Stochastic Optimization Methods for Policy Evaluation in Reinforcement Learning

Stochastic Optimization Methods for Policy Evaluation in Reinforcement Learning

Author: Yi Zhou


Published: 2024-07-11

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9781638283706


This monograph introduces various value-based approaches for solving the policy evaluation problem in the online reinforcement learning (RL) scenario, which aims to learn the value function associated with a specific policy under a single Markov decision process (MDP). Approaches vary depending on whether they are implemented in an on-policy or off-policy manner. In on-policy settings, where the evaluation of the policy is conducted using data generated from the same policy that is being assessed, classical techniques such as TD(0), TD(λ), and their extensions with function approximation or variance reduction are employed in this setting. For off-policy evaluation, where samples are collected under a different behavior policy, this monograph introduces gradient-based two-timescale algorithms like GTD2, TDC, and variance-reduced TDC. These algorithms are designed to minimize the mean-squared projected Bellman error (MSPBE) as the objective function. This monograph also discusses their finite-sample convergence upper bounds and sample complexity.

First-order and Stochastic Optimization Methods for Machine Learning

First-order and Stochastic Optimization Methods for Machine Learning

Author: Guanghui Lan

Publisher: Springer Nature

Published: 2020-05-15

Total Pages: 591

ISBN-13: 3030395685


This book covers not only foundational materials but also the most recent progresses made during the past few years on the area of machine learning algorithms. In spite of the intensive research and development in this area, there does not exist a systematic treatment to introduce the fundamental concepts and recent progresses on machine learning algorithms, especially on those based on stochastic optimization methods, randomized algorithms, nonconvex optimization, distributed and online learning, and projection free methods. This book will benefit the broad audience in the area of machine learning, artificial intelligence and mathematical programming community by presenting these recent developments in a tutorial style, starting from the basic building blocks to the most carefully designed and complicated algorithms for machine learning.

Simulation-Based Optimization

Simulation-Based Optimization

Author: Abhijit Gosavi

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2003-06-30

Total Pages: 592

ISBN-13: 9781402074547


Simulation-Based Optimization: Parametric Optimization Techniques and Reinforcement Learning introduces the evolving area of simulation-based optimization. The book's objective is two-fold: (1) It examines the mathematical governing principles of simulation-based optimization, thereby providing the reader with the ability to model relevant real-life problems using these techniques. (2) It outlines the computational technology underlying these methods. Taken together these two aspects demonstrate that the mathematical and computational methods discussed in this book do work. Broadly speaking, the book has two parts: (1) parametric (static) optimization and (2) control (dynamic) optimization. Some of the book's special features are: *An accessible introduction to reinforcement learning and parametric-optimization techniques. *A step-by-step description of several algorithms of simulation-based optimization. *A clear and simple introduction to the methodology of neural networks. *A gentle introduction to convergence analysis of some of the methods enumerated above. *Computer programs for many algorithms of simulation-based optimization.

Reinforcement Learning and Stochastic Optimization

Reinforcement Learning and Stochastic Optimization

Author: Warren B. Powell

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

Published: 2022-04-25

Total Pages: 1090

ISBN-13: 1119815053


REINFORCEMENT LEARNING AND STOCHASTIC OPTIMIZATION Clearing the jungle of stochastic optimization Sequential decision problems, which consist of “decision, information, decision, information,” are ubiquitous, spanning virtually every human activity ranging from business applications, health (personal and public health, and medical decision making), energy, the sciences, all fields of engineering, finance, and e-commerce. The diversity of applications attracted the attention of at least 15 distinct fields of research, using eight distinct notational systems which produced a vast array of analytical tools. A byproduct is that powerful tools developed in one community may be unknown to other communities. Reinforcement Learning and Stochastic Optimization offers a single canonical framework that can model any sequential decision problem using five core components: state variables, decision variables, exogenous information variables, transition function, and objective function. This book highlights twelve types of uncertainty that might enter any model and pulls together the diverse set of methods for making decisions, known as policies, into four fundamental classes that span every method suggested in the academic literature or used in practice. Reinforcement Learning and Stochastic Optimization is the first book to provide a balanced treatment of the different methods for modeling and solving sequential decision problems, following the style used by most books on machine learning, optimization, and simulation. The presentation is designed for readers with a course in probability and statistics, and an interest in modeling and applications. Linear programming is occasionally used for specific problem classes. The book is designed for readers who are new to the field, as well as those with some background in optimization under uncertainty. Throughout this book, readers will find references to over 100 different applications, spanning pure learning problems, dynamic resource allocation problems, general state-dependent problems, and hybrid learning/resource allocation problems such as those that arose in the COVID pandemic. There are 370 exercises, organized into seven groups, ranging from review questions, modeling, computation, problem solving, theory, programming exercises and a "diary problem" that a reader chooses at the beginning of the book, and which is used as a basis for questions throughout the rest of the book.

