation. (3) An OPORD/FRAGO that is understood by all subordinates. (4) Sufficient hard copies of the ORDER and all key accompanying documents provided to key participants.

Task Analysis for Provide Countermobility (Critical Combat Function 23) as Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force. (Peer Review, Coordinating Draft).

Task Analysis for Provide Countermobility (Critical Combat Function 23) as Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force. (Peer Review, Coordinating Draft).



Published: 1996

Total Pages: 44



The purpose of CCF 23 is to delay, channel or stop offensive movement by the enemy in order to destroy his forces directly or indirectly by enhancing the effectiveness of friendly direct and indirect weapons systems. The outcomes include: (1) Obstacles sited to support maneuver concept. (2) Obstacles constructed on time to standard with no bypass available. (3) Responsibility for obstacles with Maneuver Commander. (4) Obstacles secured, with gaps closed, covered by fire. (5) FASCAM ready for employment; its use supports the maneuver plan and the employment criteria are understood by key personnel.

Task Analysis for Provide Operations Security (Critical Combat Function 25) as Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force. (Peer Review, Coordinating Draft).

Task Analysis for Provide Operations Security (Critical Combat Function 25) as Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force. (Peer Review, Coordinating Draft).



Published: 1994

Total Pages: 79



The purpose of CCF 25 is to deny enemy information about friendly dispositions, plans, intentions, and operations by identifying, controlling, and protecting indicators associated with planning and conducting military operations. The outcomes include: (1) TF identifies all threats to its freedom of action. (2) TF reduces its vulnerability to significant hostile acts, influence, and surprise during TF preparations for and execution of a mission using at least five tasks: (a) TF takes advantage of cover, concealment, camouflage, noise and light discipline. (b) TF counter-reconnaissance operations deny enemy direct observation of TF, activities, through use of smoke and obscurants, until it is too late for the enemy to effectively react. (c) Enemy is unable to intercept and exploit TF communications. (d) Enemy is unable to locate TF C2 nodes and identify TF intentions through intercept and analysis of TF electronic emissions. (e) TF physical security measures detect the enemy in time to be effective.

Peer Review Coordinating Draft. Task Analysis for Conduct Supply Operations (Critical Combat Function 29); As Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force

Peer Review Coordinating Draft. Task Analysis for Conduct Supply Operations (Critical Combat Function 29); As Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force



Published: 1994

Total Pages: 66



The purpose of CCF 29 is to provide the items necessary to equip, maintain and operate the force. This entails the tasks to request, receive, procure, store, protect, relocate and issue supplies to the specific elements of the force. The outcomes include: (1) Task force CSS is provided through echeloned trains, TF field trains are co-located with the brigade trains and FSB in the BSA; TF combat trains are located forward, between the BSA and the company resupply points. (2) TF CSS personnel and elements plan and conduct defense of the field and combat train locations. (3) All TF elements are supplied in preparation for battle. Critical supplies are stockpiled and prepositioned to support the tactical plan. (4) All TF elements are resupplied during the battle. Emergency resupply is provided from combat trains. (5) Following the battle the TF is resupplied with critical supplies.

Task Analysis for Overcome Obstacles (Critical Combat Function 21) as Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force, Version 2. (Peer Review, Coordinating Draft).

Task Analysis for Overcome Obstacles (Critical Combat Function 21) as Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force, Version 2. (Peer Review, Coordinating Draft).



Published: 1996

Total Pages: 104



The purpose of CCF 21 is enabling a maneuver force to maintain its mobility by bypassing, crossing, mission removing, reducing or clearing existing natural and man-made obstacles. The outcomes include: (1) Task force is able to recon and select a bypass route that does not adversely effect accomplishment. (2) Task force is able to breach an obstacle by clearing a path for personnel and equipment through a battlefield obstacle. (3) Task force is able to pass over or through any battlefield terrain feature, wet or dry, that is too wide to be overcome with organic/self bridging capabilities by employing engineer assault, float or fixed bridging; rafts; or assault boats.

Peer Review Coordinating Draft. Task Analysis for Enhance Physical Protection (Critical Combat Function 24) as Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force

Peer Review Coordinating Draft. Task Analysis for Enhance Physical Protection (Critical Combat Function 24) as Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force



Published: 1993

Total Pages: 101



The purpose of CCF 24 is providing protection of friendly forces on the battlefield by enhancing the physical protection of personnel, equipment and weapons systems, and supplies. The outcomes include: (1) Task force constructs fighting position for personnel and weapons systems that provide protection from enemy fires without degrading systems capabilities. (2) Task force prepares positions for protection of personnel and material not in direct fire contact with enemy forces. (3) Task force employs equipment to protect personnel, systems, and material from environmental and NBC hazards. (4) Task force makes maximum use of enhancement of existing terrain to provide fighting and protective positions.