Spiritual Aggressiveness

Spiritual Aggressiveness

Author: Zacharias Tanee Fomum

Publisher: ZTF Books Online

Published: 2016-07-12

Total Pages: 386

ISBN-13: 1507095767


Burdened with the need for competent and aggressive workers in the field for a growing work, Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum gave these talks on SPIRITUAL AGGRESSIVENESS to about 250 leaders from eight nations, during a leadership training course. This course, which was on “Spiritual Leadership in the Pattern of Joshua”, took place in Lagos, Nigeria, during a period of five days from Wednesday 14th to Sunday 18th August 1996. In this book, Professor Fomum cover topics like: Greatness through might in character and might in deeds Breaking new barriers with total violence Marriage to hardwork Team work Radical holiness for spiritual service Aggressive servanthood Bleeding pursuit of God and many others. The messages are written just as they were spoken, having been compiled from notes taken during the course, with very limited editing by the author. They have maintained their freshness and sharpness. Contributions from various workers from the field make this book a very practical book on missions. Read it. You will be blessed. You will be challenged to become the type of leader that is needed for the Lord’s flock on the eve of His imminent return

Laws of Spiritual Leadership

Laws of Spiritual Leadership

Author: Zacharias Tanee Fomum

Publisher: ZTF Books Online

Published: 1901

Total Pages: 244

ISBN-13: 1005696527


The choice of leadership among God's people is God's sole prerogative. In this book, Laws of Spiritual Leadership, Professor Z.T. Fomum convincingly shows from Scriptures why God chooses certain people, as well as the kind of people He chooses for leadership. The content carries a strong voice of Scripture on simple down-to-earth godly leadership principles, with examples from both the Old and New Testaments. Both the aspiring as well as those already involved in Christian leadership will find their lot. The leader must set and maintain a leadership gap between himself and those he is leading. The author suggests twelve such domains in which the potential leader should seek and establish distinction. For, no one can honestly lead from behind. You cannot lead those who are ahead of you in the knowledge and pursuit of God. Never! Leadership is a call to give God to the people. This will be a priceless gift for your leader!

Leading a Local Church (Volume 2)

Leading a Local Church (Volume 2)

Author: Zacharias Tanee Fomum

Publisher: ZTF Books Online


Total Pages: 193

ISBN-13: 1005304440


This book is a heart surgery of the spiritual leader. The leader’s inner life—spiritual condition—is determinant. Without a deep and intimate knowledge of God, any leadership exercised is from skill, talent, or natural endowment. It can never satisfy God's heart; neither can it lead God's people to destiny. In Leading a Local Church (Volume 2), the author, Z.T. Fomum, will take you through the necessary heart cultivation required to build the leadership wealth that will set you apart and promote a mere seeker after God into a spiritual leader. He show-case the spiritual dynamics that will empower anyone in leadership at all levels with the capacity to move God to move and transform both men and situations. And since the heart condition of a leader is most altered in the place of prayer—where the heart is welded to that of God, then it is obvious that no spiritual leader can go beyond his performance in the closet—time spent alone with God. From another angle, the author demonstrates that leadership is conditioned on a life sacrificed, spent, and sold out for others. He elaborates at great length some critical aspects of spiritual leadership like strategic planning, the setting of goals, providing a model, etc., alongside practical strategies on how to successfully start and progress in leading a local church. The normal member of the local church is not left out, since they play a key role in their leader's well-being. This book will be of great help in providing insight on how you can be a source of great encouragement and spiritual progress booster to your leader. If you are actively leading or aspiring to lead God's people and are determined to dive deep into God so as to take those under your leadership to God’s heights and full approval, then this book is for you.

The Cross in Personal Relationships

The Cross in Personal Relationships

Author: Zacharias Tanee Fomum

Publisher: ZTF Books Online


Total Pages: 75



This book is grounded in practicality. It underscores that the true test of a person's maturity is reflected in the harmony of their relationships, particularly with those in their inner circle. It teaches that maturity never leads to complacency; instead, it deepens respect and reverence as one draws closer to others. Addressing wounded relationships, the book challenges us to respond to dishonesty with unwavering honesty and respect. In essence, it encourages us to treat those who may have wronged us as if they were honest, much like the Lord Jesus did with Judas. Throughout The Cross in Personal Relationships, you will find profound insights on themes such as courtesy and gratitude, both pivotal in nurturing healthy and meaningful relationships. Our earnest prayer is that the wisdom you glean from this book will empower you to handle your relationships in the manner of our Lord Jesus—bringing healing where it's needed, and nurturing growth and perfection where it's lacking.