Reinforcement Learning Aided Performance Optimization of Feedback Control Systems

Reinforcement Learning Aided Performance Optimization of Feedback Control Systems

Author: Changsheng Hua

Publisher: Springer Nature

Published: 2021-03-03

Total Pages: 139

ISBN-13: 3658330341


Changsheng Hua proposes two approaches, an input/output recovery approach and a performance index-based approach for robustness and performance optimization of feedback control systems. For their data-driven implementation in deterministic and stochastic systems, the author develops Q-learning and natural actor-critic (NAC) methods, respectively. Their effectiveness has been demonstrated by an experimental study on a brushless direct current motor test rig. The author: Changsheng Hua received the Ph.D. degree at the Institute of Automatic Control and Complex Systems (AKS), University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, in 2020. His research interests include model-based and data-driven fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant techniques.

Rollout, Policy Iteration, and Distributed Reinforcement Learning

Rollout, Policy Iteration, and Distributed Reinforcement Learning

Author: Dimitri Bertsekas

Publisher: Athena Scientific

Published: 2021-08-20

Total Pages: 498

ISBN-13: 1886529078


The purpose of this book is to develop in greater depth some of the methods from the author's Reinforcement Learning and Optimal Control recently published textbook (Athena Scientific, 2019). In particular, we present new research, relating to systems involving multiple agents, partitioned architectures, and distributed asynchronous computation. We pay special attention to the contexts of dynamic programming/policy iteration and control theory/model predictive control. We also discuss in some detail the application of the methodology to challenging discrete/combinatorial optimization problems, such as routing, scheduling, assignment, and mixed integer programming, including the use of neural network approximations within these contexts. The book focuses on the fundamental idea of policy iteration, i.e., start from some policy, and successively generate one or more improved policies. If just one improved policy is generated, this is called rollout, which, based on broad and consistent computational experience, appears to be one of the most versatile and reliable of all reinforcement learning methods. In this book, rollout algorithms are developed for both discrete deterministic and stochastic DP problems, and the development of distributed implementations in both multiagent and multiprocessor settings, aiming to take advantage of parallelism. Approximate policy iteration is more ambitious than rollout, but it is a strictly off-line method, and it is generally far more computationally intensive. This motivates the use of parallel and distributed computation. One of the purposes of the monograph is to discuss distributed (possibly asynchronous) methods that relate to rollout and policy iteration, both in the context of an exact and an approximate implementation involving neural networks or other approximation architectures. Much of the new research is inspired by the remarkable AlphaZero chess program, where policy iteration, value and policy networks, approximate lookahead minimization, and parallel computation all play an important role.

Sample-Efficient Nonconvex Optimization Algorithms in Machine Learning and Reinforcement Learning

Sample-Efficient Nonconvex Optimization Algorithms in Machine Learning and Reinforcement Learning

