Starting with Napster and Gnutella, peer-to-peer systems became an integrated part of the Internet fabric attracting millions of users. This book provides an introduction to the field. It draws together prerequisites from various fields, presents techniques and methodologies, and gives an overview on the applications of the peer-to-peer paradigm.
The field of structured P2P systems has seen fast growth upon the introduction of Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) in the early 2000s. The first proposals, including Chord, Pastry, Tapestry, were gradually improved to cope with scalability, locality and security issues. By utilizing the processing and bandwidth resources of end users, the P2P approach enables high performance of data distribution which is hard to achieve with traditional client-server architectures. The P2P computing community is also being actively utilized for software updates to the Internet, P2PSIP VoIP, video-on-demand, and distributed backups. The recent introduction of the identifier-locator split proposal for future Internet architectures poses another important application for DHTs, namely mapping between host permanent identity and changing IP address. The growing complexity and scale of modern P2P systems requires the introduction of hierarchy and intelligence in routing of requests. Structured Peer-to-Peer Systems covers fundamental issues in organization, optimization, and tradeoffs of present large-scale structured P2P systems, as well as, provides principles, analytical models, and simulation methods applicable in designing future systems. Part I presents the state-of-the-art of structured P2P systems, popular DHT topologies and protocols, and the design challenges for efficient P2P network topology organization, routing, scalability, and security. Part II shows that local strategies with limited knowledge per peer provide the highest scalability level subject to reasonable performance and security constraints. Although the strategies are local, their efficiency is due to elements of hierarchical organization, which appear in many DHT designs that traditionally are considered as flat ones. Part III describes methods to gradually enhance the local view limit when a peer is capable to operate with larger knowledge, still partial, about the entire system. These methods were formed in the evolution of hierarchical organization from flat DHT networks to hierarchical DHT architectures, look-ahead routing, and topology-aware ranking. Part IV highlights some known P2P-based experimental systems and commercial applications in the modern Internet. The discussion clarifies the importance of P2P technology for building present and future Internet systems.
While people are now using peer-to-peer (P2P) applications for various processes, such as file sharing and video streaming, many research and engineering issues still need to be tackled in order to further advance P2P technologies. Peer-to-Peer Computing: Applications, Architecture, Protocols, and Challenges provides comprehensive theoretical and practical coverage of the major features of contemporary P2P systems and examines the obstacles to further success. Setting the stage for understanding important research issues in P2P systems, the book first introduces various P2P network architectures. It then details the topology control research problem as well as existing technologies for handling topology control issues. The author describes novel and interesting incentive schemes for enticing peers to cooperate and explores recent innovations on trust issues. He also examines security problems in a P2P network. The final chapter addresses the future of the field. Throughout the text, the highly popular P2P IPTV application, PPLive, is used as a case study to illustrate the practical aspects of the concepts covered. Addressing the unique challenges of P2P systems, this book presents practical applications of recent theoretical results in P2P computing. It also stimulates further research on critical issues, including performance and security problems.
Peer-to-peer networking is a disruptive technology for large scale distributed app- cations that has recently gained wide interest due to the successes of peer-to-peer (P2P) content sharing, media streaming, and telephony applications. There are a large range of other applications under development or being proposed. The - derlying architectures share features such as decentralizaton, sharing of end system resources, autonomy, virtualization, and self-organization. These features constitute the P2P paradigm. This handbook broadly addresses a large cross-section of c- rent research and state-of-the-art reports on the nature of this paradigm from a large number of experts in the ?eld. Several trends in information and network technology such as increased perf- mance and deployment of broadband networking, wireless networking, and mobile devices are synergistic with and reinforcing the capabilities of the P2P paradigm. There is general expectation in the technical community that P2P networking will continue to be an important tool for networked applications and impact the evo- tion of the Internet. A large amount of research activity has resulted in a relatively short time, and a growing community of researchers has developed. The Handbook of Peer-to-Peer Networking is dedicated to discussions on P2P networks and their applications. This is a comprehensive book on P2P computing.
At times when the IT manager’s best friend is systems consolidation (which is a euphemism for centralisation), it may come somewhat as a surprise for you that this book investigates decentralisation in the context of content management systems. It may seem quite obvious that content will and should be managed by the party who creates and owns the content, and hence should be held in a—somewhat—centralised and managed location. However, over the past few years, we have been witnesses of some important trends and developments which call for novel ways of thinking about content management and maybe even broader, about computer systems in general. First, ongoing business globalization creates natural distribution of information at a corp- ate level, as well as decentralization of control over business resources and business processes. Changing alliances with partners require ?exible architectures for content management that canadapttochangingconstellations, roles, andaccessrights. Second, theneedforoutsourcing and resource e?ciency has brought about concepts of virtualization, recently culminating in the cloud computing buzzword. Virtualization of content management services requires - tremely scalable and ?exible underlying information and communication architectures. These kinds of solutions are theoretically and practically impossible to implement based on c- tralised client-server architectures. Third, we are currently experiencing a dramatic shift in the roles of consumers in the Internet. The times have gone when quality content was only delivered by publishers and news agencies. Wikis and other Web 2. 0 tools empower consumers to produce and publish their personal content.
