FAO’s Statistical Pocketbook complements the Statistical Yearbook, by providing, in an easy and simple way, quick access to top-level numbers, charts and maps on many dimensions of food and agriculture – from the characteristics of the sector to production, prices and trade, as well as food security and nutrition and environmental aspects.
This pocketbook presents, at a glance, selected key indicators on agriculture and food security, and is meant to serve as an easy-to- access and quick reference for all stakeholders and partners involved in policy formulation or decision making processes. The indicators are presented in two sections, one thematic and one country-specific; they are organized along four main themes: 1) The setting, which measures the state of the agricultural resource base by assessing the supply of land, labour, capital and inputs; 2) Hunger dimensions, to gauge the state of food insecurity and malnutrition, and highlight the four dimensions - availability, access, stability and utilization - that determine the scale of hunger and the shape of undernourishment; 3) Food supply, which evaluates the past and present productive capacity of world agriculture, together with the role of trade, in meeting the world's demand for food, feed and other products; 4) Environment, which examines the sustainability of agriculture in the context of the pressure it exerts on its ecological surroundings. The pocketbook is part of FAO's efforts to support national, regional and international partners in improving the availability of high quality and timely data, in view of sustainable agricultural development and zero hunger.
This book evaluates Bangladesh’s impressive economic and social progress, more often referred to as a ‘development surprise’. In doing so, the book examines the gap in existing explanations of Bangladesh’s development and then offers an empirically informed analysis of a range of distinctive factors, policies, and actions that have individually and collectively contributed to the progress of Bangladesh. In an inclusive way, the book covers the developmental role, relation, and impact of poverty reduction, access to finance, progress in education and social empowerment, reduction in the climatic vulnerability, and evolving sectoral growth activities in the agriculture, garments, and light industries. It also takes into account the important role of the government and NGOs in the development process, identifies bottlenecks and challenges to Bangladesh’s future development path and suggests measures to overcome them. By providing an inclusive narrative to theorize Bangladesh’s development, which is still missing in the public discourse, this book posits that Bangladesh per se can offer a development model to other developing countries.
This yearbook presents selected key indicators related to agriculture and food security that the international community, governments, the private sector and civil society can use to assess current trends and prioritize actions. It has two main sections, one thematic and one country-specific. It presents a variety of dimensions of agriculture and food security in four focus areas: the setting; hunger dimensions; food supply; and environment. The book is part of the FAO Statistical Yearbook suite of products; it includes data from FAOSTAT and other FAO databases and international organizations.
This 2018 yearbook issue of International Financial Statistics (IFS) is a standard source of statistics on all aspects of international and domestic finance. The IMF publishes calculated effective exchange rates data only for countries that have given their approval. The country, euro area, and world tables provide measures of effective exchange rates, compiled by the IMF’s Research Department, Statistics Department, and area departments. The real effective exchange rate index in line rec is derived from the nominal effective exchange rate index, adjusted for relative changes in consumer prices. Consumer price indices, often available monthly, are used as a measure of domestic costs and prices for these countries.
The Statistical Yearbook presents data for the 58 regional Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) member countries, as well as world, regional, sub-regional and economic aggregates for comparison. It offers current trends and emerging topics in the Asia-Pacific, grouped around the themes of people, the environment, the economy and connectivity. It provides the international and regional community with key indicators, objective analyses of the current trends and emerging issues, along with data and charts. In order to maximize the comparability, the Yearbook data is sourced exclusively from international agencies that adhere to the official global statistical standards.