Author: Pan Xu


Published: 2021

Total Pages: 246



Machine learning and reinforcement learning have achieved tremendous success in solving problems in various real-world applications. Many modern learning problems boil down to a nonconvex optimization problem, where the objective function is the average or the expectation of some loss function over a finite or infinite dataset. Solving such nonconvex optimization problems, in general, can be NP-hard. Thus one often tackles such a problem through incremental steps based on the nature and the goal of the problem: finding a first-order stationary point, finding a second-order stationary point (or a local optimum), and finding a global optimum. With the size and complexity of the machine learning datasets rapidly increasing, it has become a fundamental challenge to design efficient and scalable machine learning algorithms that can improve the performance in terms of accuracy and save computational cost in terms of sample efficiency at the same time. Though many algorithms based on stochastic gradient descent have been developed and widely studied theoretically and empirically for nonconvex optimization, it has remained an open problem whether we can achieve the optimal sample complexity for finding a first-order stationary point and for finding local optima in nonconvex optimization. In this thesis, we start with the stochastic nested variance reduced gradient (SNVRG) algorithm, which is developed based on stochastic gradient descent methods and variance reduction techniques. We prove that SNVRG achieves the near-optimal convergence rate among its type for finding a first-order stationary point of a nonconvex function. We further build algorithms to efficiently find the local optimum of a nonconvex objective function by examining the curvature information at the stationary point found by SNVRG. With the ultimate goal of finding the global optimum in nonconvex optimization, we then provide a unified framework to analyze the global convergence of stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics-based algorithms for a nonconvex objective function. In the second part of this thesis, we generalize the aforementioned sample-efficient stochastic nonconvex optimization methods to reinforcement learning problems, including policy gradient, actor-critic, and Q-learning. For these problems, we propose novel algorithms and prove that they enjoy state-of-the-art theoretical guarantees on the sample complexity. The works presented in this thesis form an incomplete collection of the recent advances and developments of sample-efficient nonconvex optimization algorithms for both machine learning and reinforcement learning.

Stochastic Optimization for Multi-Agent Statistical Learning and Control

Stochastic Optimization for Multi-Agent Statistical Learning and Control

Author: Alec Koppel


Published: 2017

Total Pages: 0



The goal of this thesis is to develop a mathematical framework for optimal, accurate, and affordable complexity statistical learning among networks of autonomous agents. We begin by noting the connection between statistical inference and stochastic programming, and consider extensions of this setup to settings in which a network of agents each observes a local data stream and would like to make decisions that are good with respect to information aggregated across the entire network. There is an open-ended degree of freedom in this problem formulation, however: the selection of the estimator function class which defines the feasible set of the stochastic program. Our central contribution is the design of stochastic optimization tools in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces that yield optimal, accurate, and affordable complexity statistical learning for a multi-agent network. To obtain this result, we first explore the relative merits and drawbacks of different function class selections. In Part I, we consider multi-agent expected risk minimization this problem setting for the case that each agent seems to learn a common globally optimal generalized linear models (GLMs) by developing a stochastic variant of Arrow-Hurwicz primal-dual method. We establish convergence to the primal-dual optimal pair when either consensus or "proximity" constraints encode the fact that we want all agents' to agree, or nearby agents to make decisions that are close to one another. Empirically, we observe that these convergence results are substantiated but that convergence may not translate into statistical accuracy. More broadly, optimality within a given estimator function class is not the same as one that makes minimal inference errors. The optimality-accuracy tradeoff of GLMs motivates subsequent efforts to learn more sophisticated estimators based upon learned feature encodings of the data that is fed into the statistical model. The specific tool we turn to in Part II is dictionary learning, where we optimize both over regression weights and an encoding of the data, which yields a non-convex problem. We investigate the use of stochastic methods for online task-driven dictionary learning, and obtain promising performance for the task of a ground robot learning to anticipate control uncertainty based on its past experience. Heartened by this implementation, we then consider extensions of this framework for a multi-agent network to each learn globally optimal task-driven dictionaries based on stochastic primal-dual methods. However, it is here the non-convexity of the optimization problem causes problems: stringent conditions on stochastic errors and the duality gap limit the applicability of the convergence guarantees, and impractically small learning rates are required for convergence in practice. Thus, we seek to learn nonlinear statistical models while preserving convexity, which is possible through kernel methods (Part III). However, the increased descriptive power of nonparametric estimation comes at the cost of infinite complexity. Thus, we develop a stochastic approximation algorithm in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS) that ameliorates this complexity issue while preserving optimality: we combine the functional generalization of stochastic gradient method (FSGD) with greedily constructed low-dimensional subspace projections based on matching pursuit. We establish that the proposed method yields a controllable trade-off between optimality and memory, and yields highly accurate parsimonious statistical models in practice. Then, we develop a multi-agent extension of this method by proposing a new node-separable penalty function and applying FSGD together with low-dimensional subspace projections. This extension allows a network of autonomous agents to learn a memory-efficient approximation to the globally optimal regression function based only on their local data stream and message passing with neighbors. In practice, we observe agents are able to stably learn highly accurate and memory-efficient nonlinear statistical models from streaming data. From here, we shift focus to a more challenging class of problems, motivated by the fact that true learning is not just revising predictions based upon data but augmenting behavior over time based on temporal incentives. This goal may be described by Markov Decision Processes (MDPs): at each point, an agent is in some state of the world, takes an action and then receives a reward while randomly transitioning to a new state. The goal of the agent is to select the action sequence to maximize its long-term sum of rewards, but determining how to select this action sequence when both the state and action spaces are infinite has eluded researchers for decades. As a precursor to this feat, we consider the problem of policy evaluation in infinite MDPs, in which we seek to determine the long-term sum of rewards when starting in a given state when actions are chosen according to a fixed distribution called a policy. We reformulate this problem as a RKHS-valued compositional stochastic program and we develop a functional extension of stochastic quasi-gradient algorithm operating in tandem with the greedy subspace projections mentioned above. We prove convergence with probability 1 to the Bellman fixed point restricted to this function class, and we observe a state of the art trade off in memory versus Bellman error for the proposed method on the Mountain Car driving task, which bodes well for incorporating policy evaluation into more sophisticated, provably stable reinforcement learning techniques, and in time, developing optimal collaborative multi-agent learning-based control systems.