On February 26–27, 2004, the 3rd International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer S- tems (IPTPS 2004) brought researchers and practitioners together to discuss the latest developments in peer-to-peer technologies, applications, and systems. As the third workshop in the series, IPTPS 2004 continued the success of the previous workshops in pioneering the state of the art in peer-to-peer systems and identifying key research challenges in the area. The workshop received 145 submissions in the form of ?ve-page position papers. As with previous workshops, submissions went through two rounds of reviews by an international program committee of 14 experts from industry and academia.In the ?rst round eachsubmission receivedtwo reviews.In the second round we focused our attention on submissions with either positive reviews, or with reviews that expressed substantially di?erent opinions. In addition to the technical merit, the reviewing process emphasized originality and the potential of the submission to lead to interesting discussions during the workshop. Intheend,theprogramcommitteeselectedaworkshopprogramof27papers coveringawiderangeoftopicsincludingnewpeer-to-peerapplications,advances in routing, load balancing, searching, as well as transport, mobility, and other networking topics. Authors revised accepted position papers to six pages for the workshop program, and made a ?nal round of revision for this volume. The workshop was composed of eight sessions that spanned two days. To focus discussions, attendance was limited to 67 participants and included s- stantialtimeforinteractionanddiscussionbetweensessionsandatsocialevents.
The term "peer-to-peer" has come to be applied to networks that expect end users to contribute their own files, computing time, or other resources to some shared project. Even more interesting than the systems' technical underpinnings are their socially disruptive potential: in various ways they return content, choice, and control to ordinary users. While this book is mostly about the technical promise of peer-to-peer, we also talk about its exciting social promise. Communities have been forming on the Internet for a long time, but they have been limited by the flat interactive qualities of email and Network newsgroups. People can exchange recommendations and ideas over these media, but have great difficulty commenting on each other's postings, structuring information, performing searches, or creating summaries. If tools provided ways to organize information intelligently, and if each person could serve up his or her own data and retrieve others' data, the possibilities for collaboration would take off. Peer-to-peer technologies along with metadata could enhance almost any group of people who share an interest--technical, cultural, political, medical, you name it. This book presents the goals that drive the developers of the best-known peer-to-peer systems, the problems they've faced, and the technical solutions they've found. Learn here the essentials of peer-to-peer from leaders of the field: Nelson Minar and Marc Hedlund of target="new">Popular Power, on a history of peer-to-peer Clay Shirky of acceleratorgroup, on where peer-to-peer is likely to be headed Tim O'Reilly of O'Reilly & Associates, on redefining the public's perceptions Dan Bricklin, cocreator of Visicalc, on harvesting information from end-users David Anderson of SETI@home, on how SETI@Home created the world's largest computer Jeremie Miller of Jabber, on the Internet as a collection of conversations Gene Kan of Gnutella and, on lessons from Gnutella for peer-to-peer technologies Adam Langley of Freenet, on Freenet's present and upcoming architecture Alan Brown of Red Rover, on a deliberately low-tech content distribution system Marc Waldman, Lorrie Cranor, and Avi Rubin of AT&T Labs, on the Publius project and trust in distributed systems Roger Dingledine, Michael J. Freedman, andDavid Molnar of Free Haven, on resource allocation and accountability in distributed systems Rael Dornfest of O'Reilly Network and Dan Brickley of ILRT/RDF Web, on metadata Theodore Hong of Freenet, on performance Richard Lethin of Reputation Technologies, on how reputation can be built online Jon Udell ofBYTE and Nimisha Asthagiri andWalter Tuvell of Groove Networks, on security Brandon Wiley of Freenet, on gateways between peer-to-peer systems You'll find information on the latest and greatest systems as well as upcoming efforts in this book.
Starting with Napster and Gnutella, peer-to-peer systems became an integrated part of the Internet fabric attracting millions of users. According to recent evaluations, peer-to-peer traffic now exceeds Web traffic, once the dominant traffic on the Internet. While the most popular peer-to-peer applications remain file sharing and content distribution, new applications such as Internet telephony are emerging. Within just a few years, the huge popularity of peer-to-peer systems and the explosion of peer-to-peer research have created a large body of knowledge, but this book is the first textbook-like survey to provide an up-to-date and in-depth introduction to the field. This state-of-the-art survey systematically draws together prerequisites from various fields, presents techniques and methodologies in a principled and coherent way, and gives a comprehensive overview on the manifold applications of the peer-to-peer paradigm. Leading researchers contributed their expert knowledge to this book, each in his/her own specific area. Lecturers can choose from the wide range of 32 tightly integrated chapters on all current aspects of P2P systems and applications, and thus individually tailor their class syllabi. R&D professionals active in P2P will appreciate this book as a valuable source of reference and inspiration.
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems, IPTPS 2005, held at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA, in February 2005. The 24 revised full papers were carefully selected during two rounds of reviewing and improvements from 123 submissions. The papers document the state of the art in peer-to-peer computing research. They are organized in topical sections on security and incentives, search, multicast, overlay algorithms, empirical studies, and network locality. The proceedings also include a report with a summary of discussions held at the workshop.
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks enable users to directly share digital content (such as audio, video, and text files) as well as real-time data (such as telephony traffic) with other users without depending on a central server. Although originally popularized by unlicensed online music services such as Napster, P2P networking has recently emerged as a viable multimillion dollar business model for the distribution of information, telecommunications, and social networking. Written at an accessible level for any reader familiar with fundamental Internet protocols, the book explains the conceptual operations and architecture underlying basic P2P systems using well-known commercial systems as models and also provides the means to improve upon these models with innovations that will better performance, security, and flexibility. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications is thus both a valuable starting point and an important reference to those practitioners employed by any of the 200 companies with approximately $400 million invested in this new and lucrative technology. - Uses well-known commercial P2P systems as models, thus demonstrating real-world applicability. - Discusses how current research trends in wireless networking, high-def content, DRM, etc. will intersect with P2P, allowing readers to account for future developments in their designs. - Provides online access to the Overlay Weaver P2P emulator, an open-source tool that supports a number of peer-to-peer applications with which readers can practice.