Parkin's Microeconomics is a worldwide leader because it provides a serious, analytical approach to the discipline using the latest policy and data. Parkin trains students to think like economists by offering a clear introduction to theory and applying the concepts to today's events, news, and research.
Hubbard & O'Brien is the only book that motivates students to learn economics through real business examples. The #1 question students of economics ask themselves is: "Why am I here, and will I ever use this"? Hubbard & O'Brien answer this question by demonstrating that real businesses use economics to make real decisions daily. This is motivating to all students, whether they are business majors or not. All students can relate to businesses they encounter in their everyday lives. Whether they open an art studio, do social work, trade on Wall Street, work for the government, or bartend at the local pub, students will benefit from understanding the economic forces behind their work.
High quality, engaging content for students...ultimate flexibility for educators The seventh edition of this benchmark Australian text continues to offer students a comprehensive and relevant introduction to economics whilst offering educators the ability to customise and deliver content – your way. Economics 7th edition provides a streamlined approach to study and recognises the difficulties some students may face in comprehending key concepts. By leaving the more technical content and application until later, students can enjoy the more exciting policy material from the beginning and engage with the content early. Through compelling examples, clear explanations and the latest instructive on-line resources, the text draws students into the content and reinforces learning through practice and solving problems which are relevant to them. The authors train students to think about issues in the way real economists do, and learn how to explore difficult policy problems and make more informed decisions by offering a clear introduction to theory and applying the concepts to today’s events, news, and research.
This text for undergraduate economics students focuses on core concepts, explaining tough concepts with the simplest, most straightforward language possible and reinforcing them with clear, fully explained graphs and learning tools.
In Foundations of Microeconomics, Robin Bade and Michael Parkin provide a serious, yet accessible economics course that is focused on helping students understand the basic principles of economics, connecting these principles to today's economic issues, and developing a lasting interest in economics as a relevant part of their own lives. Foundations of Microeconomics features a tightly constructed pedagogical approach that never wavers from its goal to give students an in-depth understanding of important economic principles in a way that is clear, concise, and concerned every step of the way with engaging students' interest and understanding. This text is shorter than most and focused on key concepts but not watered down. The glue that holds together the chapters and the entire teaching/learning package is the "Checkpoint" feature. Bade and Parkin know that the best time to review material is when it's fresh in students' minds. "Checkpoints" reinforce the key points of the chapter by amplifying concepts with a full page of practice problems and solutions that immediately reinforce the learning objectives and strengthen students' understanding of the material. Efoundations, the text's Web site, free with the purchase of any new copy of the book, includes a complete eText, integrated links to the eStudy Guide, Foundations Interactive, Economics in the News, and a full range of Web resources including self assessment quizzes with links back to the eText.
For courses in Economics. Guide students through the economic principles that will influence their financial decisions Foundations of Microeconomics, 8th Edition introduces students to the economic principles they can use to navigate the financial decisions of their futures. Each chapter concentrates on a manageable number of ideas, usually 3 to 4, with each reinforced several times throughout the text. This patient approach helps guide students through unfamiliar terrain and focus them on the most important concepts. The text does four core things to help students grasp and apply economic principles: it motivates with compelling issues and questions, focuses on core ideas, offers concise points, and encourages learning with activities and practice questions. After completing this text, students will have the foundational knowledge of how the economy works and can apply it to their lives going forward. MyLabTM Economics not included. Students, if MyLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson rep for more information. MyLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to personalize learning and improve results. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain tough course concepts.