The Study Guide and Selected Solutions Manual as written specifically to assist students using Chemistry: An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry . It contains learning objectives, chapter outlines, additional problems with self-tests and answers, and answers to the odd-numbered problems in the text.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Emphasizing environmental considerations, Corwin’s acclaimed lab manual offers a proven format of a prelaboratory assignment, a stepwise procedure, and a postlaboratory assignment. More than 300,000 students to date in Introductory Chemistry, Preparatory Chemistry, and Allied Health Chemistry have used these “bullet-proof” experiments successfully. The Sixth Edition features a completely updated interior design, new environmental icons denoting “green” features, updated prelabs, and much more. Corwin’s lab manual can be packaged with any Pearson Intro Prep Chemistry book.
"This book is for you, and every text feature is meant to help you learn and succeed in your chemistry course. I wrote this book with two main goals for you in mind: to see chemistry as you never have before and to develop the problem-solving skills you need to succeed in chemistry. I want you to experience chemistry in a new way. I have written each chapter to show you that chemistry is not just something that happens in a laboratory; chemistry surrounds you at every moment. Several outstanding artists have helped me to develop photographs and art that will help you visualize the molecular world. From the opening example to the closing chapter, you will see chemistry. My hope is that when you finish this course, you will think differently about your world because you understand the molecular interactions that underlie everything around you. My second goal is for you to develop problem-solving skills. No one succeeds in chemistry-or in life, really-without the ability to solve problems. I can't give you a one-size-fits-all formula for problem solving, but I can and do give you strategies that will help you develop the chemical intuition you need to understand chemical reasoning"--
Parise and Loudon's Study Guide and Solutions Manual offers the following learning aids: * Links that provide hints for study, approaches to problem solving, and additional explanations of challenging topics; * Further Explorations that provide additional depth on key topics; * Reaction summaries that delve into key mechanisms and stereochemistry; * Solutions to all the textbook problems. Rather than providing just the answer, many of the solutions provide detailed explanations of how the problem should be approached.
The Workbook includes the student solutions manual for a one-stop shop for student use. The Workbook was written by Dawn Richardson and Amina El-Ashmawy from Collin College. The Workbook offers students the opportunity to practice the basic skills and test their understanding of the content knowledge within the chapter. Types of problems and how to solve them are presented along with any key notes on the concepts to facilitate understanding. Key Concepts, Study Questions, Practice Questions, and a Practice Quiz are provided within each chapter. The student will find detailed solutions and explanations for the odd-numbered problems in this text in the solutions manual by AccuMedia Publishing Services, Julia Burdge, and Jason Overby.
Written by the author, the Study Guide is keyed to the learning goals in the text and designed to promote active learning through a variety of exercises with answers and mastery exams. Also contains complete solutions to odd-numbered problems.
Contains a brief overview of every chapter, review of skills, self tests and the answers and detailed solutions to all odd-numbered end-of-chapter problems in the text book.
For one-semester courses in Basic Chemistry, Introduction to Chemistry, and Preparatory Chemistry, and the first term of Allied Health Chemistry. This text is carefully crafted to help students learn chemical skills and concepts more effectively. Corwin covers math and problem-solving early in the text; he builds student confidence and skills through innovative problem-solving pedagogy and technology formulated to meet student needs.
"Introductory Chemistry," Third Edition helps readers master the quantitative skills and conceptual understanding they need to gain a deep understanding of chemistry. Unlike other books on the market that emphasize rote memory of problem-solving algorithms, "Introductory Chemistry" takes a conceptual approach with the idea that focusing on the concepts behind chemical equations helps readers become more proficient problem solvers. What Is Chemistry?, The Numerical Side of Chemistry, The Evolution of Atomic Theory, The Modern Model of the Atom 1, Chemical Bonding and Nomenclature, The Shape of Molecules, Chemical Reactions, Stoichiometry and the Mole, The Transfer of Electrons from One Atom to Another in a Chemical Reaction Intermolecular Forces and the Phases of Matter, What If There Were No Intermolecular Forces?, The Ideal Gas Solutions, When Reactants Turn into Products, Chemical Equilibrium, Electrolytes, Acids, and Bases. For all readers interested in introductory chemistry.
Steve Russo and Mike Silver turn chemistry into a memorable story that engages readers and provides the context they need to understand and remember core concepts. The book builds interesting applications and well-designed illustrations into the narrative to get and hold attention, then builds confidence with integrated active learning activities. Readers make the connections between concepts and the problem-solving techniques they need to master as they read. The new edition strengthens this conceptual approach and presents additional quantitative techniques in key areas. Readers will find enhanced support for quantitative problem-solving and more challenging questions at the end of each chapter, in addition to the wealth of technology-based support onThe Chemistry Place(tm), Special Edition and onThe Chemistry of Life CD-ROM . For college instructors and students.