First published in 1981, Wheat Science - Today and Tomorrow was intended to survey the past, assess contemporary circumstances in the early 1980s and project the future course of wheat improvement in the last part of the twentieth century. The book was based on papers presented as a Symposium in honour of Sir Otto Frankel's 80th birthday.
Plant science is a vast arena in the sphere of life science dealing with many facets of traditional and modern biology. The subject encompasses botany and allied subject matters including taxonomy, phycology, mycology, pathology, microbiology, genetics, pharmacology, paleo studies, ethnobotany, ecology, anatomy, physiology as different diversified braches. Beside these traditional subjects modern research includes biochemistry, biotechnology, molecular biology, nanotechnology, herbal drugs, etc. Though majority of the research and studies of the plant science focus on the land plant, but the economic importance of plant species present in waterbodies cannot be neglected due to the huge growing demands and necessity as well. Moreover, air born microbes are also significant as potential pathogens of different diseases. From the beginning of the twenty‐first century, it has become evident that the environmental issues are posing threat to mankind, mainly due to loss of forest plants. This also results in the biodiversity loss in a broad sense. This book is an effort to cover many modern aspects of plant science as many as possible, in the light of recent trends of researches. Here, the authors expressed their views in different corners of plant science and focused on the recent researches going on in this direction. We hope this book will be helpful for the readers to generate knowledge in the subject area.
This easy-to-use resource provides research-based approaches for implementing engaging science lessons into the classroom. This second edition book is aligned with Next Generation Science Standards to help teachers enhance their instructional approach for teaching science concepts, skills, and processes.
Not only was E.P. Wigner one of the most active creators of 20th century physics, he was also always interested in expressing his opinion in philosophical, political or sociological matters. This volume of his collected works covers a wide selection of his essays about science and society, about himself and his colleagues. Annotated by J. Mehra, this volume will become an important source of reference for historians of science, and it will be pleasant reading for every physicist interested in forming ideas in modern physics.
Make teaching science a motivating experience for learners to achieve success! Part of an increasingly popular Professional Development for Successful Classrooms series, this valuable resource provides instructors with sound educational strategies and best practices for science instruction. Multiple, ready-to-implement approaches based on solid research are included-making this resource ideal for new teachers, pre-service educators, or anyone seeking current educational theory and practice. Interactive elements are provided along with background information and thorough understanding of teaching science and its importance. This resource is aligned to the interdisciplinary themes from the Partnership for 21st Century Skills and supports core concepts of STEM instruction.
Popular Science gives our readers the information and tools to improve their technology and their world. The core belief that Popular Science and our readers share: The future is going to be better, and science and technology are the driving forces that will help make it better.