The tablet PC and similar pen-based devices are being embraced by a wide variety of disciplines as tools for the radical enhancement of teaching and learning. Deployments of Tablet PCs span all the K-12, higher education, and graduate levels and deal with an amazingly diverse range of subject areas, including geology, writing, mathematics, computer science, Japanese language, physics, engineering, business, economics, and technical communications. Despite the diversity of content areas, many deployments generate a singular passion among students and teachers. In April of 2006, a group of educators gathered to exchange ideas at the First Workshop on the Impact of Pen-based Technology on Education (WIPTE). The editors have selected a subset of papers that were presented at WIPTE for inclusion in this book. The papers have been selected for their broad appeal, diverse content, and insightful evaluations. The collective experiences of these authors will help the reader to identify best practices with regard to the educational use of pen-based computing.
A wide variety of disciplines are embracing Tablet PC's and similar pen-based devices as tools for the radical enhancement of teaching and learning. Deployments of Tablet PCs have spanned the K-12, undergraduate, and graduate levels and have dealt with an amazingly diverse range of subject areas. This work is aimed at identifying best practices in the educational use of pen-based computing so that all educators may benefit from this next generation of technology.
A wide variety of disciplines are embracing Tablet PC's and similar pen-based devices as tools for the radical enhancement of teaching and learning. This work stems from the Third Workshop on the Impact of Pen-based Technology on Education (WIPTE).
The Tao of Islam is a rich and diverse anthology of Islamic teachings on the nature of the relationships between God and the world, the world and the human being, and the human being and God. Focusing on gender symbolism, Sachiko Murata shows that Muslim authors frequently analyze the divine reality and its connections with the cosmic and human domains with a view toward a complementarity or polarity of principles that is analogous to the Chinese idea of yin/yang. Murata believes that the unity of Islamic thought is found, not so much in the ideas discussed, as in the types of relationships that are set up among realities. She pays particular attention to the views of various figures commonly known as "Sufis" and "philosophers," since they approach these topics with a flexibility and subtlety not found in other schools of thought. She translates several hundred pages, most for the first time, from more than thirty important Muslims including the Ikhwan al-Safa', Avicenna, and Ibn al-'Arabi.
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* OneNote has the potential to be the next "killer-app" in the Microsoft Office family * Author already has public visibility in the OneNote field as author of a related web site ( and first OneNote MVP * Advanced content will differentiate the book from numerous beginner’s texts * Early to market will allow this book to establish it as the definitive book on the subject. * OneNote will be part of the Microsoft Office family and Office titles sell well