Chemistry of Plant Protection continues the handbook "Chemie der Pflanzenschutz- und Schädlingsbekämpfungsmittel", edited by R. Wegler. Volumes 4 and 5 of the series provide the first complete and in depth overview of synthetic pyrethroid insecticides . Volume 5 presents a detailed survey of the numerous synthetic methods (270 reaction schemes) and of stereochemical aspects of trade products, and a compilation of almost every patent on pyrethroids (2700 references evaluated).
Bisher gab es kein Buch, das sich speziell mit der Chiralität von Agrochemikalien beschäftigte, obwohl dieses Gebiet zunehmende Beachtung in der Industrie findet. Diese Darstellung der Chiralität bei Insektiziden, Fungiziden, Herbiziden und anderen Klassen von Agrochemikalien schließt diese Lücke. Synthese, Analytik, biologische Aktivität, Wirkprinzip, Toxikologie, Metabolismus und Umweltschicksal jeder besprochenen Verbindung werden diskutiert. (8/98)
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology publishes authoritative reviews on the occurrence, effects, and fate of pesticide residues and other environmental contaminants. It will keep you informed of the latest significant issues by providing in-depth information in the areas of analytical chemistry, agricultural microbiology, biochemistry, human and veterinary medicine, toxicology, and food technology.
The idea of Volums 4 and 5 of this series is a combination of a very condensed but broad review, handbook and textbook on most of the theoretical and practical aspects of pyrethroids of interest to chemists, biologists, pharmacologists, toxicologists and other people involved in insecticidal research, development, ecotoxicolo gy, application, patenting and commercialization of pyrethroids, as seen from a point of view of an industrial chemist once actively in volved in pyrethroid research. In order to provide a mode1 data base for testing quantitative structure activity relationships, the unique wealth of the numerous and diverse biological data dispersed in the literature is listed in about 110 tables, put in relation to each other and other standard compounds, together with many structural formulas of the com pounds involved. A number of data are published for the first time. Some of the more important reeent QSAR-studies are briefly acknowledged. Conformational aspects of bioactive pyrethroids are discussed (from synthesis, QSAR, X-ray); some of the X-ray derived conformations are published for the first time. The molecular basis of pyrethroid biological action is taken into consideration as intensively as possible. Stereochemical aspects are considered wherever they are involved in synthesis, biological activity, mode of action, metabolism (Vol. 4), and particularly in the complex problems in the production and relation of iso merically enriched trade products (Vol. 5). Since pyrethroid research is now, in manyaspeets, a finished chapter of applied research, a historieal treatment of the course of inventions is given (inventions, patent priorities).
Pesticides in ground, surface and drinking water are a hot topic under continuing discussion. This complete and authoritative volume draws together information on all key issues on the fate and behaviour of pesticides in water systems. The scope of the practice-oriented contributions and the eminence of contributing authors make it an important source for researchers and practitioners in the plant protection and crop science field.
Public concern is being increasingly directed to pesticides and their residues in ground and surface waters. Water - one of the necessities of life - has to be kept clean for man and the environment. Part I and II of this book describe in an authoritative way all aspects of modern analysis of pesticides in water by the consequent use of hyphenated techniques like GC-AED or HPLC-MS.
Public concern is being increasingly directed to pesticides and their residues in ground and surface waters. Water - one of the necessities of life - has to be kept clean for man and the environment. Part I and II of this book describe in an authoritative way all aspects of modern analysis of pesticides in water by the consequent use of hyphenated techniques like GC-AED or HPLC-MS.