Reinforcement Learning and Optimal Control

Reinforcement Learning and Optimal Control

Author: Dimitri Bertsekas

Publisher: Athena Scientific

Published: 2019-07-01

Total Pages: 388

ISBN-13: 1886529396


This book considers large and challenging multistage decision problems, which can be solved in principle by dynamic programming (DP), but their exact solution is computationally intractable. We discuss solution methods that rely on approximations to produce suboptimal policies with adequate performance. These methods are collectively known by several essentially equivalent names: reinforcement learning, approximate dynamic programming, neuro-dynamic programming. They have been at the forefront of research for the last 25 years, and they underlie, among others, the recent impressive successes of self-learning in the context of games such as chess and Go. Our subject has benefited greatly from the interplay of ideas from optimal control and from artificial intelligence, as it relates to reinforcement learning and simulation-based neural network methods. One of the aims of the book is to explore the common boundary between these two fields and to form a bridge that is accessible by workers with background in either field. Another aim is to organize coherently the broad mosaic of methods that have proved successful in practice while having a solid theoretical and/or logical foundation. This may help researchers and practitioners to find their way through the maze of competing ideas that constitute the current state of the art. This book relates to several of our other books: Neuro-Dynamic Programming (Athena Scientific, 1996), Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control (4th edition, Athena Scientific, 2017), Abstract Dynamic Programming (2nd edition, Athena Scientific, 2018), and Nonlinear Programming (Athena Scientific, 2016). However, the mathematical style of this book is somewhat different. While we provide a rigorous, albeit short, mathematical account of the theory of finite and infinite horizon dynamic programming, and some fundamental approximation methods, we rely more on intuitive explanations and less on proof-based insights. Moreover, our mathematical requirements are quite modest: calculus, a minimal use of matrix-vector algebra, and elementary probability (mathematically complicated arguments involving laws of large numbers and stochastic convergence are bypassed in favor of intuitive explanations). The book illustrates the methodology with many examples and illustrations, and uses a gradual expository approach, which proceeds along four directions: (a) From exact DP to approximate DP: We first discuss exact DP algorithms, explain why they may be difficult to implement, and then use them as the basis for approximations. (b) From finite horizon to infinite horizon problems: We first discuss finite horizon exact and approximate DP methodologies, which are intuitive and mathematically simple, and then progress to infinite horizon problems. (c) From deterministic to stochastic models: We often discuss separately deterministic and stochastic problems, since deterministic problems are simpler and offer special advantages for some of our methods. (d) From model-based to model-free implementations: We first discuss model-based implementations, and then we identify schemes that can be appropriately modified to work with a simulator. The book is related and supplemented by the companion research monograph Rollout, Policy Iteration, and Distributed Reinforcement Learning (Athena Scientific, 2020), which focuses more closely on several topics related to rollout, approximate policy iteration, multiagent problems, discrete and Bayesian optimization, and distributed computation, which are either discussed in less detail or not covered at all in the present book. The author's website contains class notes, and a series of videolectures and slides from a 2021 course at ASU, which address a selection of topics from both books.