The Way of Spiritual Warfare

The Way of Spiritual Warfare

Author: Zacharias Tanee Fomum

Publisher: ZTF Books Online

Published: 2015-08-05

Total Pages: 152

ISBN-13: 1310308640


There is a war in progress between God and His forces on one side, and the devil and his forces on the other side. Whether you like it or not, you are a part of that war. If you have received the Lord Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, God has enroled you in His army and expects you to fight for Him and with Him. If you have not yet received the Lord Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, then you are on the devil’s side, fully registered in his army, even if you have good intentions. You cannot be neutral. By your every thought, word and deed, you are helping to advance one of the two sides in the conflict. With your every second, minute, hour and day, you are either working with God for the advancement of His army and Kingdom or helping the devil, His rival, to build his army and kingdom. The Lord Jesus won the great victory over the devil and his host on the cross. We consider it a great privilege to proclaim that victory. We are compelled by the very nature of the truth to present Jesus as the Saviour, Teacher, Deliverer, Healer and Victor. We send this book out with prayer that the Lord should use it to raise some more saints who will fight the good fight and satisfy the heart of the Lord. Lord Jesus, may Your Kingdom come.

Treasures in Heaven

Treasures in Heaven

Author: Zacharias Tanee Fomum

Publisher: ZTF Books Online


Total Pages: 79



In Treasures in Heaven, Professor Fomum explores two critical themes: the bondage of debts and the spiritual significance of giving to God. Delve into the profound insights drawn from Scripture and the author's personal journey, as he reveals how debts can ensnare and disqualify believers, and why tithes and offerings are an essential obligation. Discover the power of putting God to the test and witness the tangible blessings that follow. This timely message is a beacon of hope for those who seek spiritual renewal. Allow this book to liberate you from debt and lead you to God's overflowing abundance. May you be richly blessed as you embrace a debt-free, blessed life and experience God's abundant grace.

Watching in Prayer

Watching in Prayer

Author: Theodore Andoseh

Publisher: ZTF Books Online


Total Pages: 92



Watching in Prayer by Theodore Andoseh is a timely book that emphasizes the need for leaders to watch and pray as their ministries grow and expand. The book highlights the challenges and threats faced by ministries as they grow, including attacks through cooperation. The author reminds us that to navigate such big changes and macro transformations without failing God, we must be vigilant and prayerful. This concise but poignant book is a wake-up call for spiritual leaders at all levels, parents, teachers, disciple-makers, and anyone seeking to build a hedge around their life and ministry. It emphasizes the need for watching men and women who are spiritually alive and more attuned to God's leading. With its emphasis on the critical task of watching and praying, Watching in Prayer is a must-read for anyone seeking to lead with excellence and navigate the challenges of ministry.

Victorious Dispositions

Victorious Dispositions

Author: Zacharias Tanee Fomum

Publisher: ZTF Books Online

Published: 2015-06-27

Total Pages: 133

ISBN-13: 1310958696


In this book, Z.T. Fomum shows us the skills and mindset to develop to ensure our success and plunge into God's purposes. So the first secret in knowing and serving God is hard work. Life, in a way, is a game. It is a matter of choice and everyone is called upon to make choices. Being a failure or a success may depend on your choices. Your heart will determine your greatness or your defeat. Throughout his argument, the author describes a whole set of measures and means to achieve this goal. This book is a must for you!

Life-Changing Thoughts on Prayer (Volume 5)

Life-Changing Thoughts on Prayer (Volume 5)

Author: Zacharias Tanee Fomum

Publisher: ZTF Books Online


Total Pages: 300



The Holy art of importunate praying and intercession. Importunity, says Prof. Fomum, is the cry of a man in extreme danger. It is madly asking God to open a door through the wall of a situation - until the door is opened. Importunity has God’s interest in view; it is taking no rest until God is moved to do that which He alone must do. He affirms that when God gives you a number of problems to which man has no answers, then He has promoted you - He has given you materials for importunity praying. God’s purposes in the New Covenant are tied to the Spirit-filled life. Christian service also starts with this quality of life. He reiterates his heart’s cry to see the leader strive to be Spirit-filled and press on to attain to the fullness of the Holy Spirit. We send out this book with prayer that the Lord would use it to produce men and women of importunate praying—watchmen at the gates of Jerusalem.