Developments in soil classification have accompanied parallel progress in our understanding of the soil system. However the theories behind the classifications and the purposes for which they were created have changed over time. The editors hope that this comprehensive synthesis will help to rally soil scientists around the world to develop an acce
Morphology of soils; Soil micromorphology; Soil composition and characterization; Weathering and soil formation; Pedogenic processes: internal, soil-building processes; Soil environment: External factors of soil formation; Parent material: initial material of the solum; Relief and landscape factors of the soil and its environment; Contributions of climate to the total soil environment; Organisms: biological portion of the soil and its environment; Time as a factor of soil formation; Principles and historical development of soil classification; Modern soil classification systems; Entisols:recently formed soils: Vertisols: shrinking and swelling dark clay soils; In ceptisols: emleryonic soils with few diagnostic features; Aridisols: soils of arid regions; Mollisols: grassland soils of steppes and prairies; Spodosols: soils with subsoil, accumulations of sesquioxide and humus; Alfisols:high base status soils; Ultisols: low base status forest soils: Oxisols: sesquioxide - rihch, highly weathered soils of the intertropical regions; Histosols: organic soils.
Soil classification and terminology are fundamental issues for the clear understanding and communication of the subject. However, while there are many national soil classification systems, these do not directly correlate with each other. This leads to confusion and great difficulty in undertaking comparative scientific research that draws on more than one system and in making sense of international scientific papers using a system that is unfamiliar to the reader. This book aims to clarify this position by describing and comparing different systems and evaluating them in the context of the World Reference Base (WRB) for Soil Resources. The latter was set up to resolve these problems by creating an international 'umbrella' system for soil correlation. All soil scientists should then classify soils using the WRB as well as their national systems. The book is a definitive and essential reference work for all students studying soils as part of life, earth or environmental sciences, as well as professional soil scientists.Published with International Union of Soil Sciences
As a part of soil science, agricultural soil refers to the study of soil as used in the production of food and fiber. It closely examines the relationship of soil with agriculture along with technological advances to increase agriculture production. Some of the areas dealt within are soil erosion, soil classification and soil fertility among others. This book explores all the important aspects of agricultural soil in the present day scenario. It strives to provide a fair idea about this discipline and to help develop a better understanding of the latest advances within this field. Scientists and students actively engaged in this discipline will find this book full of crucial and unexplored concepts. It will serve as a beneficial resource guide for readers.
This treatise begins with an introduction on the history of soil classification in Canada and discussion of the rationale for soil taxonomy. It then defines such terms as soil, pedon, and soil horizons before outlining the classification system along with identification keys. Chapters 4 through 13 describe the characteristics of the various soil orders and include information on distinguishing soils of one order from soils of other orders. Chapter 14 outlines criteria & guidelines used in differentiating classes in soil families and soil series categories. Chapter 15 provides information on distinguishing soil phases. Chapter 16 correlates Canadian soil taxonomy with other classification systems. Chapter 17 summarizes the main terminology used to describe soils at the landscape and pedon scales. The final chapter provides a system of landform classification for soil mapping.
As the world’s population continues to expand, maintaining and indeed increasing agricultural productivity is more important than ever, though it is also more difficult than ever in the face of changing weather patterns that in some cases are leading to aridity and desertification. The absence of scientific soil inventories, especially in arid areas, leads to mistaken decisions about soil use that, in the end, reduce a region’s capacity to feed its population, or to guarantee a clean water supply. Greater efficiency in soil use is possible when these resources are properly classified using international standards. Focusing on arid regions, this volume details soil classification from many countries. It is only once this information is properly assimilated by policymakers it becomes a foundation for informed decisions in land use planning for rational and sustainable uses.