Anyone interested in roller hockey will find a complete guide to the game in this book, from fundamentals to advanced techniques, from rules to equipment, as well as practical insights based on the author's own experiences in both ice hockey and roller hockey. Photos, diagrams, & charts.
Hockey Plays and Strategies features a variety of plays, systems, and strategies for game play in the offensive, neutral, and defensive zones. Special situations such as the power play, penalty kill, and face-offs are also featured.
Who won the first professional sports championship for the city of Anaheim? Which Roller Hockey International team owner posed for Playboy? Which RHI team's logo did Sports Illustrated describe as looking like "a malevolent vacuum-cleaner attachment?" Which coach won two championships for two different teams in RHI's first two seasons? Why were fans nearly ejected from the Oakland Skates' arena for celebrating a hat trick? All those questions and more are answered in "Wheelers, Dealers, Pucks & Bucks: A Rocking History of Roller Hockey International." Author Richard Graham takes you behind the scenes to show how Dennis Murphy created Roller Hockey International, and why Murphy might be the most unlikely, least known and most influential visionary in North American professional sports history. RHI was a professional league that ran from 1993-1999 and soared and then crashed much like the inline skating craze of the 1990s. Full of thrills, spills and body checks, along with an abundance of humor, "Wheelers, Dealers, Pucks & Bucks" is the story of a niche sport and a professional league that dared to dream big.
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