Seven Truths About Passion

Seven Truths About Passion

Author: Lin Wills

Publisher: White Tree Publishing

Published: 2021-08-27

Total Pages: 52

ISBN-13: 191395059X


The life of Jesus Christ was a life of Power and Passion. Our lives should be filled with power and passion and His authority. We have the power of Christ in us (Colossians 1:27). In John 2:15-17 we see that Jesus was passionate for God’s honour. He cleared the moneychangers from His Father’s house. All the rebellion in men’s hearts against God was aimed at Jesus on the cross. Our passion for God and His Kingdom should burn hot within us!

Seven Truths About Love

Seven Truths About Love

Author: Lin Wills

Publisher: White Tree Publishing

Published: 2020-09-07

Total Pages: 59

ISBN-13: 1912529971


The perfect example of love is in God our Creator. Agape love is the highest form of love ‒ selfless and sacrificial. It is steadfast and unchanging and unconditional. God gave His only Son to die for the sins of the world. For God so loved – that He gave. He gave the best He had for you and me to have eternal life. Jesus died that we might be forgiven of all sin ‒ past, present, and future. God’s love is so wonderful! Through Jesus we have been made righteous, the righteousness of God Himself. We are clothed in His righteousness. Our good deeds and self effort will never get us to Heaven. The only way to Heaven is through Jesus.

Seven Truths About Temptation

Seven Truths About Temptation

Author: Lin Wills

Publisher: White Tree Publishing

Published: 2021-10-16

Total Pages: 58

ISBN-13: 1913950700


Apart from God, we can’t resist temptation. Jesus told the disciples to watch and pray, and that includes us, so we don’t enter into temptation. (Matthew 26:41) We need to pray, and pray often. We also need to pray with others when we can. The enemy makes something look true when it’s a lie, and he makes it look pleasant to the desires of our old nature. It seems good, but it is destructive. We need to recognise temptation for what it is – something that can lead to sin.

Seven Truths about the Sovereignty of God

Seven Truths about the Sovereignty of God

Author: Lin Wills

Publisher: White Tree Publishing

Published: 2021-04-09

Total Pages: 72

ISBN-13: 1913950271


We don’t need to understand everything, if we know that God is guiding and directing our steps. Learning to accept living with mystery is an essential part of growing into maturity in our walk with God. When it comes to understanding things, we have our territory and God has His. Our territory only expands when He chooses to reveal things to us. That is why we have to trust Him with all our hearts (Proverbs 3:5-6). We need to believe the truth of God’s Word. His Word is truth and knowing the truth sets us free (John 8:32)! If we are not convinced that God’s Word is true, then fear and unbelief come in. That is when Satan has a foothold in our lives. We need to walk by faith and not by sight. We need to trust God’s SOVEREIGNTY and the truth of His Word.

Seven Ways, Truths and Reasons

Seven Ways, Truths and Reasons

Author: Lin Wills

Publisher: White Tree Publishing

Published: 2021-11-06

Total Pages: 518

ISBN-13: 1913950735


Sixty-three stand-alone short chapters of help in living the Christian life. There are chapters here for everyone – people who are walking towards God, people walking with God, and those walking on with God. The short chapters are arranged approximately in this order, but there is much value in the early chapters for those looking for a deeper faith. This is not a book where you have to start at Chapter 1 and work your way through to the end. The Contents page lists the title of every chapter, so just dive in and read one that inter-ests you. Of course, you can start at Chapter 1 and read the whole book if you prefer, and our prayer is that every reader will be greatly blessed by what they read. The majority of these sixty-three chapters have been released individually as booklets, and every chapter as individual eBooks that are available in all formats from major eBook distributors. The eBook editions are free from most distributors. This whole volume is also available as a paperback from major book distributors.

Seven Truths About Intercession

Seven Truths About Intercession

Author: Lin Wills

Publisher: White Tree Publishing

Published: 2021-04-26

Total Pages: 49

ISBN-13: 1913950328


Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” And the soldiers gambled for his clothes by throwing dice.. Jesus intercedes to the Father on their behalf. Even though He was suffering on the cross, being rejected and mocked, treated like a criminal, Jesus still was pleading with His Father not to lay it to their charge. The Holy Spirit helps us know what God is saying to us and what is in His heart. We cannot trust our own wisdom, but the Holy Spirit helps us in all our weaknesses. He empowers us to pray in line with the will and purpose of God. We need to follow His leading in intercession. The Holy Spirit will put people and situations on our hearts, just at the right time when prayer is needed. We need to pray in faith, believing (Mark 11:24).

Seven Truths About Peace

Seven Truths About Peace

Author: Lin Wills

Publisher: White Tree Publishing

Published: 2020-09-07

Total Pages: 58

ISBN-13: 1912529963


Jesus brings peace in the storm. Trusting God is more than just hoping for the best! It’s knowing in our hearts, deep down inside that He is in control ‒ no matter what is happening around us. We need to hold fast in the storm and remember that He is the master of the wind and the waves. Jesus turns darkness into light. When we are having a night-time experience, we need to know that things will change. The calm will come. When we feel backed into a corner we need to have radical, relentless faith. We need faith that will stand on the promises of God, and know that what He says will come to pass.

Seven Truths About Encouragement

Seven Truths About Encouragement

Author: Lin Wills

Publisher: White Tree Publishing

Published: 2021-01-21

Total Pages: 63

ISBN-13: 1913950123


Encouragement is a gift from God. If it is your gift then use it and encourage others as much as you can. There are always people in need of encouragement. Our encouraging words can lift others up. Discouragement spreads quickly. It can cause us to doubt the power and ability of God’s hand working through us. It can cause us to doubt the Word of God and cause us to lose our sense of purpose. Negative words have a negative effect on people. We need to speak positive words of faith. The words we speak have power to put down or to build someone up– and ourselves as well! Positive words of faith will encourage, support, strengthen and inspire us to believe in what God has placed within us.

Seven Truths About Dreams and Visions

Seven Truths About Dreams and Visions

Author: Lin Wills

Publisher: White Tree Publishing

Published: 2021-03-24

Total Pages: 67

ISBN-13: 1913950247


If something can be done by us, and is within our reach, it isn’t a dream. Dreams and visions from God should be bigger than we are! Dreams change us. Our dreams will cause us to stay focused against the odds. We need to take notice of our dreams and visions if we belong to God. The Word of God teaches us that God speaks to us through visions and dreams, but we need to test them to see if they are of God (1 John 4:1).

Seven Truths About God’s Promises and Provision

Seven Truths About God’s Promises and Provision

Author: Lin Wills

Publisher: White Tree Publishing

Published: 2021-05-17

Total Pages: 49

ISBN-13: 1913950344


God’s promises are packed with His provision – according to His riches in glory. And you can’t get any more packed than that! God is an abundant God, a God of plenty. Whatever we place into God’s hands, however small, God will enlarge and use in a mighty way. We must never think that what we have is too small. Nothing is too small for God. It may seem small to us, but when God blesses it, it multiplies. A tiny acorn becomes a large oak tree. Perhaps we feel that our gifts, our time, our talents, and our efforts are too small to make a difference. But when we trust God with them and place them into His hands, He blesses them and increases them. God uses them in ways we never imagined.