The Philosophy of the Upaniṣads

The Philosophy of the Upaniṣads

Author: S. M. Srinivasa Chari


Published: 2002

Total Pages: 376



Description: The Upanisads which contain lofty philosophical teachings of the great seers constitute the most authoritative sourcebook for the Vedanta system of philosophy. However, there is no unanimity among the ancient exponents of Vedanta regarding the nature of the philosophy adumbrated in the Upanisads. Dr. Chari's scholarly work attempts to make a dispassionate study of the philosophical passages of the fourteen Principal Upanisads by giving due consideration to not only the comments of Samkara, Ramanuja and Madhva, but more importantly, the authoritative views of Badarayana as enshrined in his classic Vedantasutras. In the first part of the book, he presents the important passages of the Upanisads along with English rendering indicating the variations in the interpretation by the three commentators and also discusses their philosophical implications with reference to the Vedanta doctrines developed in the post Upanisadic period. In the second part he has attempted to consolidate the variety of philosophical thoughts scattered all over the Upanisads into coherent doctrines under five broad subjects: Brahman, jivatman, jagat, sadhana, and parama-purusartha. In the final chapter he conclusively establishes on the basis of an objective evaluation of the views of the commentators that the Upanisads do not support the main tenets of Advaita such as the concept of Nirvisesa Brahman, the identity of jivatman and Brahman, the phenomenal character of the jagat and the doctrine of maya. The author maintains with sufficient textual support that the nature of the philosophy advocated by the Upanisads is Theistic Monism (savisesadvaita). This book, which is the first of its kind, presents an authentic and comprehensive exposition of the philosophy of the Upanisads.

Brahma Sutras

Brahma Sutras

Author: Bādarāyaṇa

Publisher: Islamic Books

Published: 1999

Total Pages: 714



Aphoristic work, with translation and commentary on Vedanta philosophy.

Sutra Vahini - Treatise on Bramha Sutras

Sutra Vahini - Treatise on Bramha Sutras

Author: Sri Sathya Sai Media Centre

Publisher: Sri Sathya Sai Media Centre

Published: 2022-11-15

Total Pages: 58



An aphorism (sutra) expresses the genus of its meaning in a few terse words. The Brahma Sutras systematically explain the basic principles of Vedanta, the science of Supreme Reality. When contemplated, they reveal the innermost metaphysical secrets. Today, harmony is the need of the hour. The ephemeral world needs spiritual awareness, and this is what the Vedantins visualise. Vedic scriptures offer comforting counsel. They throw a kindly light. Man has distorted vision: he dotes on apparently real and also non-real phenomena. True vision makes him cognize the universal Being in nature’s creations. Realization of this awareness is liberation (moksha). The be-all and end-all of life of the human being is the realization of constant integrated awareness —of Brahman visualized both as the primary, absolute, supreme, unlimited entity and as its subsidiary cosmic creative aspect and mergence in Brahman. In this Stream of Aphorisms (Sutra Vahini) on Brahman, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba has lighted the universal lamp of the wisdom of Atma/Brahman (Divine Self). This stream of aphorisms first appeared in serialized form in Sanathana Sarathi. Bhagavan, in His infinite love, elaborated on the “Essence of Brahma Sutras in twelve selected aphorisms”. Bhagavan’s sublime and profound words and spiritual wisdom are indeed highly elevating and illuminating. Bathing in this pellucid Stream of Aphorisms, a person develops correct or true vision of Reality, bestowing supreme delight. In the words of Bhagavan Baba, “Acquisition of the higher knowledge alone can fulfill the main purpose of human life. Such knowledge makes one aware that one is not the inert insentient body, etc., but that one is consciousness itself manifesting as the embodiment of being-awareness-bliss (satchidananda). When this truth dawns and is experienced, one becomes a person liberated while alive.” This is the state of realization of the innate nature of a people —the divinity of humanity.