Ein Blick auf die morphologischen, physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften von Aerosolen aus den unterschiedlichsten natürlichen und anthropogenen Quellen trägt zum besseren Verständnis der Rolle bei, die Aerosolpartikel bei der Streuung und Absorption kurz- und langwelliger Strahlung spielen. Dieses Fachbuch bietet Informationen, die sonst schwer zu finden sind, und vermittelt ausführlich die Kenntnisse, die erforderlich sind, um die mikrophysikalischen, chemischen und Strahlungsparameter zu charakterisieren, die bei der Wechselwirkung von Sonnen- und Erdstrahlen so überaus wichtig sind. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf den indirekten Auswirkungen von Aerosolen auf das Klima im Rahmen des komplexen Systems aus Aerosolen, Wolken und der Atmosphäre. Auch geht es vorrangig um die Wirkungen natürlicher und anthropogener Aerosole auf die Luftqualität und die Umwelt, auf die menschliche Gesundheit und unser kulturelles Erbe. Mit einem durchgängig lösungsorientierten Ansatz werden nicht nur die Probleme und Gefahren dieser Aerosole behandelt, sondern auch praktikable Lösungswege aufgezeigt.
Atmospheric Aerosols is a vital problem in current environmental research due to its importance in atmospheric optics, energetics, radiative transfer studies, chemistry, climate, biology and public health. Aerosols can influence the energy balance of the terrestrial atmosphere, the hydrological cycle, atmospheric dynamics and monsoon circulations. Because of the heterogeneous aerosol field with large spatial and temporal variability and reduction in uncertainties in aerosol quantification is a challenging task in atmospheric sciences. Keeping this in view the present study aims to assess the impact of aerosols on coastal Indian station Visakhapatnam and the adjoining Bay of Bengal. An aerosol is a colloid of fine solid particles or liquid droplets, in air or another gas. Aerosols can be natural or not. Examples of natural aerosols are fog, forest exudates and geyser steam.
Atmospheric aerosols are an important and a highly complex component of the Earth’s atmosphere that alter the radiative forcing and the chemical composition of the gas phase. These effects have impacts on local air quality and the global climate. Atmospheric Aerosol Chemistry outlines research findings to date in aerosol chemistry and advances in analytical tools used in laboratory studies for studying their surface and bulk reactivity.
Thoroughly restructured and updated with new findings and new features The Second Edition of this internationally acclaimed text presents the latest developments in atmospheric science. It continues to be the premier text for both a rigorous and a complete treatment of the chemistry of the atmosphere, covering such pivotal topics as: * Chemistry of the stratosphere and troposphere * Formation, growth, dynamics, and properties of aerosols * Meteorology of air pollution * Transport, diffusion, and removal of species in the atmosphere * Formation and chemistry of clouds * Interaction of atmospheric chemistry and climate * Radiative and climatic effects of gases and particles * Formulation of mathematical chemical/transport models of the atmosphere All chapters develop results based on fundamental principles, enabling the reader to build a solid understanding of the science underlying atmospheric processes. Among the new material are three new chapters: Atmospheric Radiation and Photochemistry, General Circulation of the Atmosphere, and Global Cycles. In addition, the chapters Stratospheric Chemistry, Tropospheric Chemistry, and Organic Atmospheric Aerosols have been rewritten to reflect the latest findings. Readers familiar with the First Edition will discover a text with new structures and new features that greatly aid learning. Many examples are set off in the text to help readers work through the application of concepts. Advanced material has been moved to appendices. Finally, many new problems, coded by degree of difficulty, have been added. A solutions manual is available. Thoroughly updated and restructured, the Second Edition of Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics is an ideal textbook for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students, as well as a reference for researchers in environmental engineering, meteorology, chemistry, and the atmospheric sciences. Click here to Download the Solutions Manual for Academic Adopters: http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/Section/id-292291.html
There is now a growing awareness that, in addition to the well publicized influence of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases on the warming of the earth's atmosphere, aerosol particles may also play an important role in forcing climate change. This volume brings together previously unavailable data and interpretative analyses, derived from studies in both the U.S. and U.S.S.R., which review, update, and assess aerosol-related climatic effects.
This book is an extensive yet self-contained reference of single microparticle studies as they have been performed for many years by the authors. With the range of theoretical and experimental tools available it has become possible to use the many unique properties of droplets and small particles to investigate phenomena as diverse as, linear and nonlinear optics, solution thermodynamics, gas/solid and gas/liquid chemical reactions, transport properties such as gas phase diffusion coefficients, rate processes in the continuum and non-continuum regimes, trace gas uptake by aerosol droplets related to atmospheric chemistry and ozone depletion, phoretic phenomena, Raman spectroscopy, particle charge, evaporation and condensation processes. Throughout the book the main concern of the authors was to provide the reader with a visualization of the significance and application of the theory by experimental results.
Ever since the invention of the cesium atomic clock in 1955, quantum frequency standards have seen considerable development over the decades, as a representative of quantum precision measurement. The progress in frequency measurements achieved in the past allowed one to perform quantum precision measurements of other physical and technical quantities with unprecedented precision, whenever they could be traced back to a frequency measurement. Using atomic transitions as frequency reference, quantum frequency standards are far less susceptible to external perturbations, and the identity of microscopic particles allows easy replication of a quantum standard with the same frequency. With laser cooling and trapping, cold atomic ensembles eliminate Doppler shift broadening, and have become the go-to quantum reference when precision and new physics are pursued. The advancement of laser cooling and cold atom physics, in addition to novel physical matter states such as Bose-Einstein Condensation, give rise to new experimental techniques in quantum precision measurement, especially quantum frequency standards, such as cesium fountain clocks dictating the SI second, as well as optical lattice clocks and single-ion optical clocks pushing the frontier of quantum metrology. Other areas of quantum metrology, such as gravitometers and magnetometers, also benefit greatly from cold atoms. For practical applications, quantum frequency standards are usually required to be compact and portable, and thermal atoms in the form of atomic beams or vapor cells are utilized. Commercially available quantum frequency standards such as cesium beam clocks or rubidium clocks have become the cornerstone of navigation and timekeeping. Compact optical clocks based on various laser spectroscopic techniques have also been developed. As researchers strive to break through the limits of accurate quantum measurement and atomic temperature, new fields such as precise measurement, quantum computing and quantum simulation based on cold atoms are further opened up, and challenges still exist to explore new physical phenomena in the field of cold atoms. In honor of Prof. Yiqiu Wang on the occasion of his 90th birthday, the main goal of this Research Topic is to provide a platform to exhibit the recent achievements and reveal the future challenges in quantum precision measurement, as well as studies of cold atom physics with quantum metrology, closely related to the long-term scientific research areas of Prof. Yiqiu Wang. Both Original Research and Review articles are encouraged. Topics of interest to this collection include, but are not limited to: • Quantum precision measurements • Microwave atomic clocks and their applications • Optical frequency standards, laser spectroscopy, and their applications • Quantum measurement based on cold atom • Quantum computation and quantum simulation based on cold atom
Helping you better understand the processes, instruments, and methods of aerosol spectroscopy, Fundamentals and Applications in Aerosol Spectroscopy provides an overview of the state of the art in this rapidly developing field. It covers fundamental aspects of aerosol spectroscopy, applications to atmospherically and astronomically relevant problem