Stressed Ninja shows us how we can use a simple grounding technique to reduce stress in our everyday lives. Find out what happens in this Ninja Life Hacks book about dealing with stress and anxiety.
Worry Ninja shares how he overcomes the worry wheel by using his circle of control and a dandelion. Find out what happens in this comedic book about managing your worries. Life is hard! And it's even harder for children who are just trying to figure things out. The new children's book series, Ninja Life Hacks, was developed to help children learn valuable life skills. Fun, pint-size characters in comedic books easy enough for young readers, yet witty enough for adults. The Ninja Life Hacks book series is geared to kids 3-11. Perfect for boys, girls, early readers, primary school students, or toddlers. Excellent resource for counselors, parents, and teachers alike. Collect all the Ninja Life Hacks books! Fun, free printables at
Positive Ninja wasn't always so happy and optimistic. She used to struggle with negativity until she learned a strategy that would change her forever. Find out what happens in this comedic book about mindfulness. Life is hard! And it's even harder for children who are just trying to figure things out. The new children's book series, Ninja Life Hacks, was developed to help children learn valuable life skills. Fun, pint-size characters in comedic books easy enough for young readers, yet witty enough for adults. The Ninja Life Hacks book series is geared to kids 3-11. Perfect for boys, girls, early readers, primary school students, or toddlers. Excellent resource for counselors, parents, and teachers alike. Collect all the Ninja Life Hacks books: Fun, free printables at
“This book will help you own your calendar, block time for what matters most and reclaim your life.” —Paula Rizzo, author of Listful Living: A List-Making Journey to a Less Stressed You You want more time to spend with family, to achieve big goals, and to simply enjoy life. Yet, there seem to be more and more things competing for your time, and more distractions interrupting your day. Craig Jarrow has spent many years testing time management tactics, tools, and systems and written hundreds of articles on productivity, goals, and organization, Through it all he’s learned a simple truth: Time management should be easy, not complicated and unwieldy. And it shouldn’t take up more of your precious time than it gives back! Time Management Ninja offers 21 rules that will show you an easier and more effective way to take control of your time and manage your busy life. Follow these simple principles and get more done with less effort. It’s no-stress, uncomplicated time management that works. “Read this book, apply its rules, and you’ll find freedom.” —Hyrum Smith, bestselling author of Purposeful Retirement
Binnie is an energetic baboon, who bounces around the lush green mountains of Rwanda in East Africa. But like many of us, Binnie often feels worried and stressed, and these worries can get in her way! What if she gets lost in the jungle, or her family gets sick? What if no one likes her? Sometimes she even worries about the fact she's worried; and if she isn't worried, well why not?! This activity book has been developed by expert child psychologist Dr Karen Treisman. The first part of the book is a colourful illustrated therapeutic story about Binnie the Baboon, with a focus on worry and anxiety. This is followed by a wealth of creative activities and photocopiable worksheets for children to explore issues relating to anxiety, worry, fears, and stress, and how to find ways to understand and overcome them. The final section of the book is full of advice and practical strategies for parents, carers, and professionals on how to help children aged 5-10 to start to understand why they experience feelings of anxiety, and what they can do to help reduce and navigate it. This resource is complemented by a host of bestselling publications and card sets all created by Dr Treisman (search on 'Therapeutic Treasures Collection' to discover them all!). This activity book is complemented by a standalone picture book of Binnie's story, also available from Jessica Kingsley Publishers (Binnie the Baboon, ISBN 9781839970252).
eNinja shares his best learning practices for online school with his buddy, Stressed Ninja. Find out what happens in this comedic book about overcoming anxiety and struggles with virtual, distance learning. Life is hard! And it's even harder for children who are just trying to figure things out. The new children's book series, Ninja Life Hacks, was developed to help children learn valuable life skills. Fun, pint-size characters in comedic books easy enough for young readers, yet witty enough for adults. The Ninja Life Hacks book series is geared to kids 3-11. Perfect for boys, girls, early readers, primary school students, or toddlers. Excellent resource for counselors, parents, and teachers alike. Collect all the Ninja Life Hacks books: Download the Virtual School Success Cheat Sheet and Online Etiquette pdf at
Do you have a child who acts or talks impulsively? Children who exhibit impulsive behavior are often labeled unruly. Even though children can be calm, their positive qualities can be often overlooked by their poor impulse control. Children without impulse control act or talk before they think, often unable to control their initial response to a situation. The ability to self-regulate is absent and they don't pause to think about future consequences. Impulsivity is related to acting without thought. As a result, children do things like take unnecessary risks, blurt things out, don't wait their turn, or interrupt conversations. Impulsive Ninja learns how to use an underused superpower to respond to frustration, anger, and criticism. Find out what happens in this SEL book about impulsiveness. Life is tough. But so are you! The new children's book series, Ninja Life Hacks, was developed to help children learn valuable life skills. Fun, pint-size characters in comedic books easy enough for young readers, yet witty enough for adults. The Ninja Life Hacks book series is geared to kids 3-11. Perfect for boys, girls, early readers, primary school students, or toddlers. Excellent resource for counselors, parents, and teachers alike. Collect all the Ninja Life Hacks books and visit the author's profile for fun freebies!
World-leading productivity expert Graham Allcott's businessbible is given a complete update for 2019. Do you waste too much time on your phone? Scroll throughTwitter or Instagram when you should be getting down to your real tasks? Isyour attention easily distracted? We've got the solution: The Way of theProductivity Ninja. In the age of information overload, traditional timemanagement techniquessimply don't cut it anymore. Using techniques includingRuthlessness, Mindfulness, Zen-like Calm and Stealth & Camouflage, this fullyrevised new edition of How to be a Productivity Ninjaoffers a fun andaccessible guide to working smarter, getting more done and learning to love whatyou do again.